The best diet if you have endometriosis, according to experts

Two health professionals give an overview of the gynecological condition and offer ways to help mitigate symptoms.

This year, celebrities likeMandy Moore andChrissy Teigen open to their struggle with endometriosis. In light of more conversations around the trouble, we consulted two health professionals to better understand what endometriosis is as well as food could help improve symptoms. Although there is no cure for common gynecological condition, some treatments - and yes, even food - can help keep symptoms under control.

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What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis is an often painful condition that occurs when the endometrium or membrane that leads the uterus, pushes outside the uterus.

"When you have endometriosis, this lining is peppery in other parts of your body, such as ovaries, intestine and even the diaphragm," saysChristine Carlan Greves, MDBoard certified obstetrician and gynecologist at Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for women and babies.

While your uterus throws the endometrial each month when you encounter menstruation, other parts of your body can not get rid of it. "It can cause pain in the body when a woman is menstruated," says Greves.

Some women with endometriosis may also have severe periods, pain during sex, discomfort during the microscope or intestinal movements, or difficulties to become pregnant.

How were you diagnosed with endometriosis?

The gold standard for the diagnosis of endometriosis is a laparoscopy. This is a type of surgery that consists of looking in the pelvic area of ​​a woman to see the fabric of endometriosis. Doctors can even take a sample of the fabric to look at it under a microscope, according to theOffice on Women's Health (OWH).

However, there are other ways to check endometriosis. Your doctor can perform a pelvic exam to feel the big cysts or scars behind your uterus or use an imaging test as a magnetic resonance imaging or a magnetic resonance image (MRI), by the OWH.

Experts estimate that more than six million women in the United States currently live with endometriosis. The condition peeps between 25 and 35 years old, but it comes in girls andPost-menopausal womenAlso, says greves.

How long a woman lives with endometriosis before getting a diagnosis can vary butThe search suggests It can take an eight years. One of the reasons it can take so long, many doctors normalize menstrual pain, which means they can support your complaints as part of your period.

Doctor holding X-ray film in cells with a female patient sitting in the stomach pain in front

If your OB / GYN does not take your pain seriously, it is important to find the one that does it. "If you notice that there is something going on with your body that you want to be able to use the improvement, do not hesitate to mention that to your doctor because we are here to help," says Greves.

Once you have received a diagnosis, there are some treatment options to take into account.

"The easiest thing, as long as someone has no contraindications, is to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory [AINS] such as naproxen or ibuprofen two days before your period is supposed to start starting "said Mr. Greves. NSIDA on the combat NSAIDS counter, a hormone class that causes inflammation to deal with injuries and illness and contribute to pain in endometriosis. "So, if you take [NSAIDS] before your period is as if you are ready for the battle of pain", explains greves.

You can also try hormonal birth control pills to stop the bike process from happening in the first place. This can prevent the endometrium from causing problems, she adds.

If your symptoms are serious and that hormones do not help us, surgery can be an option. The surgeon can remove all endometriosis stains and, after that, you can try hormone treatments again, according to theNational Institute of Children's Health and Human Development (NICHD).

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What is the best diet for endometriosis?

Your diet can have an effect on your endometriosis. "Although more research is needed, the evidence suggests that certain foods can negatively affect the symptoms of endometriosis," saysSusie Caroline, Rd, a registered dietitian who works with women.

For example, endometriosis tends to be more common in women who regularly consume trans fats, which are in fried andProcessed foods.A studyWith more than 70,000 US nurses have revealed that women who ate the most transitional fats had a diagnostic risk of 48% endometriosis compared to those who eat the least. The reason may be that trans greases increase the inflammatory markers associated with endometriosis.

You may also want to limit your consumption of alcohol and caffeine if you have endometriosis. Both promote inflammation in your body, which can aggravate pain, says Susie.

On the other hand, some foods can be beneficial for women with endometriosis.

Although there is no official endometriosis system, theMediterranean diet is an excellent option because it integrates food that combat inflammation, says Susie. This diet focuses on high fiber foods such as whole grains and vegetables; Foods rich in antioxidants such as colorful fruits; Healthy greases such as olive oil, salmon, nuts and seeds; and high iron foods likeGreen and beans. Keep in mind Current research on endometriosis system is limited and unclusive - these are useful suggestions that can help reduce symptoms.

According to Susie, these five foods can be particularly useful for taming the symptoms of endometriosis.




Salmon is a fatty fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. According toHarvard T.h. Chan Public Health School, Omega-3s are an essential fat, which means that your body can not do them alone and bring them food-with ability to fight against inflammation. Thanks to an abundance of omega-3, salmon can help reduce inflammation and pain, making it an intelligent addition to your diet if you have endometriosis.

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rasberries in bowl on checkered cloth

Raspberries are an excellent source of fiber-nearly 10 grams (36% of your daily or DV value) per cup, according to theU.s. Ministry of Agriculture (USDA). Comprisinga lot of fiber In your diet can help reduce levels of estrogen, Susie said. This can be useful for women with endometriosis because the disorder strongly depends on estrogen. Lower your levels can help relieve pain and inflammation related to endometriosis.




The fruits of any kind that it will offer a lot of antioxidants, butblueberry According to Susie, is a particularly copious source, says Susie. Antioxidants help fight against oxidative stress caused by free radicals that you encounter in your daily life (such as environmental pollution). This park can be useful for women with endometriosis. In fact, researchers suggest that women with endometriosis have higher oxidation levels in their pelvic region, which can aggravate inflammation and pain. Foods rich in antioxidants like blueberries offer a potential solution:A study In women with endometriosis revealed that completing with antioxidants such as vitamin E andvitamin C Reduced inflammation and improvement of daily pain in 43% of patients.




Many women with endometriosis have heavy periods, which can exhaust your red blood cell stores carrying oxygen. When this happens, you also lose iron, leading to a condition known asiron deficiency. Fatigue is the most common symptom. Including dark green and green vegetables like spinach in your diet can help strengthen your iron stores and improve symptoms, according to Susie. She suggests pairing your spinach with high vitamin C food (think about citrus fruits, broccoli and potatoes) to help your body absorb more iron.




As you have already seen, iron and fiber are smart additions to your diet, especially if you have endometriosis. And legumes likeChickpeas, Green beans and black beans offer a double-whammy. For example, only one cup of raw green beans provides nearly 3 grams of fibers (11% of the DV) and 1 milligram of iron (5.5% DV), according to theUSDA.


You do not have to bear the pain of endometriosis. Combining treatments such as NSAIDs and hormonal birth control with certain foods can help keep symptoms at the bay. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant foods, as well as those with healthy sources, fibers and healthy fat, are particularly good to include in your diet. You can also consider limiting foods with additives, such as food, preservatives and emulsifiers. However, it is always better to get recommendations from your doctor before trying treatments for DIY endometriosis.

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