This type of fat can protect you from the threatening diseases of life, the study says
Here's what you need to know about your body's secret ally.

You may have heard that there are three main types of adipose cells (whites, brown and beige), each of which are stored differently in your body. However, what you may not have to know is that one of these types of fat can help you reducechronic disease later in the road.
White grease, for example, is responsible for storing excessesenergy You have received in the form of calories but you have not burned through the exercise that day. It islikely The type of grease you know the most. In fact, this is probably the guy you associate with the term body fat. Having a white fat is essential for good health, but too many things can finally wreak havoc on your body. (In touch:15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.)
On the contrary, beige fat cells and recently sought) can help burn some of this excess energy. These are sometimes called "good" fats (althoughit's too simplified) Now a new study published in the newspaper,Nature, discovered thatBrown adipose tissue, more commonly known as brown fat, can significantly reduce your risk of developing several threatening diseases of life.
The study examined more than 130,000 PET analyzes of more than 50,000 patients, separating the analyzes from those who have shown brown fat and those that do not have it. Those whose scans showed the presence of brunette fatwere about half more likely to haveType 2 diabetes Like those who did not have detectable brunette fat. Not only that, patients with brown fat were also significantly lesslikely to have a high cholesterol level,hypertension, coronary artery disease and other chronic ills.
Does this mean that brunette fat actively beats these diseases? Simply put, we do not know yet.
"It is important to keep in mind that this study demonstrates an association but not causality", the main author Paul Cohen, M.D.D., Ph.D., Senior Tracking Doctor at Rockefeller University HospitalEat this, not that! "Additional work will be needed to determine whether the activation of brown grease can actually prevent or improve the health conditions we have studied."
At the very least, the discovery is promising. So, you may be wondering how can you increase the amount of brunette fat in your body, right? According toPRESS RELEASE OF THE STUDY, Scientists (for the moment) have no clear understanding, largely because a lot of brunette fat still unknown - the analyzes that detect this are expensive and also expose the body to the radiation.
For now, you can familiarize yourself to know that there is a chance that some of your body's fats can help you keep chronic diseases away. And, if you want to fight the good fight alongside your brunette fat, try adding a part ofThe 100 healthiest foods of 2020 to your diet.

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