A major side effect on the use of coffee lugs, a new study says

Researchers sensitize a hormonal disruptive chemical that can be present in your cup.

If you are preparingYour morning brewery Using a single cupcoffee makerYou are well aware of the speed with which it satisfies your caffeine solution. Although this is a convenient option, it could also have potential consequences for your health. Now, researchers sensitize achemical hormonal disturbance It can also ruin in your cup.

A team ofnutrition and engineering researchers atUniversity of Connecticut Currently investigates the health effects of drinking coffee that is brewed through a plastic lug. In the newspaperCurrent research in toxicologyThey have recently observed that "brewed coffee from capsule machines may contain plastic emigrated estrogenic chemicals.

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In an interview withEat this, not that!The main researcher OCK Chun explained that in general terms, these "estrogenic chemicals", which can imitate estrogen, often find themselves in plastic coffee cloves. They could then continue to potentially disrupt the endocrinological regulation (hormone) of the body.

According to CHUN, this can result from the brewing process, when high temperatures and pressure are added to the plastic clove to quickly extract tasty coffee. These factors could also lead chemicals to contaminate the coffee powder inside.

You can consider trying stainless steel reusable cloves like those of this photo.

For now, Chun suggests that this is not quite time to ring the alarm because the work of researchers remains in progress.

"We are exposed to these chemicals everywhere these days," she said, pointing to disposable cups and even the document on which grocery revenues are printed like other sources of estrogenic chemicals Similar.

Because "coffee consumption is usual behavior," Chun said that the researchers considered this study as worthy of investigation.

If you think about a shift in plastic coffee cloves with an optionally healthier option, you may not have to completely raise your coffee machine to a maid. Many retailers sell reusable stainless steel coffee cloves, easy to wash and more friendly for the environment.

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Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: coffee / Drinks / News
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