A major coffee drinking on your longevity, a new study says

You knew it made it better the morning ... But coffee can also help you live longer, according to new research.

The benefits of yourCoffee The habit go beyond this morning, you want to believe you. Not only is the coffee is said to be good for your liver (yes, really), now any new search suggests that coffee can also add years to your life.

Researchers at Chung-Annenes University in Korea, in collaboration with the Korea's Disease Control Agency and Disease Prevention, conducted a new study that was published in the latest issue of the revision Peers.Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.Specifically to their population, the study aimed to better understand the association between coffee consumption and its effects on health related to mortality.

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The study focused on 110,920 participants over 40 who had not been diagnosed with diabetes, cancer or cardiovascular disease. The researchers followed the daily daily intake of participants and their mortality rate for an average of 9.1 years.

The results of the study, according to theKorean Herald, suggested that "the risk of death of all causes fell by 21% for participants who drank more than three cups of coffee a day." In addition, "coffee was significantly associated with a reduction in cardiovascular disease. A cup of coffee per day was linked to a reduction in the death of the 42% heart-related diseases."

And with more than we are experimental with our coffee preparation thanks to more time at home during the pandemic, a point of interest about this study is that the researchers gave weight to a type of particular coffee with that of theKorean Herald: "The benefits of coffee health were identical in an instant coffee comprising sugar and cream."

For more information on science behind coffee and your health, read this preview of the liver inA large alcoholic coffee effect on your liver, according to experts. Not miss to missThese are the worst types of coffee for your heart health, science says.

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Categories: Healthy Eating
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