These tyson chicken products have been linked to a deadly listeria epidemic

Three hospitalizations and death have been reported, but the CDC says there may be more.

Meat companies had a difficult year in 2020, with an increase in demand that could not be met when facilitiesMortal Face Covid-19 Epidemics. Things are now closer to normal,Even as the price of certain types of meat remains high.

But one of the biggest brands faces a new setback - nearly 8.5 million pounds of its most popular chicken products are the subject of a new reminder because they could be contaminated byListeria monocytogenes. Here are all the information you need to know. (And for more eating clean right now, here'sThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.)

There are 30 chicken products involved in the Tyson reminder.

tyson pulled chicken

This is true, on two dozens of Tyson articles in the notice of reminder, but there are also six other brands. They understand:

  • Jet Pizza - Fully cooked, Fajita seasoned, boneless, benching chicken breasts with the meat of the coast
  • Fully cooked grilled chicken breast strips - boneless, skinless with meat coast
  • Casey's General Store - Fully cooked and grilled chicken breast strips with rib meat
  • Chicken breasts without skin without a skin fully cooked with rib meat
  • Fully cooked Marco pizza, sliced ​​chicken breast slices with rib meat, added smoke flavor
  • Little Caesars Fully cooked chicken wing sections

To see the complete list, head to the Food Security and Inspection Service of the United States of Agriculture (FSIS)website.

Related: To get all the latest news on reminders and other potentially harmful grocery items delivered to your inbox by email every day,Subscribe to our newsletter!

Three hospitalizations and a death are now connected to the Tyson chicken recall, the CDC says.

Although chicken has been sent in December, FSIS received potential diseases on June 9, June 9. He then connected Tyson's pre-cooked chicken cases taking samples of two institutions while working with disease control and prevention centers. The samples are closely linked toListeria,According to the notice of reminder.

So far, diseases have been limited to two in Texas and one in Delaware between April 6 and June 5, but the CDC says there could be more than three to four weeks to determine if a sick person does part of a sick person. epidemic.

"The real number of people in an epidemic is also probably greater than the reported number," he saysin a report. "It's because some people restore without medical care and are not tested forListeria. "

The recalled chicken was sent not only to grocery stores, but also to other places.

Chicken grocery store
Drew Angerer / Getty Images

Articles were produced between December 26, 2020 and April 13, 2021 and were shipped nationally on retailers, but also hospitals, nurses, restaurants, schools and department establishments. Defense, says FSIS. It does not specify which locations the three diseases are connected, but the CDC survey is in progress.

FSI fear that products can always be in consumer and institutional freezers. If you find it in yours, do not eat it. Throw it or return it to the place of purchase.

Related:Costco popular rotisserie chickens can soon skyrocket for this reason

AListeria The disease can cause multiple symptoms and is particularly dangerous for certain types of people.

With symptoms like a fever, muscle pain, headaches, a steep neck, confusion, loss of equilibrium, diarrhea and convulsions, it can sometimes be difficult to connect a disease withListeria contamination. If you had one of these symptoms and believe you may have been in contact with the infected Tyson chicken included in the reminder,The CDC recommends Call your health care provider immediately. A disease for some people can be more harmful than in others.

"In pregnant women, the infection can cause false layers, mortinombirts, premature delivery or infection threatening by the life of the newborn. In addition, serious and sometimes fatal infections in the elderly and people with weakened immune systems, "says Fisis. "People in high-risk categories that experience flu symptoms within two months of contaminated food consumption should seek medical care and tell the health care provider to eat contaminated food."

This is not the only food reminded of your local supermarket right now. For more, read them then:

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