A major side effect of eating too much processed foods, says a new study

It might be time to reduce packaged cookies and yes, even charcuterie boards.

It is no longer secret than fresh grocery stores leave your body feeling better than processed foods. VeryTransformed regimes can undermine your energy,Bresser your Skincare diagramand even put yourself in abad mood. Now, researchers have discovered another reason to cut big mac for benefits,Full processed food regimes can weaken your immune system and increase your risk of certain chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

A recent study Published in the newspaperPathogens plos has found that a western-style diet describes as a diet rich in processed foods rich in fat and refined, but low in fiber - could create a breeding ground for harmful intestinal bacteria and make you more sensitive to resistance to insulin that can lead to type 2. Diabetes (in touch:The 7 healthiest foods to eat right now)

"Processed foods, such as high sugar foods and pre-packaged foods, lack fibers and nutrients needed to support the Gut Microbiota", Jonathan Valdez, RDN, CDCES, owner ofNutrition Genkiand media spokesman forAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics of New Yorksaid in an interview withEat this, not that!

"Studies have concluded thatProcessed foods reduce the number of intestine microbiota and influence the "preparation" of the immune system and the defense of the body against pathogenic bacteria ".

In other words, if your diet includes too many processed foods,You could reduce healthy bacteria In your intestine that protects you from harmful bacteria that can a) make you sick immediately (think of food origin) and b) change your intestine microbiot and increase your risk of long-term chronic inflammatory diseases.

So, what foods should you avoid keeping your health in advanced shape? SHARP abbey, a certified dietitian atThe kitchen of the abbey, strongly recommends to reduceRed meat Varieties rich in preservatives, salt and saturated fat, including bacon, pepperoni and hot dogs.

"Although I do not think by completely removing one of the foods of your diet, I think it's useful to try to limit our ultra-transformative food consumption," she said, adding That they are not only inflammatory infections and foodborne diseases you should look for.

"We have evidence to suggest that a rich diet inUltra-transformed red meat like hot dogs can increase the risk of cancer. Even the hot dogs "without free nitrate" or "natural" contain natural nitrates, so I suggest limiting consumption to special occasions. "

Looking for foods that will not leave you at high risk? Try these15 homemade swaps for ultra-transformed foods.

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