11 ways to get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes

Here are only anti-proof remedies you need to get a shiny skin as soon as possible.

There always seems to be a new and mysterious remedy for undeveloped bags and dark circles. And while a magic elixir sounds good, it's not realistic. The bags and dark circles pretend you tired, regardless of the sleep you got. The fact is that they are often genetic and there is nothing we can do about it.

Many women have spent hundreds of hundreds of creams that claim to emerge and alleviate these circles, but none of them is a guarantee. These pestal problems in the sube glance can be caused by allergies, sun exposures, aging, chronic fatigue and more. Here are only anti-proof remedies you need to get a shiny skin as soon as possible.

1. Apply tea bag

Forget the expensive facials - the best cure is sitting in your pantry. The caffeinated tea bags have antioxidants that increase blood flow. They could also protect against sunlight and aging symptoms. Opt for green tea, which has added anti-inflammatory advantages. Stiff for 5 minutes, cool them for 20 and rest for another 20.

2. Cold milk compress

This can be as effective as the cream of the eyes, if not more. This cold sensation on your sub-eye temporarily builds blood vessels. This can be done with water, but dairy products such as milk contain vitamin A that maintains your shiny and radiant skin. Apply under the eyes and let it rest for 10 minutes, twice a day.

3. Drink more water

This is something we are all sick from the audience, but the hydration keeps your skin happy, so the consumption of water. Here is a tip: if the shortcut water seems too boring for you, consider infused water, sparkling water or herbal tea.

4. Take the makeup before going to bed - correctly

Sleeping with makeup is the worst for your skin. What is worse is that some people just do not know how to get it out! Never run from mascara and eyeliner. Always use a do-it-yourself makeup product, toner or professional makeup. Blot gently, does not rub aggressively.

5. Change sleep habits

Sleep on your back! Sleeping on the stomach and the side allows the fluid to collect under your eyes. Even add an extra pillow if you feel like that. The amount of sleep you get is also important - get your full 8 hours and see better results quickly. If you do not see a difference, consider being checked for sleep apnea.

6. Use a potted pot

Ok, it's not really a typical solution, but a potted pot is apparently a secret cure for bags and dark circles that you need to try. This device is filled with salt water solution and poured into nostrils, sinus cleaner. After using a potted pot for a few days, you could find your eyes clearer and more awake.

7. Orange juice

Jo is not just your best friend during an influenza - it can make you look like you come from the spa. High vitamin A and Vitamin C. Dip a cotton and apply under the eyes, but pay attention to what you do not get it in your eyes.

8. Eat less salt

Sodium is often the culprit to block and make our skin dull. When our bodies do not have enough H20 but too much salt, we feel and look swollen. The skin underlay is particularly thin and easily dehydrated. So, the next time you reach these fries, make sure you have a glass of water by hand.

9. Wear a sunscreen

We all forget that the bottle of solar cream from time to time, but it is important to wear protection against the SPF, even in cold weather, protect your skin. Remember to use a moisturizer with minimum SPF 30. If you have a broad spectrum protection against UVB and UVA rays, your sube glances will thank you.

10. Include a retinol cream in your skin routine

Retinol creams can solve tons of skin problems, acne and aging with psoriasis. It is a form of vitamin A and can be bought in the form of a cream, liquid or gel. Retinol stimulates collagen production and can be used once a day after cleaning. Talk to a dermatologist before trying this one.

11. Coconut oil

This soft anti-inflammatory can be used as a cleanser and moisturizer. It is also lightened to alleviate dark dark circles under your eyes. Many users love for its ability to moisturize while lightening, preventing fine lines and wrinkles. Rub a small amount lightly and leave it during the night. Goodbye SERUM OF FANTASY EYE!

Categories: Beauty
Tags: eyes / skin
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