25 the worst habits for your digestion

You can not be aware of what causes your digestive constraint.

You probably have a sense of incentive that your gastrointestinal tract (GI) is very complex. "Our GI system contains billions of bacteria that help us not only treat food, but also to help our organs maintain our immune system and our overall health," saidKatherine Brooking, MS, RD, co-founder of the Afh Consulting Nutrition and Communication Marketing Cabinet.

The stomach and intestines contain bacteria, fungi and microorganisms that form our microbiome, it continues. "And research indicates that our behaviors - from the diet to physical activity - can influence our microbiome, which can in turn have an impact on our well-being."

If you are looking to avoid or mitigate digestive disorders (bloating, removing or being saved, to name a few), by changing some of your belly-hostile practices can turn your old health - and your life.

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Your diet lacks fiber

high fiber diet

If your plate typically consists of white foods (such as white pasta, white bread, white rice, a traditional pizza paste), chances you consume too many refined carbohydrates. Also called simple carbohydrates, these foods contain white treated flour and sugar, as well as minimum amounts of fiber. Numerous studies over the years have connected a higher consumption of food fiber carbohydrates, such as whole grains, impulses, whole fruits and vegetables, which take a body longer to digest and can be stored and used. as improved digestion and better health. In fact, a study published inThe Journal of Nutrition suggests that whole grain oatmeal consumption can increase the abundance of "good" intestinal bacteria (including those of theLactobacillus kind). Try these20 easy ways to add fiber to your diet.


Your lifestyle is sedentary

sitting on couch

Exercise can do everything in your body move. For a period of 12 weeks, teachers ofUniversity of Illinois Examined intestinal microbiomas of 18 lean sedentary adults and 14 obese that were directed towards training three times a week. The tests revealed that their butyrate levels, a short-chain fatty acid that encourages a healthy intestine, had increased, and then decreased once volunteers returned to their non-real lifestyle. Try to walk regularly, with these30 tips when you walk to lose weight.


You're stressed

stressed woman

Feel as if you have a knot in your stomach, it's more than just saying. Between COVID-19 and endless political debates on social media, none of us is exactly zen these days. However, short-term or long-term stress can lead to various gastrointestinal problems, such as indigestion, constipation or diarrhea. And chronic concern can make a number on your digestive researchers-researchers ofBrigham Youngiversity Discovered that the current anxiety can actually alter the intestinal microbiota to lead the place where it imitates the health of the incidents of someone who follows a large fat diet. Try these22 proven tricks that melt stress And these17 therapeutic foods to help cope with stress and improve your mood.


You drink soda

man and woman drinking soda in a restaurant

Although we are well aware of thisSweet soft drink Is not ideal for the body, you can not realize how much it can cause damage to your health. A 16-year-old European study of more than 451,000 adults revealed that those who have drunk a sweet drink every day, including soda, lemonade and fruit drinks, have shown increased risk of 59% for diseases Digestive. In addition, this research, published in theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL, concluded that two or more soda portions per day were 17% of a risk of increased death compared to those who consumed less than one soda each month. Check out our list of108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.


You drink too much alcohol

alcoholic drinks

Sorry, but reduce large quantities of wine, beer or spirits can wreak havoc in the digestive system, according to a medical review published in the newspaperAlcohol search. Teachers at the Medical Center at the University of Rush in Chicago have stated that alcohol and its metabolites may overwhelm the gastrointestinal tract since it promotes inflammation of the intestines and can lead to digestive disorders, including a small intestine. and a bacterial proliferation. However, a study conducted in Kings College London and published in the magazineGastroenterology Found an association between moderate red wine consumption and increased diversity of Microbiota Gut (which indicates good intestinal health) compared to non-red wine drinkers.This is what happens to your body if you drink alcohol every day.


You are dehydrated

dehydrated woman

If in doubt, enter H2O. "Water is the most important nutrient of your overall health and a significant percentage of adults and children are dehydrated, but they are not aware," said Julie Upton, MS, RD, the other co-founder AFH Consulting. "Dehydration slows down your metabolism and affects all the functions of the body, strength and agility to the warm eyelid." Water aid for digestion by helping the GI tract decompose the food so that your body can absorb nutrients, according to theMAYO clinic. It can also help soften the stool and prevent constipation. here is15 ways to say if you are dehydrated.


The water you drink is not clean

tap water

If you drink tap water that has been treated with chloramines, which makes more than one in five Americans, depending on theEnvironmental Protection AgencyThere is a chance that this common disinfectant can affect your intestine. A study published in the newspaperPlos a found that H2O chlorinated can modify the environment in the intestines and can even contribute to the development of colorectal cancer.


You are a carnivore

man cutting into steak with fork and knife

It is not a secret to person that red meat can raise cholesterol levels and increase your risk of cardiovascular-related diseases, such as heart attack or stroke. Yet, research funded by theNational health institutes Discovered that the consumption of steaks and burgers can move the digestive system to produce more compounds that can be metabolized to form trimethylamine-n-oxide or TMAO, an organic compound associated with the hardening of the arteries. Scientists have even noticed differences between types of microbes in digestive systems of meat eaters and non-viient eaters. Pay attention to these6 subtle signs that you eat too much red meat.


You frequently consume dessert

eating dessert

Cakes, cookies, pastries and pies can have a delicious taste, but your digestive system indicates the opposite. In a study published in the newspaperFrontier in behavioral neuroscienceFoods with added sugar (a combination of simple sugars, which contain one or two sugar molecules) - Quhat is widespread in the standard western diet - can change the proportions of intestinal bacteria and increase the production of endotoxins, a toxic substance . The final result: inflammation of the GI tract and the visually impaired cognitive function via the gut-brain axis. Remember that sugar passes through several names on food labels, such as sucrose, glucose, corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup.This is what happens to your body when you eat dessert every day.


You use artificial sweeteners

artificial sweetener

And yes, sugar substitutes can also be disruptive to your flora of your GUT. Researchers from Israel and Singapore have examined the effects of six artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralosis, saccharine, neotam, advantage and acesulfame potassium-k) and have discovered that when the digestive system has been exposed to a milligram by millilter This extra-sweet sugar, the bacteria of the digestive system became toxic. "This is also evidence that the consumption of artificial sweeteners negatively affects intestinal microbial activity that can cause a wide range of health problems", Ariel Kushmaro, Professor at Ben Gurion University and the author of the study, stated in aPress release. I found whyArtificial sweeteners make you fat.


You consume super sweet fruits

apples and pears

"If you are someone who is subject to gasoline and bloating, you may need to reduce your consumption of fructose or fruit sugar," says Linda Ann Lee, MD, Gastroenterologist and Head of State -Major for Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare in an article published byJohns Hopkins Medicine. Avoid eating fruits high sugar, such as apples, pears and mangoes, and replace them with low fructose fruit, including bananas, berries and citrus. tktkt


Your plate contains fatty foods

fatty foods

A diet rich in saturated and trans fat may affect the composition of intestinal flora and reduce the diversity of intestinal flora, leading to gastrointestinal diseases, according to the research published in theGlobal Journal of Gastroenterology. The authors of the study concluded that, following a low fat diet - a high diet in fruits and vegetables, food fibers and fermented foods, can encourage healthy microbiota and mitigate The symptoms of GI, as well as prevent gastrointestinal disorders.


You ignore fermented foods

Examples of fermented foods kimchi beets apple cider vinegar yogurt pickles sauerkraut

Pass the pickles, with sauerkraut, miso, kombucha, kefir, kimchi, leaven bread and yogurt - these foods and drinks are made by fermentation, where their sugars and carbohydrates are converted into organic acids containing bacteria living (probiotic aka). "Fermented foods are a great way to feed healthy bacteria from your body that helps maintain all your immune system," says Upton. Here is our top14 fermented foods to adapt to your diet.


You do not eat enough prebiotic food

Prebiotic foods for gut health - asparagus leeks onion garlic strawberries bananas

A type of plant fiber that promotes the growth of various "friendly" bacteria thatprobiotics,prebiotic Food has been shown to improve the "Probiotic" effect in the small intestine and the colon, the United States published in the newspaperNutrients. A number of these readily available indigestible fibers include tomatoes, artichokes, bananas, asparagus, berries, garlic, onions, chicory, green vegetables, legumes, oats, linen, l barley and wheat. here is15 prebiotic foods for your probiotic efforts.


You exceed antibiotics


Not only does the frequent consumption of antibiotics leads to antibiotic resistance, but it can also destroy the "good" intestinal bacteria while eliminating bacteria that cause infections. A study led by an international team of researchers from the University of Copenhagen and published inMicrobiology nature discovered that even if the microbiota composition can recover in healthy adults, patients exposed to broad spectrum antibiotics (three different antibiotics over a four-day period - a mixture designed after common treatments in intensive care units ) Always missing nine bacteria benefits six months later.


Your meals are not very green

leafy greens

Green vegetables of vitamin and minerals and minerals, Kale, Bok Choy-are essential to feed the good bacteria of the intestine, as well as to limit the number of unhealthy bacteria that reside in your digestive system, experts Medical of Australia and the United Kingdom. In 2016, they came to an enzyme (named Yihq) used by bacteria and other organisms to absorb a type of sugar found in plants (sulfoquin named sulfoquinove) which contains sulfur. These results, published inNature Chemical Biology, have opened the door to possible new antibiotic treatments that will not hurt the bacteria good quotes. Choose from theseThe healthiest types of lettuce and leafy greens classified by nutrition.


You still smoke


"Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your health", adding that this bad habit contributes to multiple common digestive disorders, such as stomach burns, gastro-oophageal reflux disease (GERD ), peptic ulcers and certain liver diseases. "In addition, smoking has been found to increase the risk of Crohn's disease, colon polyps, pancreatitis and bile calculations." A mini-assessment published in theMicrobiology archive Reiterated than smoking has the ability to change the composition of the intestinal microbiome. Check these101 The most instance habits on the planet.


You chew a rubberly gum


A popular food additive E171 (titanium dioxide nanoparticles), used as a whitening agent in hundreds of products, including gum, can cause inflammation in the intestine, according to the search published inNutrition boundaries. "It is more and more evidence that continuous exposure to nanoparticles has an impact on the composition of the intestinal microbiota and, since the GUT microbiota is a guardian of the door of our health, any modification of its function has a function. Influence on overall health, "said Wojciech Chrzanowski, co-leader study by the author of the University of Sydney and Sydney Nano Institute, in aPress release.


You have low zinc levels


An essential mineral element and trace that plays a role in the immune function and the healing of the wounds, being severely deficient in the zinc is rare. However, those who suffer from digestive disorders, such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and short intestine syndrome, are probably a decrease in zinc absorption, depending on theNational health institutes. Zinc can be derived from many oyster foods, crab, lobster, beans, nuts, whole grains, fortified breakfast cereals and dairy products, as well as dietary supplements. Increase your zinc levels with these20 zinc foods.


You eat too late at night

eating late

Night Owls, beware! A study published in theCanadian diabetes newspaperWhat was composed of more than 800 adults living with type 2. diabetes also called severe and frequent stomach burns, more than 15 million Americans suffer daily acid reflux symptoms, depending on theAmerican College of Gastroenterology. The foods you eat can also contribute to your acid reflux, check the28 best and worst food for acid reflux.


You always have ripped


Of course, bad posture can cause joints in the body to become misaligned, which causes a pain or seal in the neck and back, but it can also have a negative effect on your digestive system. "The more home, the more the internal organs compressed, including the GI tract," says Joseph Gjolaj, MD, computer orthopedic surgeon and vertebral expert with the University of Miami's health system inan article Posted on the University website. "This constriction of the abdomen can cause symptoms of upset gi and even acid reflux."


You do not rest after eating


Now here is a good excuse for refusing to clean the kitchen. TheInternational Foundation for Gastrointestinal DisordersSuggests avoiding any type of physical activity after eating a meal, especially movements requiring flexion (such as the use of dust-dust on the floor). The foundation indicates that the effort can interfere with the digestive process by "contracting the abdominal muscles and force food through a weakened sphincter".


You do not reach enough of ZZZ

not sleeping well

The absence of stop can leave you with more than day drowsiness. The authors of the southeastern Nova study of the University of Florida have asked volunteers to wear an "Apple watch on steroids" because they slept in order to record sleep patterns. They then analyzed their intestine microbioma and discovered that the participants who had a better quality of sleep also had a more diversified bacterium in the intestine. These results were published in the newspaperPlos a. "Preliminary results are promising, but there is even more to learn," said Robert Smith, PhD, a research scientist involved in the study, in aPress release. "But possibly, people can be able to take steps to handle their Gut microbioma to help them sleep better." Discover these tips for a better sleep ofA doctor who will change your life.


You sleep in the wrong position

sleeping on back

If you treat with occasional stomach or gerd burns, theNational Sleep Foundation Advises to satiate each night on the back or your side. When you lie flat on your back, all your body is aligned in a neutral position, so that the acids of your stomach are unlikely to regurgitate. (The use of a pillow that slightly increases the head will further prevent acid reflux.) Snoozing on your side in a lateral position can also keep symptoms of stomach burns at the bay.


You are overweight

stepping onto a scale
I Yunmai / Beldspst

Having an excess body fat can increase your risk of disease and digestive disorders. A medical examination published in the newspaperGut and liver found a link between overweight and obesity and various intestinal problems (such as GERD, bile calculations and pancreatitis) whileNYU LANGONE MEDICAL CENTER In New York, stipulates that a unhealthy weight can lead to metabolic syndrome and foie gras disease.

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