Surprising side effects of frozen tea to drink

From your heart to your teeth, here's how your favorite ice drink really affects your health.

With the weather heated through the United States, countless people are once againgrill, hearing the tones of Dulcet of their localice cream Truck jingle and cool with a glass of iced tea.

However, this soaked and often sweet drink can do more than provide you with a very needed refresh for a hot day. From your weight to the functionality of your vital organs, read it to discover the side effects of glossy tea to drink, according to science. And if you want to improve your health the easy way, discoverThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You can lose weight.

woman weighing herself overweight on scale

If you sip on the green green tea all day, you could find yourselfdrop a few books. A 2009 meta-analysis published in theInternational Journal of Obesity (London) found that catechins, a type of antioxidant that is abundant in green tea, "significantlyDecrease in body weight and body weight significantly. "

Among a 2013 study of adults with diabetes, green tea consumption was not only related to weight loss, but also aDecreased systolic blood pressure. For more, discoverWhat happens to your body when you drink green tea.


But you can earn a few pounds, depending on your choice drink.

Woman drinking iced green tea

However, if you load this cup of iced tea with sugar, do not be surprised if the balance's numbers start moving in the wrong direction.

An examination of the research published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the consumption of sweet-sugary drinks - including iced tea - is stronglyassociated with a weight gain.

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You can reduce your risk of renal calculations if you drink green green tea.

Woman with pain in kidneys at home on couch

Yesgreen tea It happens to be your brewing of choice, your kidneys can benefit from your iced tea intake.

A clinical survey of 2019 published in theInternational Journal of Urology found that green tea consumption was linked to a reduced probability ofDevelop renal calculations, especially in men.


Your oral health can improve.

woman looking at her teeth in the mirror

Do you want to make your dentist proud? One of the pleasant side effects of green green tea consumption can be an improvement in yourdental health. A comparative study published in theJournal of Payontology found that green tea consumption was associated with lower risk ofDevelop a periodontal disease.


You can reduce your risk of cardiac disease.

Woman making a heart gesture with her fingers in front of her chest.

What you eat and how you exercise is not the only factors thatKeep your heart in good health-What are you drinking can be as essential for your cardiovascular well-being. According to a review of the research published in theInternational Cardiology Journal, green tea has been linked toarterial pressure, less total cholesterol, lower levels of grease in the blood and a lower totalRisk of coronary heart disease.

If you want to harvest the benefits of iced tea, green, plant, you name it - you must be wary of the amount of sugar per bottle. Opt for unsweetened versions and avoid everythingThe most insinical iced teas on the planet.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Drinks / Heart / Tea
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