30 facts on "the office" even superfens do not know
This trivial on "The Office" will surprise the fans of Diehard of the Sitcom NBC.

Sine 2013, when we saw the last of Dunder Mifflin, we all became experts onOffice. After our fourth time, refer to the series, we noticed a lot ofEaster eggs- Name of Jim's last name being misspelled on his wedding panel, or Michael using the vinaigrette with his face on the bottle. However, there are probably deep cuts that you still do not know. We dug through the depths of the internet to find 30 fascinatingOffice Trivia Tidbits even superfens I do not know.
1 During season 1, the distribution was invited to make documents to be done on the game.

The computers did not work before the second season, to make sure that the font was like what they were actually working, they were asked toPape papper from home Complete at their desk.
2 The temperature on the set was maintained at a 65-degree chilly to keep Steve Carell of perspiration.

According toRainn Wilson deliveredThe king of the bassoon: my life in art, faith and idiocy,Steve Carell Had glands on hyperactive sweat making him sweat thoroughly. To avoid letting the tapertrel nursery ruin pulls ruin, they kept the low temperature. The cast iron suffered from certain iced episodes until the crew caused space heaters.
3 Jim's proposal in Pam was the most expensive photo of the series.

Executive producerGreg Daniels say itWashington Post, "It was like a $ 250,000 or something like that." Daniels felt that the couple was worth the vaute of the bill. "It's the most expensive and elaborate shot that we have ever done, but it's also in a way the highlight of five years of narration," said Daniels. We agree thaticonic couple of television As Jim and Pam deserve an equally impressive scene.
4 Office computers have been connected to the Internet from Season 2.

Computers on Set had a live Internet connection from the second season. According toHollywood journalist, computers were activated on the Internet to give the feeling of office realism. The days when the actors had no lines, they would kill the time online to keep them busy.
5 Rainn Wilson has entity the role of Michael Scott.

It's hard to imagine anyone but Steve Carell capturing energy without a reason for Michael Scott, quite adorable. In fact, a series of celebritiesAuditioned for the role of MichaelBut the most surprising is Rainn Wilson. Wilson finally got the role of Dwight and brought life to the ridiculous owner of the Schrut Farms.
6 Phyllis Smith was a cast part forOffice.

In the first episode of the"Ladies Office" Podcast,Jenna Fischer, who played Pam, saidPhyllis Smith Read lines with her when she audition for the show. According to Fischer, DirectorKen Kwapis Was so impressed by the way Smith had his readings with actors he wanted to give him a role on the show.
7 And SmithAlso was an NFL cheerler and a burlesque dancer.

Smith's career has had a lot of changes, but it started with herChecks for the cardinal football team. She then moved to the burlesque dance, which took him to the road for seven years.
8 The cast iron decorated their own offices.

Another interesting drawn from the first episode of the "Office ladies" podcast is that Kwapis asked the distribution of personalizing their offices. Fischer said everyone brought something home to add to their office. Kwapis did this to add another aspect of office realism.
9 "The Dinker Party" is the only episode that did not cross rewritten.

If you are a fan ofOfficeYou know "dinner" is the residency piece. According to co-writerGene Stupnitsky, casting and networkRecognized the shine of the scriptFrom the beginning. "Most scripts are rewritten and I think it was the only one who did not do that," says Stusnitsky. The cast iron remembered hysterically laughing at first reading. Co-writerLee Eisenberg Added: "There is nothing more satisfying than to pass sharply Steve Carell to pass through his lines."
10 John Krasinski shot down some of the images of the opening credits.

Like any good actor would do,John Krasinski went on a search journey toScranton, Pennsylvania Before you start filmingOffice. On his trip, Krasinski took videos of the city, some of which can be seen in the opening credits of the show.
11 They have developed more than 500 accessories when the show ended.

The production team on theOffice Lot stored an obscene amount of show accessories in a Los Angeles warehouse over the years. A few years after the end of the series, theyHosted an online auction. From the scented candle of Toby Flenderon's honeysuckle at the reception of Pam Beesly, many beloved objects were rising.
12 The emblematic kiss between Michael and Oscar has been improvised.

To demonstrate its support for Oscar's sexuality in season 3,Michael leans for a kiss. The casting said it wasin the script-Carell took it on itself to add it, so that the response of the actors in the scene was genuine.
13 The character of Carol was played by Steve Carell's wife.

Nancy Carell obtained a featured role onOffice For seven episodes of Carol Stills, Michael Scott's real estate agent turned his girlfriend. In real life, Nancy and Steve Carell have been married for more than 25 years.
14 Rashida Jones was nervous she would be drawn on his first day.

Rashida Jones startedOfficeDuring season 3 in the risky role of Karen Filippelli, which comes between Jim and Pam. Jones saidHollywood journalist That she was sure she would be drawn her first day on the whole. "We were doing a scene from the conference room and Steve Carell was so carefully funny and tireless that I could not stop laughing," Jones said. "I was thinking that I was going to be excused. I was stirring while they were rolling up." We are happy not to be dismissed and then glued for some additional seasons.
15 Mindy Kaling and B.J. Novak dated and off.

Although their relationship may not be as dramatic as their characters, "Mindy Kailing andB.J. Novakreal relationship of life Mirorad Kelly and Ryan's remember nature again. They haveremained close friends between romantic interludes, even referring to each other as"Snake soup" Which one isOffice Sisters code of souls.
16 Creed is closest to his character in personality.

A fan was curious, as we all have, about whichOffice The actor is most similar to their character. Fischer said to the fanBelief looked like its character. While many actors of the show share a first name with their character,Creed Bratton is the only actor whose full name has been used for his role onOffice. We wonder if the real creed would never simulate his own death to escape taxes.
17 The specialist in WFP lactation on the show was played by her real husband.

Lee KirkFischer's husband is a screenwriter and a director. Kirk made a caught in season 6 as a PAM lactation consultant. He later directed the episode "Vandalism" in season 9.
18 Pam originally went to be black.

Courier Directors first intended to launchErica Vittina Phillips as PAM andCraig Robinson Like Roy. "I had a version in mind in which Pam was African-American, and also [his boyfriend] Roy," said Danielstelevision guide. "I flirted with that in the context of Americanizing." However, Daniels finally decided that "Fischer was the perfect WFP". Robinson, for his part, continued to play Darryl.
19 Casting administrators originally wishing that John Krasinski be audited for the role of Dwight.

The casting team onlywanted Krasinski to read for the role of Dwight. However, Krasinski was adonstal that he would be better for Jim. Incredibly, the casting directors refused to let him audition Jim until they found someone else to play Dwight - and could not find anyone else to adapt to Jim's role.
20 Three distribution members were trainees for Conan O'Brien.

John Krasinski, Kaling of Mindy, andEllie Kemper started their career as trainees atThe night with Conan O'Brien. Krasinski and Kaling were the two trainees of scenario for the night's night show. Trying to be ahead of the curve, O'Brien created a segment of his show in 2013 where he tried toGuess the next famous trainee on his staff.
21 John Krasinski and B.J. Novak played the little league together as children.

InnovativeRecountEllen Degeneres the twoOffice starshad knownbasically their entire life. Before showing Sitcom, Krasinski and Novak played on the same team of the league and attended the same high school outside Boston.
22 Parks and leisure Originally went to be a falloutOffice.

Executive producerPaul Lieberstein offers, "AtOffice, a copy machine breaks and throughout the episode, a repairer tries to repair it. At the end of the episode, the machine is loaded on a truck and renovated in a warehouse. Then the copier is loaded on another truck and took to Pawnee, Indiana, where he fell into theParks and leisure Office. In a twist on the "Spinoff" tradition, the Spun Off character would have been the copy machine. After Rashida Jones was launchedParks and leisure As a new character, however, they had the idea of Nix.
23 In "Launch Party", John Krasinski accidentally signed his real name.

If you are on your fifth time to look at the series, you may have realized that Krasinski signed its real name rather than Jim on the pelvic casting of Meredith in theSeason 4 episode. Rather than cut fast, the producers chose to leave the camera capture this hilarious error.
24 The showrunners have kept the appearance of Steve Carell in the final a secret of leaders.

Daniels said there was no discussion aboutCall returning for the finalbut he felt obvious that "it would not have been agrand grand final Without him. "To keep it Top Secret, they even gave all Scott lines to the creed when playing the table.
25 John Krasinski wore a wig during season 3.

If you are a real fan, you may notice something a little different from Jim's hair in season 3. Krasinski worked simultaneously onOffice and the movieLeatherheads, for which he had to cut his hair. Keep the longer locks of Jim coherent, theyslapped a wig on him and hoped that no one would notice.
26 Four of the distribution members were also writers for the show.

B.J. Novak, Kaling Mindy,Paul Lieberstein, andMichael Shur All have been doubled on the plateau and in the writer room.Shur had a minor role Like the cousin of Dwight, but said, "Playing Mose Schrupe was a nightmare awakening. My boss, Greg Daniels forced me to do it as a way to cause pain. And it was terrible. The first time That I did, I had to grow a real necklace. "Lieberstein was initially hired strictly as a writer and producer of co-executive. The showrunners possibly throw it into Toby's role, although it is shy and preferred to be behind the camera.
27 John Krasinski thought the spectacle would pale on the British version.

KrasinskiRecountSam JonesHe ridiculed his hearing because he was so sure that the show would not succeed. When a man in the holding room asked Krasinski if he was nervous, he said, "What am I really nervous about this show. I love the British show so much, and the Americans tend to really aim for these opportunities, and I just do not know how I will live with myself if they vis-à-vis this appearance and ruin it for me. "The man next to him then appeared as the executive producer. Krasinski reminds everyone laughing at him because of his blunder when he was then hearing.
28 Oscar Nunez was not so confident in the prospects of the show.

Oscar Nunez was so skeptical of howOffice would rates with audiences he has kept his other jobs. Nunez saidHollywood journalist that his first thought was: "We will make the pilot and it will be the end of that. I did not think that an American version could do justice whatRicky Gervais Did, but it's a job and I will make the pilot. He admitted that he was enthusiastic about obtaining work, but continued to wait for tables and babysit because he was not confident in the future of the show.
29 Dunder Mifflin has become a member of the True Chamber of Commerce of Scranton.

Unfortunately, you do not reach PAM at the reception desk if you give a call to Dunder Mifflin, but they have been recognized by theScranton Chamber of Commerce as a legitimate business.
30 Jenna Fischer kept his engagement ring.

It is important to note that the ring was just an accessory and is not worth $ 5,000 saved - but we still think it's precious that Fischerkept this memory.

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