Eating habits that lead to high cholesterol

Cut these habits could now reduce your risk of cerebrovascular accident and long-term heart disease.

High cholesterol levels is a major risk factor forcardiopathy, the most common cause of death in the United States, andcerebral accident, the fourth cause of death in the nation in adults. Unfortunately, about 93 million US.S.Adults have a high cholesterol, according to the disease control centers and prevention (CDC).

Thea scarly part of the high cholesterol is that it has no symptomsSo many people do not know that their cholesterol is too high without a blood test. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance to take preventive measures to protect you from the development of this health problem.

It's not just a high cholesterol genetic predisposition that can put you at riskyour eating habits can have a major impact on yourCholesterol levels-For better or for worse. With the help of registered dietitians, we gathered the eating habits you need to stop now if you want to keep your cholesterol levels in a healthy beach and protect your cardiovascular health and long-term cerebral health. For more ways to improve your diet in no time, checkThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You do not eat enough fiber.

grilled vegetables

If your diet is low inHigh fiber foodsYou could prepare for high cholesterol in the line.

"Fiber found in plant-based foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes is associated with a reduction in LDL cholesterol, considered a bad cholesterol because it tends to promote inflammation and accumulation of the plate in the arteries "saysDiana Gariglio-Clelland, Rd, Dietician staff atLuxury. "The soluble fiber found in foods like oats, apples, flax linen and legumes are particularly beneficial to reduce cholesterol."

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You eat a high diet in refined carbohydrates.

woman eating croissant with jam

Whether you are aRegular soda drinker Or have a white bread wonder, eating refined carbohydrates can play a major role in sending your cholesterol levels to a dangerous territory.

"Studies have found that when saturated greases are replaced by refined carbohydrates such as sugar, cholesterol ratios tend to worsen, which means that good cholesterol decreases and the bad cholesterol rises," says Gariglio -Clelland.


You eat a high diet in animal products.

man eating hot dog on city street
Shutterstock / Ajr_photo

NoisyHigh food diets can be popular at this time, but in the long run, this way of eating can have unfavorable side effects when it comes to your cholesterol.

"If aKeto diet is poorly planned or if you are hungry as a result of a lower carbohydrate consumption, you can consume too much fat. If this fat is saturated, your risk of acquiring cardiovascular diseases increases, "saysChristine Randazzo Kirschner, MS, RDNco-founder ofMild nutrition.

You want to get your cholesterol on a healthier territory? Start with these17 foods that lower cholesterol.


You cook your meals with butter.

pat of butter melting in pan
Shutterstock / Moment Moving

Whether you use it to add flavor to your favorite vegetables or throwing a little in the pan when you prefer your steak, if the butter is your grease of your choice, you could be on the way to a cholesterol level Malsain, said Randazzo Kirschner.

Instead, it recommends "using herbal oils to cook as an extra virgin olive oil, a lawyer oil or a safflower oil, [which] can significantly reduce total cholesterol and LDL "


You consume a transfLuent diet.

Deep fry french fries in oil

Although food manufacturers are needed to removetrans fat Since their recipes, these unhealthy and synthetic greases are still used in some restaurants in deep fried foods and eating could send your cholesterol arrow. (For examples, see these30 sneaky restoration foods with the most trans grease.)

"Trans fat are in" partially hydrogenated oils ", Kimberly Marsh , Ms, rd said. "Eat a large amount of trans fat every day can increase your LDL or "bad" cholesterol . "

For more ways to reduce your cardiovascular risk factors, cut out these 50 foods that can cause heart disease .

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