7 healthy food changes that help you sleep

We asked the experts of the best food choices to help us sleep deeply.

Of meditation and melatonin supplements to limit yourcaffeine Consumption and just single count sheep, you will try pretty much everything to get sleep a good night. But what you can not do is that the secret to get enough lies of rest in what you eat and in some cases when you eat it. In reality,research showed repeatedly that your diet andto sleep Quality are linked, which means your diet changes can help you sleep. And vice versa, your quality of sleep can have an impact of your food choices.

"Sleep is extremely important to help regulate hormones such as leptin and ghrelin, which appeals to influence," explains Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN, founder of Nutritionarringyou.com and author ofThe packaged protein club of breakfasts. "Sometimes we create a vicious circle not to feed our body properly, which makes us feel tired and leads to eat later in the day, which can then affect our quality and the sleep cycle continues. »

It's not just the foods you eat closer to bedtime that can affect your sleepWhat you eat all day Can play a role in how long you need to drift, how often you wake up during the night, and the overall quality of your sleep.

Fortunately, thanks to these healthy diet changes that help you sleep, you can easily catch these 40 winnings. Here are some simple dieticians tweaks recommend what for better sleep, and for more health advice, make sure you check out our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Have breakfast.

healthy breakfast

According toJenna Gorham, Rd, LN,Skip breakfast is not an ideal movement in sleep. A2018 study Indeed that the perceived quality of sleep and sleeping tend to improve after the participants eaten breakfast compared to when they eat nothing in the morning.

"A balanced breakfast that is low in sugar and fiber offers, healthy fats, or protein is best for managing energy and sugar in the blood throughout the day," says Gorham.

Best choices for a fast morning meal of Gorham areSunday seven Cereals and muteli mixtures because they are low in simple sugar and use, quality ingredients. Or you can try one of these13 Healthiest Hosts Have, according to DT.P..


Limits the amount of alcohol you drink at night.

Black woman drinking red wine

You already know that having an espresso or a cup of caffeine containertea is not a good idea late in the day, but did you know that having a couple of drinks after dinner can sabotage your sleep, too? While caffeine is a stimulant that blocks the known substance to allow you to feel sleepy, says Gorhamalcohol can interfere with yourSleep cycles-ParticleLy Sleep Paradoxal, which is a great important step that stimulates the parts of your brain involved in learning and retention of memories.

According toSLEEPFoundation.org, Since alcohol is a sedative, it can help you say more quickly. However, since you will probably fall into a deep sleep fast enough, it can get rid of your sleep cycles, which creates an imbalance where you get less sleep with slow waves and more paradoxical sleep, which decreases the overall quality your sleep. Therefore, you are more likely to sleep for a short period of time and experience more sleep disturbances.

Not only that, but alcohol is known to affectYour body is the natural production of melatonin-Ausse known as "sleep hormone".

This does not mean that you have to swear to give up alcohol quite, but it goes without saying, you can limit yourself to a drink in the evening, or exchange for a soothing cup of decaffeinated tea. here isWhat happens to your body when you give up alcohol.


Make sure you get enough calories.


Experts agree that not to eat enough or not responding to your recommended daily values ​​for some nutrients can certainly make it more difficult for you to get sufficient rest.

"Our bodies often confuse hunger, thirst and fatigue, so it is essential for consuming balanced and sufficiently spaced meals to stay hydrated to optimize ourenergy levels And the sleep cycle, "explains Harris Pincus.

Gorham adds that your body always works while you sleep, which explains why it is important to make sure you always provide enough fuel throughout the day.

"Deprive your body of adequatenutrition It will work harder or make you feel hungry during the night and the impact of your sleep cycle, "she adds.

Here's how to calculateHow many calories a week you should eat.


Be aware of eating too close to bedtime.

late night snacking

Studies have shown thatEat late at night can sabotage your sleep-Like by inhibiting the natural liberation of melatonin, which plays a crucial role in the regulation of your natural cycle of the sleep spell. Specifically, the search suggests that eating within three hours of your rest time increases the likelihood that you experience sleep disturbances, which is particularly important to keep in mind if you have acid reflux.

"If you are subject to the experience of stomach burns, it is important to avoid eating less than three to four beds in order to minimize sleep disturbances due to reflux symptoms," says Harris-Pincus. "You may also want to keep your evening meal lighter and limiting fatty / fried foods and [food] known as triggers such as coffee, alcohol, gased drinks, chocolate, peppermint spicy foods and acidic choices such as tomatoes or citrus fruits. "

By the way - fat foods do not only make problems for stomach burns, they are also more difficult than your body to digest and can cause indigestion that makes drift harder. In addition, studies have found that higher saturated fat intake is associated withLess time in a restful sleep with slow wave.

here is7 hacks to reduce your evening desires.


Aim for a balanced diet with a lot of fiber.

high fiber bowl of bran cereal with blueberries and bananas

Experts say one of the best ways to make sure you get quality at night, it's to make sure you get all the nutrients whose body needs, which means eating a varied range of whole grains , sources of protein, vegetables and fruits.

"Many nutrients can support sleep, including vitamins of calcium, magnesium, zinc, melatonin and b vitamin," adds Gorham.

Colleen Christensen, a dietitian and a written nutritionist, indicates that the fiber is a particularly crucial component of a healthy diet when it comes to sleeping.

"Poor fiber regimes have been bound to sleep shorter and less relaxing," she says. "An easy way to add more fibers to your day is to exchange whole grain breads and pasta if you also find them satisfactory."

A 2016 study found that poor diets are lowfiber were linked to a lighter and less restorily sleep with more frequent excitals. So, make sure you get your fiber filling by reaching foods likeDark color vegetables, beans and legumes, walnuts and seeds and berries.


Snack Smart.

Kiwi fruit

Ideally, you do not want to go to bed feeling stuffed - but you do not want to feel hungry pain, either. If your stomach begins to grumble an hour or two before going to bed, experts say that it's totally fine to have a snack so that you are comfortable enough to cut you. The important thing is to choose theRight snacks it will not disrupt your sleep.

One of the best choices of Harris-Pincus is prunes because they contain calcium, magnesium and vitamin B6, which are needed to produce melatonin and can help promote sleep.

"Start with some prunes about an hour before bedtime so that your belly tolerates," she advises. "Since prunes contain sorbitol, an alcohol sugar, they also help regulate our digestive system and can lead you to use the bathroom you do not want to have to do in the middle of the night."

Gorham, meanwhile, suggests a small bowl of hot muesli or cold cereals. However, she says it's worth checking the nutrition label to make sure you choose a low sugar option because the last thing you need is a thumb boost just before you sleep . Better yet, it recommends to opt for an entire grain cereal (like a variety based on oats), because it's aRich source of fiber and melatonin.

According to Christensen, another excellent option is a banana.Bananas contain serotonin, potassium,magnesiumAnd all the fibers who can play a role to help you sleep a quality night. Christensen lovesBlend of frozen bananas with lavender For a healthy treatment that tastes like mild ice. It's the ultimate snap snack when you have a sweet tooth since lavender is known forPromote feelings of calm and relaxation. She also likes Kiwis as an evening snack.

"They have been linked to an improvement in sleep possibly for a reason because of their serotonin content," she explains. "They also provide a folate that has been linked toImprovements of insomnia. "


Try to drink cherry juice.

tart cherry juice

According to Christensen, cherry tart has a high melatonin content as well as anti-inflammatory properties that can have aBeneficial effect on sleep.

In fact, you may want to simply sip on before going to bed:A 2010 study Discovered that adults with insomnia fell asleep faster after drinking a cherry juice.

Just make sure to opt for a 100% sugar cherry juice added to harvest the most promunch benefits of snooze.

Now you know diet changes to help you sleep, here's 26 things to do before sleeping to lose weight .

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