20 foods that can do worst arthritis

There are foods that simply make your symptoms.

Arthritis, also known as inflammation of the joints, isinflammation one or more joints in your body. The term "arthritis" itself is not really a single disease, but refers to 100+ types of arthritis and related conditions. The symptoms in the body include the pain, swelling, stiffness and the reduced range of motion that makes the execution of certain difficult tasks, and these symptoms can intensify with age.

If you think you are suffering from arthritis, it is always better to meet a health professional to determine the best route of action for you. But in addition to drugs, physiotherapy and potentially common surgery, lifestyle changes can have a significant impact on how serious symptoms of arthritis are experiencing.

"With arthritis, we want to keep an inflammation remotely. The least inflamed joints, the pain less you will be, "saysEveryday harvest"S Nutritionist Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN. So, how should you go to reduce inflammation? In the first place, avoid foods that scientific links to chronic inflammation of your diet as soon as possible. An excellent starting point: "[Limit] fried foods and refined sugar while increasing the less processed whole foods can relieve some symptoms of arthritis, such as pain and swelling," Notes Chelsey bitter, MS, RDN , owner ofChelsey bitter nutrition, Adding that this can also help you maintain a healthy weight.

Continue reading for 20 worst foods that can make arthritis worse if you know what to jump.


Frozen sodium meal

man microwaving frozen meal

A particularly harmful option for people with rheumatoid arthritis, a self-immune disease, is high sodium food. "When you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, you can limit the amount of sodium you eat. Indeed, corticosteroids that are often used to treat this type of arthritis can keep you on more salt, "says Amy Gorin, MS, RDN, owner ofAmy Gorin Nutrition in the New York area. "And by regularly taking large amounts of sodium can increase inflammation in your body. If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, you may want to consider limiting your daily sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams. »


Polyunsaturated cooking oils

Pouring canola oil into pan

Do you cook with corn, soy, canola, safflower and sunflower oils? "These oils are commonly used in restaurants and at home and are rich in omega-6 fatty acids, but very lowOmega 3, »Shapiro says. "This imbalance can result in inflammation, and since most individuals do not receive enough omega-3 (from sources such as salmon, linen, nuts and chia) to balance these oils, arthritic symptoms can aggravate "


A soda

bottle of orange soda poured into glass

A great refreshing glass of soda? You'd better do not, people. For example, a 12 ounces of Sunkist Packs of orange soda in 44 grams of sugar (Worth 10 teaspoons) and widely exceeds the maximum daily quota of sugar as men (nine teaspoons) and women (Six teaspoons) should get every day, the share Lyssie Lakatos, RDN, CDN, CFT and Tammy Lakatos Shames, RDN, CDN, CFT, The Twins Nutrition, AuthorsTwins Nutrition Vejed Cure and founders of the21 days reboot of the body. "Although sugar can be harmful for many reasons, it creates inflammation in the body, and sweet soda, in particular, has beenFound to increase the symptoms of arthritis in women. " And onegreat study revealed that only a sweet soda one day increases the risk for rheumatoid arthritis of 63 percent. It has been compared to people who never drank soda and those who had less than once a month, "says Maggie Moon, MS, RD, author ofThe regime spirit.


White rice

White rice

"White rice is a refined carbohydrate that can cause a peak in our blood sugar and can increase the markers of inflammation in our body, which aggravates the side effects of arthritis," comments Keri Gans, MS, RDN. Instead of this carbohydrate content of nutrients is missing, the load on whole grains like spelled, Kamut, spelled berries, and brown rice.




Beware of this deliciously salted and addictive snack. "There is a lot ofstudies The binding of a suboptimal microbiome of inflammatory arthritis. Refined grain foods like the pretzels are exactly what a health microbiome does not want, "Notes Moon. "Your microbiome would be much happier feeding on entire foods rich in fiber such as chickpeas, pistachio or quinoa".


bakery products

Cinnamon roll

Roll of aficionados cinnamon, perk your ears. "Pay attention to bakery products packaged with a partially hydrogenated oil as an ingredient. This ingredient contains trans fat, which you want to avoid always," says Gorin. "Trans greases are linked to inflammation in the body - and regularly consume these fats increases your" bad "LDL cholesterol, reduces your" good "cholesterol HDL and increases your risk of heart disease."

RELATED: Your guide on theanti-inflammatory regime This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.



Margarine stick

If you did not receive the memo that this butter alternative once omnipresent is a non-GO, consider this: "Most margarines are made from trans fat. Trans fats have been linked to inflammation, heart disease and cancer, "says Meg Marie O'Rourke, RD-LDN. "Vegetable oils such as corn oil are placed through a process called hydrogenation, modifying the formation of cis chemicals to a trans. Trans fats are in many [sweets such as cakes, cookies and a pie crust] and increase the biomarkers of inflammation. "



Sausage links

"The sausage is a transformed meat and all processed meats arehigh age (Advanced glycation end products) thatTriggering inflammation In the body and aggravate the symptoms of arthritis, "Note the twins of nutrition". Although all meats contain ages, they contain more. If you have to indulge, consider our list of the list ofBest Hot Dogs and Sausages for Weight Loss.


Ice cream


We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but saturated fat + added sugars = the game of inflammation made in paradise. "According toFood inflammatory index, saturated grease is one of the most inflammatic nutrients, and ato study With more than 100 patients against arthritis who eliminated dairy products reported to self-perceived benefits, "says Moon". Keep in mind that they have also eliminated a series of other food and probiotic supplements added to their diet, so it is difficult to know how much an impact that eliminates dairy had. Moreover, ato study Led on rats suggests that casein, the main protein in dairy foods can reduce swelling related to arthritis, possibly by removing inflammation. As your own experience, try cutting your diet and seeWhat happens to your body when you abandon it.


Fruit juice of high sugar

Fruit juice juicing

"One of the main engines of inflammation [is] fruit juice that is high in sugar. This is particularly important with the current epidemic of fibromyalgia and chronic pain, both of which are considerably amplified by a process. Called Microglial Activation and Central Awareness ", explains Dr Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, author ofFree pain 1-2-3. Teitelbaum continues "Research shows that the sugar is particularly driving. All these arthritis pain amplify clearly. "


Fatty cheese

blue cheese on cheese board with crostinis and purple grapes

Before melting some on your Mac or sizzling your nextgrilled cheese, Know this: "Most cheeses contain a large amount of saturated fats, and saturated fats have been demonstrated as inflammation trigger not only cardiac diseases, but also arthritis," says Gans.


Refined sugar

powdered sugar in a portable sifter on a pink background

"High amounts of added sugar in your diet can also exacerbate inflammation. In addition, if your diet is high in sugar, it may be lower in anti-inflammatory foods such as vegetables and fruits, "warns bitter. "Limiting added sugar by reading ingredient labels and search for sneaky sources of hidden added sugars."



hands adding salt to pasta water

Excess sodium in your diet can wreak havoc on your body in many ways, increased arterial pressure to thyroid malfunction. It can also play a role in arthritis: "salt can result in inflammation of the joints," saysLisa Devazio, MS, RD. "Avoid Conservatives and additives. Less salt can help managing arthritis, so avoid prepared meals and limit your sodium consumption to 2,300 milligrams a day," suggests that Fazio.



Dairy products like pitcher milk container yogurt cheese on tablecloth

"Yes, we recommend drinking it for children and some people succeed well, but globally many individuals (about 60% of the population) have difficulty digesting milk and proteins found there, which can cause inflammation In the body, "explains Shapiro. "All dairy products do not cause inflammation, so if you want to enjoy it, try those who have probiotics to fight against inflammation, including kefir and Greek yogurts (unsweetened of course!)."


Fried food

Fried food

"Frozen foods can be inflammatory and potentially aggravate arthritis, as they are made with high oils in omega-6 fatty acids, such as corn oil," says bitter. "Although this is correct with moderation, it can disturb the balance of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 in your body, which can increase inflammation and therefore aggravate arthritis."



French fries with ketchup on dark background, top view

Yes, fries should also be avoided, desolate ladies and genes. Can not control your desire? Try thatFrench french fries recipeor consider cooking vegetables likecarrots or parsnips up to a perfect crisp and enjoy them as a snack or one side for dinner.


Canned fruits in syrup

Canned fruit peaches

Note: We are talking about packed fruits in heavy syrup. Dried and canned fruits without added sugar is an ok. "The added sugar to the syrup can trigger the release of protein in the body called cytokines. These cytokines have been associated with an increase in inflammation," says Gans.



Holding mms in hand

Like high sugar juices, soda and bakery products, you should avoid candy at all costs if you have arthritis. Simple sugars, like those found in Candy, can sting your blood glucose, resulting in inflammation, which can aggravate the symptoms of your arthritis.


White flour

Homemade flour tortillas

"White flour conducts clearly inflammation," Teitelbaum offers. In addition, a study inThe Journal of Nutrition found the same results. "White flour also accentuates Omega-3 deficiencies that have a powerful impact on articular inflammation by removing prostaglandin E3". Research has shown that omega-3s can prevent diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, help protect your brain in addition to combating inflammation.



Slice new york pizza

We also like a slice (or three) of 'Za too, but it's not good for your body, especially if you are a victim of arthritis. "Pizza is one of the largest sources of saturated fat in the American diet, thanks to the cheese", commenting on the twins of nutrition. "Studies Show that saturated fats trigger inflammation in the adipose tissues of the body, which do not only invest the symptoms of arthritis, but also leads tocardiopathy. "

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