Is oat milk good for you?

Here's all you need to know about oat milk and how it compares with cow's milk.

Did you tryoatmeal? If you are hesitant to try it either because you are not sure to enjoy the taste as much asalmond or cow's milk, or you wonder if it'sActually In good health for you, do not worry anymore. Lauren Hoover, Rd, MS toGAP In Chicago, ready to have an idea of ​​whether oat milk can be a good milk solution for you.

Is oat milk a healthy alternative of milk?

"For people who do not tolerate dairy products, oat milk is an alternative to suitable milk," says Hoover. Other than those who are lactose intolerant or have another kind ofMilk intolerance, oat milk is another great milk substitute for individuals who follow avegan diet.

"When viewing the macronutrient profile, oat milk has about 4 grams of protein per serving," she says. "For comparison, this is less than 8 grams of protein in cow's milk, but higher than some other alternatives of popular milk, including almond milk, cashew milk and coconut milk."

When your diet is only (or even mainly) factory-based, it is all the more important to make sure that you get enough protein to maintain energy, facilitate muscle repair and avoid disease. Some brands of almond milk, for example, contain only 2 grams of protein per cut - half of what the average glass of oat milk will be given.

Hoover also emphasizes that oat milk often contains more carbohydrates than traditional walnut milk and, consequently, is more calorically dense. While a cup of unsweetened almond milk usually consists of only 30 calories, a cup of unsweetened oat milk contains about 100-130 calories. So, if you try to lose some books, oat milk may not be the best option for you.

"I find an oatmeal a little creamy and comparable to cow's milk, so it's one of my favorites, personally," says Hoover.

Are there ingredients in oat milk likely to cause gastrointestinal stress?

Have you ever looked at the back of the almond milk carton and asked exactly what the eraser or Xanthan bean was? Ingredients such as these gums and evenCarragenaenan are used as a stabilizing and thickening agent in various foods, including non-dairy products. Without these ingredients, the texture of your alternative to milk can feel a little granular or not as smooth. However, some of these stabilizers may be irritating from your gut, so it is important that you are aware of the ingredients that are swirled in milk alternatives.

"Some of the common charges and gums added to the alternatives of milk have been demonstrated to cause gastrointestinal distress [such as] bloating and gas," says Hoover. "Since the ingredients may vary depending on the mark or type of oat milk, it is better to look at the list of ingredients on the nutrition label for potential irritants, including artificial sweeteners, alcohols. sugar and gums. "

This is particularly important if you have known intolerance to one of these additives, but generally, most people do not present these symptoms.

In general, why should you opt for the original or unsweetened version of milk alternatives?

Unfortunately, milk alternatives marketed as healthier are sometimes completeadded sugars. Of course, the more the sugar is in a product, the higher the carbohydrate content and the calories. Hoover suggests tieting on a complex carbohydrate such as a piece of fruit rather than obtaining a sweet solution through a simple glucidal carbohydrate such as refined sugar that is added to the alternatives to flavored milk.

"As we know, oat milk already contains a higher carbohydrate content. It is therefore recommended to maintain sugars added to a minimum, "she adds.

RELATED: The easy guide toSugar is finally here.

Do you have a favorite brand or oatmeal flavor that you recommend?

"I appreciateWacky Oatmilk because it has 3 grams of polyunsaturated protein and fats to help increase satiety, "says Hoover.

It also admits that its main draw in Oatly is the taste and it recommends prioritizing this aspect as much as the protein content when the different marks of oat milk in the grocery store. Think about this way: if you're going to drink it in asmoothie Or in a glass alone, would not you want to enjoy the taste?

Would you say that oat milk is healthier than cow's milk?

"I would not say that oat milk is healthier than cow's milk, they are just different," says Hoover. "Cow's milk has more protein and is also a complete protein, which means that it contains all the essential amino acids. Oatworms can be an excellent alternative for those who are unable to tolerate dairy or milk . "

What other milk alternatives do you recommend?

If the cow's milk is out of the question, Hoover recommends soy milk mainly because it contains 7 grams of protein per cup and houses all nine essential amino acids. Another excellent alternative is pea milk, This contains 8 grams of protein, as well as all essential amino acids, which is important because the body can not make them alone and they must be acquired through a diet.

"Overall, herbal milk alternatives are lower than cow's milk nutritional milk, so if you are able to tolerate cow's milk, it would be my recommended favorite choice," adds hoover.

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