The secret to get to a lean body, say experts

After all, the largest fitness myth is that you can not burn a lot of fat while walking.

There are so many myths people believe when it comes toexercise. For example, many exercisers think you must be literally compromised with perspiration so that your workout is considered useful at all. "The amount you sweat is very individual"Michael Fredericson, MD, a sports medicine doctor at Stanford University medical center, recently explained toThe cup. "It's not necessarily a reflection of the difficulty you work. People often think:" Oh, I have so transpired at the gym sooner, I had to have burned a lot of calories, but it's more an indication of have been very warm. "

But if you interviewed most trainers and medical experts, they would tell you that the biggest misconception we all haveHow we consider walking. The truth is that the march is not exact to the way we get from point A to B on foot - and it is not a "lazy" way to exercise which is extremely lower than the formation of force or to The race for long distances. Not only will work moreIncrease your energy levels, help you sleep, reduce your risk of illness and help you live a longer lifeBut it will also help you reduce and get the lean body that you have always wanted.

"Walking is one of the most sub-estrightened exercises for weight loss," coach and coach of healthRyan Hodgson recentlyexplained to express. "Too often often in traditional media, we see overweight people being pushed to HIIT (high-intensity intervals training) training, circuits, sofas at 5k and more .... Many of these forms of exercise are Much more likely to promote injuries. If we could do more to promote walking to lose weight, it would be a huge step in the right direction. "

As the Hodgson note, the march essentially has a barrier barrier at the entrance - "it can be done anywhere, it is inclusive and is suitable for almost everyone, and does not need equipment or Technology ", it can burn north of 100 calories an hour. "The walk is simply helping us to burn more calories, which facilitates the calorie deficit," he says. "It can involve the whole family, so it's a great way for busy parents, stay active with children too."

But if you are ready to walk in a lean body, you have to do some things to maximize your walks. Read on to learn what they are. And if walking is your thing, do not missThe walking shoe of the secret that walkers everywhere are obsessed with.


You must walk on the gas

Woman nordic walking race on city streets. Walkers in marathon competition running fast

The biggest secret to get more of your walks - especially when it comes to thinning slimming - is to increase your speed when you go out. Fast walk, which will raise your heart rate, will help your body burn the stored fat from your body, like Steve StoneHouse, the director ofeducation ToStride, a class of walking and running,explained to scroll.

So, if you want to maximize your walks, you needgo-But it does not mean you have to exhaust or hurt your body by pushing it to the maximum, or in finding you in this clumsy zone that is half walking, half jogging. If you refer to "the perceived effection", which measures the intensity of your walk, you must walk at a "moderate" rhythm in which "breathing becomes heavier". As a rule, you should be able to talk about it, but do not be able to sing. If you can sing, you just do not go fast enough. For more things about that, seeThe secret to walk to exercise, "said Harvard.


Or walk on an inclination

walking on treadmill

The other way to burn more fat while walking is to make sure that you are walking, whether it's a real hill or you use the tilt function on your treadmill. "In the end, the treadmill is ideal for cardiovascular training," said Ollie wash, a personal trainer based in the United Kingdom and a nutritionist who runs the Sage Fitness Academy online training site.

"Although the number of calories burned by each person is based on individual factors, walk or run at an inclination of two percent or so more calories than walking or running outside burns on a level surface - the body uses a greater percentage of fat for fuel, said.Iowa Heart Center. "Walking at 3 mph a super trainer inclined ... burn 70% more fat than running without tilting."

For more on the benefits of adding difficulty to your walks through an inclination, seeWhy this incredible workout walk goes viral.


Brisk walking is a wonder drug for your body

Sport laughing young woman in the sunny park with bottle of water and headphones, happy, sport, healthy concept

According to leading experts in healthMAYO Clinic"Regular brisk walking" can strengthen your muscles and bones. Thehealth bodyThe Australian Government notes that the health benefits of brisk walking include "improved management of conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol, joint pain and muscle or stiffness, as well as diabetes."

A new study of the elderly and cognitively seniors, published in theJournal of Alzheimer's Disease, Found that out for quick half-hour walks promoting healthy blood flow to the brain and improves cognitive performance, while improving memory function.

Finally, according to a study published inBritish newspaper of sports medicine, Regular walking at a fast pace was associated with a reduced risk of 20% of "death to death."


Here is a good quick workout to try

woman lacing her shoes before a workout

Rush wilking, CFSC, a popular Nike trainer, instructor and Rumble Creator applicationAsh Fit on request, Toprovided ETNT mind + body workout with this great walk you can try at home. She says the key to burn more fat is to walk faster longer, so these training clocks one hour.

Warming up: Walking for 12 minutes total. Have a minute to a minute at a rate "faster than normal," followed by 30 seconds of heel kicks or high knees before returning a minute faster. You will do it 8 times.

Training: Walk for 3 minutes at a "fast" pace, and then 2 minutes at an easy pace. Do this 8 times.

Cooldown: Walk for 8 minutes at a slow pace.

If you want to burn more calories? Do everything on an incline on your treadmill. And for more good advice to exercise, see hereAn exercise that is the best to beat Alzheimer's, says doctor.

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