Proteins instances for weight loss, according to experts

All forms of this macronutrient essential do not receive the green light of nutritionists.

Word "protein"On food packages attracts people like living bait, Bell dinner in Largemouth Bass. We're tracking the protein because we know itconstructed muscle At the same time, it helps us lose weight. The protein is a key macronutimentation for all kinds of important processes in our body. For example, the protein ... preserves our muscle mass as we get older, prevents us from losing muscle at the same time as we lose weight,satisfying hunger longer than other macronutrients, is more difficult for the body to turn into fat, requires the body to use more energy to treat by digestion (called "thermal effect of food") and can helpcut calorie consumption By shaping the pangs of hunger.

But your body does not react to all proteins in the same way. Some proteins are more useful for muscle building than others. And some proteins are unhealthy to eat regularly. Here's what some experts had to say about the most unhealthy proteins for weight loss.

And for more protein, readWays to eat protein can help you lose weight, to tell dietitians.


Meat and processed cheeses

deli meats on wood plate

Processed meats This has been preserved by smoking or salting, hardening or adding chemical preservatives such as bacon, sausage, lunch meat and hot dogs, are among the worst protein for good health. "Unfortunately, when these meats are preserved,nitrates are added, which generates compounds that can lead to cancer, "saysGretchen San Miguel, MDchief doctor atMedi-Weightloss. Transformed meats were classified as a group 1 carcinogen group by the World Health Organization.

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Melted cheese

american cheese

Although cheese is not in mind when you think of protein, the dairy product is actually a good source of macronutrient. That being said, it may not be the best source of weight loss protein.

"Many people wanted to follow acetogenic regime and turn to cheese as a low glucidity alternative do not realize that cheese (such as processed meats) is very high in calories, unhealthy saturated fats, transformed oils and can also have hormonal additives, "says the Dr. San Miguel. "Consuming too many things lead to high cholesterol, excess calories and the impact of overall health."

Cow's milk and cheese, while good sources of protein can also be very inflammatory for most people. "If you try to lose weight (especially in your median section) and that you constantly have problems with GI, I would like to omit the dairy," saysHeather Hanks, MS, a nutritionist withInstapot Life. "Inflammation can make it difficult to lose weight."


Red red meat and grain powered

Raw ground beef

"Research has shown that people who consume a large amount of grain-nourished red meats have a high risk of heart attack and stroke because of their high saturated fat content," says Dr. San Miguel.

Grain-powered beef is typically from feeding beef, where cattle are fed corn and other grains. Grain-powered beef lacks healthy omega-healthy fatty acids and saturated greases. Dr San Miguel recommends opting for beef nourished with grass or meat such as pork lanyard, fish and chicken breast. The beef nourished with grass tends to be lower in fat and to contain more omega-3, the healthy fats also found in fat, plus more vitamin E. beef that feeds on grass is also A rich source of CLA (conjugated linolenic acid), what studies in theJournal of the American Heart Association have shown is associated with a lower risk of heart failure.


Fried proteins

fried chicken

Fat is a healthy, essential macronutrimentation, but the type of fat, "saysDavid's Bar, NASM certified fitness nutrition specialist atTop Fitness Magazine. "When you fry food (like chicken or fish), you can increase the amount of trans-grease fat that you eat; the transverse grease has been linked to heart disease, canceling the benefits you would get. Usually eating the cooked protein, steamed or jumped. "


Some protein powders

protein powder scoop

Protein powders for homemade meal replacements are wildly popular to control calories. "Unfortunately, many protein powders have added ingredients that may calm down weight loss," saysTrista Best, Rd, a dietary nutritionist recorded atBalance a supplement. It notes that milk protein powders (whey and casein) may not be beneficial for people with dairy allergies or intolerances. It recommends trying pea proteins, it is better because it does not contain common allergens and is not inflammatory like lactose protein can be. Select a vegetarian powder made with all 20 amino acids, she says.

Read more:What happens to your body when you eat whey protein


Jerk beef

beef jerky

"Baccaded Beef where the sugar is the second ingredient is on my list of worst proteins," says Jay Cowin, NNCP, RNT, RNC , a registered nutritionist and director of formulations A SYSTEM , Which explains it's just because it's an easy food in Grab-and-go does not mean you should count on it as a source of protein. Cowin emphasizes that we often quickly catch packaged foods that offer a "high protein" without looking at ingredients and compare sugar and sodium levels. Some brands saccades of beef can have as much sugar as the dessert and more sodium that some bags of pretzels, so it is important to "look for a nourished jerk that promises zero sugar, no corn syrup and no artificial conservative "," he suggests. See: The best and the worst sacky beef classified!

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