The advice a costco you need to know before buying

Take your membership card. (But you do not have!)

Costco does not hesitate to help his members save money. THE RETAILER JETTEMember Savings Events, And he even remits inFree samples So that customers can test the products before buying them. In addition, the warehouse does not changecheap price tags on some of his most expensive products, even if theylose money on them in the long run,.

Members know that these hacks save money by heart, but there is a trick that fans often forget. Can you guess what it is? (Before your next trip to the warehouse, be sure to read on theCostco Foods You should always avoid, according to the nutritionists.)

You can shop at Costco, even if you do not have one thing.

Costco membership
Dominic Bracco II for the Washington Post / Getty Images

It's a second nature for flash members their membership card like they walk in their neighborhoodCostco, So this trick can cause a bulb to fire. Youtechnically Do not need a subscription to make purchases at the warehouse.

Related: To get all the latest Costco news directly in your e-mail box every day,Subscribe to our newsletter!

Why everyone can buy from Costco, members or not.

Wu Xiaoling / Xinhua / Getty Images

You want to buy bulk items but are not in the membership system? No problem, there are some ways you can shop again.

First of all, you can ask a member to enter aCOSTCO CASH CARD For you when they visit the warehouse. As a gift card is "a practical payment option in our warehouses, gas stations, and," the retailer said on its website. It can also "be used as a gas card or gas card for companies" or "as a way to provide students with money for food, gas or school and first necessity dormitory while being able to limit their expenses. »

Then you canPurchasing on costco.comBut keep in mind that "you will have to pay a surcharge of 5% as a non-member," according toCNBC. While members benefit from benefits such as two-day delivery, non-member purchases send three to five days. No each element is listed in the online store, and some products can even cost up to 20% more than they do inside areal deposit.

Finally, do not forget Instaceart. You may have to pay a little more (in addition to service and delivery charges), but you can always get this giant lawyer bag you have your eye without a membership card.

You do not need a subscription to buy alcohol.

Costco alcohol
Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

In some states, adhesion is not necessary to buy alcohol as it is illegal, according toTHE COUPON LADY KRAZY. The list includes:

  • Arizona
  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii
  • Indiana
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • new York
  • Texas
  • Vermont

You do not need a subscription to purchase requirements.

Costco pharmacy
Steve Russell / Toronto Star / Getty Images

The requirements can be completed in Costco per person, regardless of member status. Non-members can also also vaccinate access as flu vaccines andVVID-19 vaccine Or visit the optical department and get a review of the on-site view with an optometrist, according to CNBC.

The non-members used to eat at the food court, but no more.

Costco food court
Wu Xiaoling / Xinhua / Getty Images

Before the pandemic, a non-member could go to therestoration and pay in cash. As of March 16, 2020, "an active member Costco" was "necessary to buy objects", according to a notice to the warehouse which was returned by the popular@COSTCODEALS INSTAGRAM account.

Although these news is unfortunate for non-members,Food fans who recently tried the new churros say that you are not missed a lot.

To learn more about all things from Costco, see:

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