Bad eating habits you should stop immediately

We asked a handful of health experts which eating habits you need to break.

When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, your eating habits can affect all of your weight loss goals up to your long-term health. A healthy and the right dieteating habits can live cancer, heart disease and diabetes, according to theWorld Health Organization. Although this goal seems simple and easy, life can interfere. Household tasks, family and work sometimes rush their heads and make fun of skipping a meal or forcing us to eat at strange moments.

Over time, these eating habits can be added and affecting your bodydigestion andmetabolism. When you want to look and feel sharp, you stay above the way you eat can end up playing as important as a role compared to what you eat. By identifying bad key eating habits, you can stay at the top of your lifestyle and end up feeling better for that.

To sort the habits that anyone needs to avoid, we have asked a handful of dietitians, doctors and other health experts, what eating habits you need to break. Not only have they reported bad habits that you should immediately stop you, but they also gave us solutions for how to defineBest global habits.

Read more about some of the worst eating habits out there. After, be sure to also check the15 ways to break bad eating habits behind your weight gain.


Snacking all the time.


When you like snack throughout the day, you can unconsciously make real damage to your health.

"Consume too much snacks between meals is a frequent cause of overeating, caloric surplus and obesity"Dr. Dimitar Marinov, MD, Ph.D said. "Most individuals do not considersnacking When estimating their total food consumption, so they often think that their weight loss plan does not work despite its deficit. "

When you want to avoid this common problem, simply find a way to do more meals from your main meals.

"Add more satisfactory food to your main meals - more vegetables, whole grains, protein, etc., "Said Marinov." Keep only healthy snacks in easy-to-reach places. For example, put a bowl of fresh fruit at a central location of the room. "

Start with these7 healthy nibbling habits for a flat stomach.


Eat too fast.

eating fast

When you eat too fast, you do not give yourself a moment to enjoy your meal and you rush unnecessarily to the way your body treats food.

"Digestion begins in the mouth," says Marinov. "Eat too fast can often lead todigestive problems. In addition, you can easily eat too much, because your body can not send the satiety signals so quickly. "

Nevertheless, you can break this habit that is quite easily.

"Focus on the chewing of food more, take smaller bitesAnd be sure to put your fork / knife / spoon between bites, "says Marinov.

Although these tips can sound simple, some practices will guarantee that you take the time needed to enjoy your meal and allow your body the time needed to digest your food.


Do not drink enough water.


Correct hydration can help avoid clothes, keep your weight regular and provide a series of other advantages. If you do not moisturize yourself correctly, you may find yourself with unwanted food problems.

"Sometimes your body can mix the signals of thirst and hunger," says Marinov. "Do not drinking enough water can lead to overeating and gaining weight. "

Adding a few extra glasses of water in your day can do wonders for your health.

"Try to attach the habit of drinking a glass of water to yourroutine to eat"Said Marinov." Whenever you are about to have a meal, you can drink a glass of water. "

By introducing more water into your diet, you can stay healthy and never worry about one of the side effects from dehydration. Not sure how much water to drink? here isHow to make sure you drink enough water.


Order too much.


Nobody can affirm that the whipping a well-cooked meal at home not only evoke a delicious final product, but it also allows you to control the nutrition content of the meal. Commander gives you a pause of slave duty on a stove, but when you count too much on restaurants, you can fall into a bad bad habit.

"The worst dwelling that people can certainly have to be related to the shortcut taking during dinner or lunch by launching an application andMake a place to take away, "Doctor Ahmed Helmy said." Of course, it's fast and convenient to order, but the problem is that you do not have control over what's going on in the food or how it is prepared. "

"If time is the problem, thenConsider preparing foods that can be frozen, "Dr. Helmy continues." This allows you to make meals of the week in advance. Just take a meal out of the freezer and blow it up for a few minutes. In this way, you can make sure you use healthier oils when preparing food, and you know exactly what goes to every meal. "

To learn how to get the most out of your days of meal preparation, see these25 tips for cooking once, eat for a week.


Calorie account.

calorie counting

When you want to eat to lose weight,keep track of What food enters into your digestive tract has a meaning. Although this habit feels natural, it has the potential to cause more harm than good.

"We should stopCalorie count, "said Emma Townsin, RD, certified intuitive food advisor and the founder ofFreedom of food life. "Calorie counting results in a concentration on restricting and controlling our body. In reality, food is so much more than this diet is essential nutrients, culture and enjoyment."

"Calorie Calorie, and focusing on pleasure - how food feels when we eat it and that the internal signals of our body around hunger and fullness - allow a real satisfaction to eat and a positive relationship with food ", continues to" "if calorie counting is a habit, see if you can challenge a meal or snack every day you carefully explore other aspects of food and food experience such as memories, flavors and feeding messages from your body. "


Minicess eats.

snacking with friends

If you like snack, you have the potential to blow this habit in a much more important problem.manger.

"Many of my clients tell me in our first sessions that they are" never hungry in the morning "before discovering that they are engaged in a scheme to eat in a neglected way for several hours after dinner and before going to bed" , declares Arlene B. England, psychotherapist and author ofLet yourself be too emotional and love your food. "This slight meal is often neither truly for the pleasure nor the satisfaction of hunger, but, as I define all emotional consumption, but simply distracting thoughts and painful feelings."

Boredom tends to be the culprit to eat without perception at homeBut Englander has easy solutions that do not involve nibble.

"Boredom is often a sign of negligence of our true potential - both for productivity and pleasure, "says England." Take a job, get an excellent book (not just a good), sign up for a class in A subject that intrigues you. Be really involved in productive and enjoyable activities is essential.

Minicess eating can also arise from an emotional response Maybe you lived, and this can help fill this void.

"If your desire to eat persists, explore what can cause emotional pain," says England. "Tune in thoughts that could be troubling and learn to answer them like a loving and logical friend would do. The evenings and other unstructured times can be delicate for anyone with the question of emotional supercharging, but the good news is 'There are steps we can take to pass beyond that, move towards a future in which we still appreciate our lives and our food even more. "

Adopting a conscious manger practice can help with moments like that! here is11 hacks of full awareness of eating less, according to experts.


Clear the table by continuing to eat.

clearing table

Being a parent has a ton of challenges, but you can never anticipate how this can change your approach to eat, especially eating remains that sit on the table.

"Most mothers are seen engaging in these bad eating habits," Amber O'Brien, MD toMango clinic said. "They eat theleftover food of their children, who is one of the main reasons why mothers earn weight. Eating even 100 additional calories in one day can result in a weight gain of 10 pounds in one year. "

If you encounter this problem, you can approach the problem. "Always serve food for your children in small portions and plates so you do not have to eat the remaining food," adds O'Brien.

In addition, if you find yourself too much about food on your child's plate, it is likely that the time to evaluate your own meals. Are you sitting and eat something that will satisfy and boost your body? Take the time to feed your body properly and make sure you include all these itemsFoods you should eat every day, according to the Mayo Clinic.


Skip meals.

Dan Tips / Dead

"Skip breakfast is a habit you have to break "Natalie Allen, Rdsaid. "We all need fuel in the morning, so let's start simple and small. Examples of a small meal are a piece of fruit with milk, a hard egg and a piece of stringed cheese or a small bowl of cereals. He Just take five to 10 minutes to start properly. "

"Skip meals causes our bodyreducing its metabolism, which forces at the same time to break the muscle to use for energy, so we are inclined to gain weight more easily, even eating our regular amounts of food "Dr. Mubashars Rehman said. "If you deliberately skip meals to lose weight faster, you should stop doing it. Instead, you should eat frequent meals with small portions, which guarantees you better results."

"The most common reason for which people frequently jump meals are because of the management of the time," adds rehma. "The best way to stop this bad habit isPlan your meals (and prepare them if possible) in advance. In this way, you will not miss any more meals to be in a hurry. "

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