This diet is bad for your bones, a new study finds

A higher risk of bone fractures has been noticed in those who do not eat meat.

There are many benefits to govegetarian Wherevegan. In addition toMoral arguments for charcuterie, eat a diet rich in herbal foods can alsoSupport your immune system,Improve your heart health, and evenExtend your life.

Unfortunately, there are also minimal dietetics without meat. ANewlongitudinalto study From the European Prospective Cancer and Nutrition Survey (EPIC) at Oxford University found that people who do not eat meat, especially vegans, are at a significantly higher risk of bone fractures. (In touch:8 groceries who can soon be in the short diet.)

Looking at medical records of nearly 55,000 healthy individuals - a mix of meat eaters, peppers, vegetarians and vegetarians - an average of 18 years, researchers identified 3,941 bone fractures. DeathPlants with lower calcium intakes and proteins undergone 43% bone fractures more than meat eaters.

These numbers become more extreme when you examine specific types of fractures. The vegans were a quantity of 2.3 times more likely to keep the hip fractures as their meat counterparts and twice as likely to undergo leg fractures. Pespares and vegetarians are not saved either: PesParois are 26% and vegetarians of 25% more likely to undergo fractured hips than meat eaters.

The good news for vegans is that there are steps they can take to improve their bone health. In fact, supplements for frequently missed nutrients such as calcium and protein are essential to a healthy vegan diet. The author of Main Studies Tammy Tong explains toNew scientist, "Unless they actively complement, it is quite unlikely that plants have sufficient consumption of calcium just from the plan."

In fact, the disparity between the amount of fractures has decreased considerably when researchers have taken into account the different levels ofcalcium andprotein In the participants' regimes and in their BMI (Vegan tends to have lower BMIs, which can increase the risk of fracture.) So if your diet is light on the meat, make sure you get enough protein and calcium and keep your weight in the healthy range can seriously improve your bone health.

For more information on how to get key nutrients while collaborating with a herbal plan, consult our dietitian.Vegan supplements need in their diet. And do not forget toSubscribe to our newsletterTo get the latest health news and diet powered directly to your inbox.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: News / vegan
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