20 bad eating habits that shave years of your life

Here's how your diet could kill you.

You are what you eat - and what you eat can prolong or decrease your life. In fact, the majority of Americans do not consume a nutritional balanced diet. According toStatistics of disease control and prevention centers (CDC), less than one adults and adolescents of ten years and teenagers consume the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables - and about half of the adults drink a sweet drink on a daily basis.

In addition, Americans have one of the shortest life expectancy compared to other high-income countries around the world, reported researchers fromHarvard T.h. Chan Public Health School. And one of their studies, published in the newspaperTraffic, concluded that longevity is linked to five lifestyle factors, the diet being one.

Read it to discover the eating habits likely to limit your time. And do not forget toSubscribe to our newsletterTo obtain the last diet and new food delivered directly to your inbox.


You follow a high plan of protein

high protein diet

Search published in the newspaperCell metabolism Indicates that the average age adults who consume a protein-rich diet can affect their health as much as those who smoke cigarettes. A high protein lifestyle (classified as those who get at least 20% of their daily calories of any type of protein source) was related to an increase in cancer and diabetes mortality, and those who eat an abundance of Animal products (such as meat and cheese) are more at risk of early death, whatever the cause.

However, a moderate or high diet that is centered around herbal foods, such as beans and chickpeas, can be beneficial for adults over 65 years old. Research shows that a low-protein diet at the middle age is useful. To prevent overall cancer and mortality, through a process that implies regulating [hormone] insulin levels and possibly insulin, "said Eileen Crimmins, PhD, co-author of the AARP study and chair in gerontology at the University of Southern California,in a press release. "However, we also propose that, at older ages, it may be important to avoid a low protein diet to allow the maintenance of healthy weight and protection against fragility."

Reduces the life of: A lot. Average-age adults who have completed a high animal-based protein meal plan were four times more likely to die of cancer and 74% more likely to die of any disease compared to those who have consumed a plan Food with low protein.


You drink soda

Soda in glass

Yes, you have heard countless times that sweet bubble drinks are bad for you. But a study published in the newspaperJama International Medicine I found that gaseous beverages unobstructed (regular and diet) could go so far as to shorten your life. A team of international researchers analyzed more than 451,000 European adults over a 16-year period and concluded that drinking two (or more) sodas per day was associated with increased risk of total mortality.

Reduces the life of: This could be too high for your taste.The press release said that drinking two or more glasses a day has also resulted in a "higher risk" of the death of circulatory disease and sip a day would have been associated with a "higher risk" of death caused by digestive diseases. here isThe most popular sodas classified by the way they are toxic.


You focus on low-carbs foods

low carb diet

Keto fans will not be delighted with this news. A study published inLancet Public Health Analyzed carbohydrate intake of more than 15,400 average American adults over 25 years. Participants who have consumed moderate levels of carbohydrates (where 50% to 55% of their carbohydrate-derived calories) were the longevity leaders compared to ultra-basal-carbs eaters (30% or less caloric intake come from carbohydrates) and some little low carbohydrate eaters (30% to 40%).

Reduces the life of:Years. The group in the middle of the road has lived four times longer than the Ultra-Low Claé group and two years older than the slightly higher carbohydrate group.Is the Keto regime safe? These are the real risks and the rewards of ultra-low carbohydrates.


You avoid fat

low-fat yogurt

More proof than fat is your friend! Earlier this year,JAMA internal medicinePublished a report that reviewed eating habits from food surveys of more than 37,000 US adults over 15 years. People who were least likely to deal with premature death follow a composed diet or plants proteins, unsaturated fats and high quality carbohydrates (vegetables, whole grains and legumes). Yet those who were low in fat (and low carbs) had a lower mortality rate (and similar).

Reduces the life of: About 12% for low-fat diet who get a lot of their calories from unhealthy sources (such as low fat yogurt, breads and desserts, which tend to contain higher amounts of sugar than Complete versions). In addition, the missing schemes of "good fats" can deprive the body of certain nutrients since they absorb the four vitamins-A, D, E, D, E and K.


You eat too often

man eating sandwich

Give your body a break of the food can keep you alive longer. A study of almost four and a half-year-old published in the journalTraffic Focused on life expectancy of the results of about 2,000 people with cardiac procedure (cardiac catheterization). Nearly 400 of these participants had been a routine day - fasting for a day every month - for at least five years and their long-term prognosis was much better.

Reduces the life of: Wow. After 4.4 years, those who regularly have a mortality rate regularly had a lower mortality rate of 45% compared to the other in the study group. Learn more about these5 advantages of intermittent fasting.


You are a meat lover

man cutting into steak with fork and knife

If you think a T-OS steak goes with almost everything, you may want to rethink your plate. "Red meat consumption is related to health risks, such as the development of cardiovascular disease and cancer, which can lead to abbreviated life," said Lisa R. Young, PhD, RDN, Nutritionist, Deputy Nutrition Professor in Nyu and author ofFinally full, finally thin. A study conducted byUniversity of Eastern Finland This analyzed that the mortality rates of middle-aged men found that those who regularly rely on products of animal origin, namely red meat, for proteins were irregular that men who have consumed a ratio more balanced animal protein and protein.

Reduces the life of: Double numbers. Men who have eaten an average of 200 grams of red meat a day had a risk of death of 23% greater compared to those who have eaten less than 100 grams of meat on a daily basis.


You overload on the eggs

scrambled eggs with toast
Photograph of Stepanek / Shutterstock

The incredible egg is not all that is cracked to be (at least according to some research).A study by the Northwest University This consisted of nearly 30,000 adults that more eggs in its diet are high, plus the probability of death caused by disease and cardiac disease. Thank you, cholesterol.

Reduces the life by: Those who had a daily consumption of 300 milligrams of dietary cholesterol (an egg contains aAverage of 184 milligrams) 18% have increased mortality risk, as well as an increased risk of 17% of a cardiovascular episode. Yet a 32-year-old study published in theBmj-Quich included health data of about 263,700 men and women and a meta-analysis of nearly 1.7 million people - found no association between moderate egg consumption (an egg per day) and The risk of cardiovascular disease. And the awesome debate of the eggs continues!


You have abandoned coffee

refusing coffee

The researchers of South Korea and Harvard Th Chan School of Public say that there was no need to break with your beloved Java. After reviewing the health reports of 3.8 million people, they discovered that coffee consumption can increase the lifetime whatever age, overweight status, alcohol consumption, smoking status. and a coffee caffeine content, as indicated in theEuropean newspaper of epidemiology.

Reduces the life of: Negative numbers. Another study published in April 2020 in theEuropean Cardiology Society-Conclusion that participants (more than half a million adults followed for nearly 20 years) who enjoyed a four-cups of filtered coffee every day showed the lowest rates of mortality. Women have been reduced to 20% of the death of the disease because men showed a reduction of 12%. Learn more aboutCoffee or tea: Who is healthier for you?


Your eater a lot of added sugar

Share split dessert

"Eating too much added sugar (which includes drinking too much sweet drinks, such as soda) has been linked to abbreviated life", young states. Search published inJama International Medicine Covers only 15 years have found that the more sugar in your daily diet, the higher the death chances of death because of cardiovascular disease. The levels of plus, weight, sex and activity have not allowed to mitigate this effect. "Sugar also contributes unnecessary calories and has been related to diabetes and obesity," says Young says.

Reduces the life of:Study topics that have consumed at least 25% of their sugar caloric intake were more than twice as likely to move from cardiovascular disease compared to adults who have taken less than 10% added sugars each day. "The sugar of the fruits, however, it's good," adds young. So charge yourself on these50 Foods with low sugar Each healthy person eating.


You use artificial sweeteners

artificial sweetener

And there is no healthy sugar substitute. A study that involved more than 118,000 adults, published in the journalTraffic, concluded that artificially sweet drinks are linked to serious health problems, including premature death. "The optimal intake of these drinks is zero," said Vasanti in S. Malik, author of Main Studies and Scientific Research at Harvard T.H. Chan Public Health School. "They do not have health benefits."

Reduces the life of: It's not sweet. Sip extra 12 ounces of a sweet drink Every day was associated with an increased risk of 10% of heart disease deaths, while the mortality rate of alcoholic beverages made with a false sugar was only slightly lower.


You eat ultra-transformed foods

Processed deli meat cold cuts

Enjoy the antipasto tray occasionally can be good for the mind, but the consumption of Pepperoni, Salami and other popular processed meats (bacon, ham, sausages, hot dogs, lunch meat) as well as ready-to-use meals, packaged desserts and ice cream as part of your regular diet can accelerate the end of your life, according to a study published inJama International Medicine.

Reduces the life of: About 14%, which is the increased probability of the death of any disease among these volunteers who ate 10% of these foods.


You do not use olive oil

cooking with olive oil

According to an eight-year-old study published in a 2020 newspaper ofMolecular cellThe researchers at the University of Minnesota School have discovered that the fat of olive oil activates one way in cells related to the increase in longevity, as well as prevent age-related diseases.

Reduces the life of: It has not been determined yet ... again. The researchers discovered these results under the microscope, the next step is to assess humans. However, it waswell-reported That the Mediterranean diet can be essential to add more candles to your birthday cake.


You drink alcohol too often

Woman drinking white wine at sunset

While red wine can offer someHealth benefits, search published in the newspaperCancerIndicates that Japanese adults who drink moderately were more likely to be diagnosed with cancer (especially gastrointestines, prostate and chest) compared to those who rarely or never drunk.

Reduces the life of:A risk of increased cancer of 5% was found in adults who consumed an alcoholic drink every day for ten years and adults who drank two glasses a day for five years. here isWhat happens to your body if you drink alcohol every day.


Your meal plan is low in production

cajun shrimp pasta

The schemes that lack fruits and vegetables can have an impact on longevity, Young says. "The products contain antioxidants, as well as fibers and other nutrients, linked to the reduction of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and certain cancers." Research published in theJournal of the American Heart Association Established that a herbal diet plan could lead to longer life, as well as greater chances of good cardiovascular health.

Reduces the life of: A little. After evaluating the eating habits of more than 10,000 American adults, the authors of the study have determined that consuming more plant foods reduced the risk of death by cardiovascular disease by 32% - and lowered the risk of dying from Other conditions of 25%. Seek these9 warning signs that you do not eat enough vegetables.


Your food choices lack fibers

White rice and chopsticks

Whole grains can add years to your life, tell the medical researchers at the University of Otago. A study published inPlum medicine which involved data of 8,300 adults living with type 1 diabetes or type 2 found that those who have eaten fiber-rich foods (brown rice, brown pasta, legumes) were less likely to face premature death by report to those who have consumed minimum amounts of fiber. The reason? Improvement of blood glucose levels.

Reduces the life of: About 1% for each gram. Those who had a daily consumption of 35 grams of fibers have been demonstrated to reduce their mortality by 35%.


You do not stick on the nuts

paleo nuts

Some walnuts can go very far. A 30-year study conducted byBrigham and female hospital and Harvard Medicine School Discovered that those who added nuts to their daily diet lived longer and were less likely to die of cancer, cardiovascular disease and respiratory diseases.

Reduces the life of: Years, since the nuts have been shown to increase life expectancy of about two years. To learnHow to maximize their advantages.


You overload on the sodium

high sodium nutrition label

"Eating too much salt has been associated with a shorter life," says youth. "Rich sodium diets are linked to hypertension and heart disease." In fact, a study of almost 30 years published inThe lancet, which compared the Heath and eating habits among citizens from 195 countries of 195, concluded that the high consumption of sodium was one of the three main dietary risk factors.

Reduces the life of: A lot. In 2017, more than half of the deaths examined in this study were attributed to excess sodium in the diet. The high sodium intake was also behind more than two thirds of the diet-related years of adjustment, that theWHOdefines as "loss of equivalent of a total year of health".


You consume acid foods

processed cheese

A paper published onSciencedirection I examined the association between health and potential renal load (pral), which determines whether food is acidic or alkaline training. Praal-rich regimes (meat, cheese, processed food) have been associated with metabolic problems, such as diabetes, hypertension and chronic renal disease. A study of more than 92,000 Japanese patients has established a link between high pregnancy and mortality.

Reduces the life of: A 16% increase in cardiovascular death was found in adults, as well as an increase of 13% of overall death.


You do not sipping green tea

matcha green tea with whisk on white countertop

China's researchers have evaluated the benefits of tea leaves. "The usual tea consumption is associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease and death at all causes," said Dr. Xinyan Wang, author of the author of theChinese Academy of Medical Sciences, in a report. "Favorable health effects are the most robust for green tea and for the usual long-term tea drinkers."

Reduces the life of:A great percentage. The search published in theEuropean Cardiology SocietyIndicates that people who drink tea at least three times a week showed a decrease of 29% of overall mortality compared to those who sometimes have tea.


You eat a diet that makes you weight

Kids pasta marinara

Consume too much food in one session and overload on calories at meals is likely to lead to an elevated body mass index (BMI), a measure that estimates body fat. "Being overweight can shorten life because it is related to diabetes, heart disease and other chronic diseases," says youth. "Obesity is mainly caused by eating too much (bad foods!) And move too little."

Reduces the life of: You may want to take a seat. According to a reported study in an article published in theAnnals of translational medicine, the life expectancy of a seriously obese person is diminished from 5 to 20 years.

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