12 dangerous side effects of energizing drinks, according to science

They are one of the most popular drinks in America - but also the most negative side effects.

Reversing a tasty drink that promises to increase mental vigilance, energy and physical performance seems quite amazing for those who need an extra boost. But in case of energizing drink, people can make people a little more EPP in their footsteps, drinking can make you feel quite invited.

What are the energetic drinks?

As the name suggests, the energy drinks are drinks formulated to give you more energy. Made with ingredients such as taurine, ginseng and sugar, these convenient concoctions are loaded with known stimulants to support factors such as energy levels and mental development. As such,These drinks are classified as food supplements In the United States and therefore not regulated very closely.

But the brilliant star of the energy drink show is caffeine, a stimulant that can make people feel more energy. These drinks can have an excessive amount of caffeineranging from 50 to 505 milligrams per serving. As a comparison, a standard coffee cup contains about 100 mg of caffeine, a cup of black tea contains 30 mg and a regular soda can contains 34 mg. (In touch:Here exactly how much caffeine is too caffeine)

Energy drinks can come in a wide variety of choices. From a B-Vitamin boostier, consumers have no shortage of choice when selecting their optimal concoction. And consider how sales of energy drinks in the United Stateshave increased by 240% between 2004 and 2009, the consumption of these solutions seems to be a trend that does not disappear soon.

The risks of ingredients of energy consumption.

While many ingredients found in energizing drinks are natural and may seem like a healthy choice, including in your lifestyle. In fact, over a period of five years, the number of visits related to energy consumption toEmergency departments have doubled, climb from 10,068 to 20,783 cases. In 2011 alone, 1 out of 10 of these visits resulted in hospitalization.

Swallowing an energetizing drink can result in specific non-recommended results that can easily be avoided by choosing an extra and healthier way to support your energy levels - think you make sure you get 7 to 8 hours sleep every night orGet more movement in your day. But if you will continue to participate in the energy drink trend, here are 12 potential effects that you need to be aware before you crack open your next box. Read on and for more than one healthy diet, do not missThe best energizing drinks for 2020 (and to avoid).


You can experience poisoning on caffeine.

rockstar worst energy drink

Consume too much caffeine can leadAcute caffeine poisoning, a condition that leads to people experiences like vomiting, crises, an increase in heartbeat, etc. And although you can experience this to consume a source of caffeine, your chances of feeling these effects are much higher with energizing drinks given the amount of caffeine some varieties contain.

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You can have cardiac problems.

Red bull energy drink

The irregular heart rate is a common concern For regular energy consumers and general caffeine consumers. So if you choose an energy drink with excessive amounts of this stimulant, you may notice your beating heart so that you are not used to.


You may have trouble sleeping.

a woman who cannot sleep

Those who drink energizing drinksmay have difficulty falling asleep. And do not sleep well can bring a person to feel slow the next day, leading them to look for a solution for their lack of energy. Enter an energy drink, which can cause washing, rinsing and repetition. In addition to energizing drinks, if you can not sleep,Avoid these 17 foods that keep you standing at night.


You can feel nervous.

woman nervously thinking

Consume energy drinks is linked toIncreased nervousness.If you are usually a more anxious person, drink these drinks regularly may not be the best game for you.


You can participate in other risk behaviors.

drinking beer

It becomes more and more common for people ofCombine energizing drinks with other less healthy substances, whether alcohol, cannabis or tobacco. Some may even call it a "gateway drink". So, if you regularly drink energizing drinks, it seems that the chances of participation in other unhealthy behaviors are also increased.


You can not realize that you are intoxicated.

Pour glass red wine

A more recent trend is for people toCombine energizing drinks with alcohol or other drugs. Combining the stimulation of caffeine with the depressant effect of alcohol has been linked toaltered perception of his state of drunkard, which can lead to dangerous behaviors such as drunken driving.

Related:What happens when you drink a glass of wine every night


Men can have fertility problems.

Energy drinks

When a couple tries to conceive, the diet of the woman is monitored with a microscope. But the side of the equation of the male is equally important. And if he drinks an excessive amount of energizing drinks,It can feel challenges in its reproduction function and therefore have difficulty conceiving.


Increased blood pressure.

checking blood pressure

Drinking energizing drinks canIncrease systolic blood pressure In a brief period of time after drinking. If you try to manage your blood pressure in a healthy way, the energizing drinks are not the best drinks to include in your diet for this reason.


Increase blood glucose.


Drinking energizing drinks Mayincrease your blood sugars-A effect that people with diabetes should certainly search for.


Can negatively affect dental health.

dentist consultation

Since energizing drinks are often made with sugar and pH values ​​are lower than the critical value (5.5) associated with dental erosion, drinking can wreak havoc on your dental health. Specifically,Dental erosion and cavity risk can increase.


Can increase the risk of obesity.

stepping on scale weight loss

Drinking sweet drinks does not support weight management objectives. And specifically, drinking regularly energizing drinks canincrease your risk of developing obesity.


May cause stomach burns to be burned.


Stimulants such as caffeine can make acidic reflux symptoms. So, if you suffer from stomach burns and you reduce energizing drinks like there is no tomorrow, do not be surprised if you think the burning sensation shortly after consumption. For more, seeWhat an energized drink made to your body.

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