6 tips to accelerate your metabolism
It is inevitable that our metabolism be made slower with age. After 30, it costs us much more weight. Luckily, there are some measures that we can take to reverse that process and accelerate it.

It is inevitable that our metabolism be made slower with age. After 30, it costs us much more weight. The body does not burn calories so fast, and if we join bad habits, the situation gets worse. Luckily, there are some measures that we can take to reverse that process and accelerate it. Here we give you six infallible tips.
1. Breakfast is key
If you get up in the morning and do not have breakfast you are sending erroneous signals to the body. The organism will believe that it is at rest and will continue to be deactivated. So in addition to energizing yourself, the day meal accelerates the metabolism and stimulates it so that it burns more calories during the day. Ideally, it includes proteins such as egg clear, fruit juice or coffee. If you want to lose weight, a good breakfast will help you feel satiety and prevent me from getting riders.

2. Lift weights
When we want to lose a few kilos, the most common is that we choose to perform cardiovascular exercises. Although it is true that these burn many calories, the metabolism accelerates when we raise weights. Anaerobic training causes muscles, once the training is finished, continue its caloric spending process. That is, resting also lose fat, you want muscle mass and eliminate flaccidity. It is best to combine both activities if you want to lose weight soon and strengthen the body.

3. Exercise fasting
The only way to accelerate the metabolism without breakfast before is training. If we perform exercises when raising and fasting, we will activate the organism and start burning the glucose that stores the body, and subsequently, fat reserves. If you are one of those people who do not work with an empty stomach, you can have a cup of coffee without sugar before going out to run or go to the gym. It is also important that immediately after commas exercises and you hydrate them properly.

4. A full of protein menu
There is no slimming regime that does not include proteins. This is completely fundamental to lose weight and feed more healthy, because this group of food has the property of accelerating our metabolism. They stimulate a process of the organism that is called thermogenesis. This process refers to energy (thermal effect) that spends the body in digesting and processing what is ingested. It is also good to know that there are foods that cause the opposite effect and that you have to avoid, like alcohol, frying and processed food.

5. Make several meals
As you may have observed, the way we feed each other (what, how we eat and at what time) has a lot to do with the acceleration of metabolism. Therefore, it is logical that also influences the amount and times we eat. It is wrong to believe that we will stop feeding on weight: there will only be more possibilities for us to suffer a rebound effect and that we go weight by returning to the old habits. Ideally, make several moderate and healthy meals a day in which proteins reine. For example, about two in the morning, one at noon, two in the afternoon and one at night.

6. Consume enhanced beverages
There are three drinks that experts indicate as responsible for increasing the metabolic rate: coffee, green tea and water. Caffeine helps burn calories (about 100 for every three cups daily). In addition, it contributes a lot of energy to the body, awakens the senses and stimulates the concentration. For its part, green tea is a powerful antioxidant and decreases abdomen fat. Both infusions should be taken without sugar. Finally, water has to be the essential moisturizing. A hydrated body will have better performance.

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