9 healthy eating habits to live on a century

Do you want to live to be 100? These expert advice will help!

You do not have to live in a blue zone to live more than a century. "Blue areas"Are known to have the most dense people living in more than 100 located in five different communities around the world. However, while these communities are known to be the healthiest andlifetimeThe truth is, you do not have to be a community member to harvest the same benefits. While genetics play a role in longevity, setting uphealthier habits Also greatly increases your chances of living long enough to reach this three-digit number.

So, what is their secret? If you had to put a microscope on these communities, you will notice that their diet comprises a variety of actual, integers. They also focus on the diet at the table, sharing meals with others, and regularly moving their bodies.

But what is exactly on their plates? We spoke with some dieticians registered to look at some of the healthy eating habits that can help you live more than a century, and these tips align closely with the type of lifestyles experienced by those in the blue areas. Here are healthy eating habits, you can integrate into your lifetoday In order to have a happier, healthier tomorrow. Then make sure to consult our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Add more color to your meals.

tricolor roasted carrots

"It is well known that fruits and vegetables are good for you, but it's important to remember that it's more than that," saysAmy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD. "Colorful fruits and vegetables provide the body with various vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and plant compounds that help the heart, the gut as well as keep your immune system strong and more! Each product color contains a different nutrient package. »

RELATED:Get even more healthy food tips directly in your box by subscribing to our newsletter!


Eat a variety of foods in your diet.

sheet pan dinner

"While the body of each and natural genetics are different, which feeds your body is correctly a crucial element if you want to live more than a century," says Ricci-Lee Hotz, MS, RDN at a Taste of Health , LLC and experts atTesting.com. "Ensure that you consumeA varied diet With a range of different fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, carbohydrates rich in fiber and healthy fat, and balance them suitably with each meal and snack is crucial to make sure your body becomes everything He needs to work at his best. In addition, keeping your low stress level can still (especially the surrounding food) help your body stay healthy as possible, too. »


Try a "Flexitarian" style to eat or go base!

plant based meal

"Following aPlant-based diet is one of the best possible food choices to live a life with greater quality and quantity ", explainsTrista Best, MPH, RD, LDAnd a dietitian on the balance one of the supplements. "For many of those who are turning to a plant-based diet, their goal is a risk to overall health and the reduction of chronic diseases, which culminates in longer life. Among the many advantages of herbal diet, including, heart health, weight loss, and diabetes prevention a new secondary advantage is emerging, reduces cancer risk ".

The most on the search for theAmerican Institute for Cancer Research which stipulates that one of the best ways to prevent cancer is by food means. Putting focus on nutrients such as fibers, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients in your diet is the key, and can be found in foods like vegetables, fruits, beans, cereals, nuts and seeds.

Best recommends also focus on one if you go does not feel like something that is feasible for you plants,flexitarian Approach if you want to live more than a century.

"For many, this can be an arduous task and a Flexitarian approach can be the best option," she says. "It does not matter where you fall, which reduces animal protein in your diet will improve your longevity. »

here is10 benefits of eating a more plant-based food.


Live by Rule 80/20.

eating apple dessert

"The healthiest people to fill their plate with nutrient-rich foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean protein, dairy products and healthy fats, but they also allow foods of pleasure,", said-goodson. "The key to a long happy life is balance. Most of the time, 80%, eat food to power your body and keep strong. Then 20% of the time enjoy the holidays, holidays, anddesserts with the people you like. It is the best plan for the body and the soul ".

It's all about getting healthier habits for yourself! here is5 health dessert habits for a flat stomach.


Do not eat too much.

Measuring cups

"It's important not to eat too much," Rachel Paul, PhD, RD ofCollegenutritionist.com. "To eat calories, even healthier foods, leads to weight gain. People with overweight or obese bodies are more likely to develop diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers, this which can lead to premature death. "

One of the best ways to fight the trop-meal is to start paying attention to yourIndices of hunger and fullness of the body, wearing your meals and set specific hours for meals and snacks throughout the day. Too much to eat andStupid snacking Can easily come at your fingertips, so it's important to define healthy snack habits that will help you feel full, to avoid overeating and helping you live in a century.


Power on with proteins.


"As we get older, we usually lose 2 to 3% muscle mass per decade," says Goodson. "It can lead to falls, bone breaks and instability that we get older. The key? Power withlean protein At all meals and snacks. The protein helps and builds and repairs the muscles that help keep your body hard during your aging. Including foods such as lean beef, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, beans and legumes can help you boost your protein. "


Look for foods rich in flavonoids.

raspberries in hand

"As a dietitian, I always say to the people to" eat the rainbow "because all the different colorful foods represent different phytonutrients that prevent us from keeping healthy as we get older," says Mackenzie Burgess, RDN Recipe developer toCheerful choice. "A beneficial type of phytonutrient that you will find in colorful fruits, vegetables and other plant foods are compounds called" flavonoids ". In reality,Recent Research Proven that these flavonoids help maintain our long-term cerebral health. Foods rich in flavonoids include onions, bays, dark green, herbs, broccoli, cauliflower, dark chocolate, soy and citrus fruits. "

To easily integrate foods rich in flavonoids into your diet, the Burgess says: "For breakfast, try to blur the bays and chia seeds to make your own jam. Then, for lunch, mix the cauliflower In the rice or find it in a flat battery form to fit your favorite protein.. Finally, for dinner, try to shake additional onions and herbs in acurry to a pot. "


Eat more "brain candies".

leafy greens

"Keep our brain net and prevent cognitive decline, what we eat can make a difference," saysLisa R. Young, PhD, RDN, author ofFinally full, finally thin and a member of ourCouncil of medical experts. "Foods raised in certain vitamins, antioxidants and phytochemicals can help strengthen cerebral health. Deep red foods such as tomatoes and watermelon contain antioxidant lycopene that fights free radicals that come with aging. Greens such as cabbages and spinach are rich in vitamins. E and K that can prevent memory loss and help reduce our "brain age".

Related:Why do you need antioxidants in your diet and how to eat more of them


Keep your weight.

woman doing a plank

"As we get older, our metabolism tends to slow down so that it is important to look at calories and exercise more to avoid weight gain "Said young". It turns out that maintaining a constant weight and preventing the Yo-Yo diet equally important. The centennies of Okinawa, known to live a long and healthy life, were known to keep their calories and their weight stable. Maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI) has been associated with lower rate of heart disease and certain cancers. "

For more, be sure to read our list of The 6 best diets that will make you live longer, say dietitians .

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