This diet can prevent high blood pressure, a new study indicates

Two new studies suggest that a plant-based plan can help you protect yourself from hypertension.

Now it's not a new one that eat a predominantly based diet can be the key toStave chronic disease long-term. Now, two new studies suggest that switching to a plant-based plan can also benefit the pregnant mothers of the immediate duration by maintaining their level of blood pressure.

Investigators of the Medical College of Georgia and the Wisconsin Medical College recently reported in newspapersActa PhysiologicaandHypertension of pregnancy: an international journal of women's cardiovascular healthThis GUT microbiota help regulate our response from the immune system.

GUT Microbiota contains billions of microorganisms that help us digest food and can play a role inImpact on mental processes like mood. Indeed, the intestinal bacteria manufacture about 95% of the offer of serotonin of the body, which affects your gastrointestinal activity and possibly your mood. These microorganisms thrive on bothprebiotics And the probiotics, both of which are mainly found in herbal foods.

So, if you can affect our mood, so it is logical that it could also affect other things, such as protecting us from high blood pressure (hypertension), right?

What have both studies revealed?

Researchers have founded essentially that food intervention can help improve intestine microbiota and protect against hypertension, even when dietary salt consumption is high. Here's how they came to this unexpected observation.

Rodents who were in the Dahl salt group were essentially high to develop high blood pressure and a gradual renal disease on a high diet. The rats were all fed a milk-based protein diet, but some were then gone to a grain-based diet. Keep in mind that both regimes are relativelysodium.

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However, when the two groups were fed aRich salt diet, rodents who had gone to a grain-based diet developed significantly lessHypertension and renal damage related to those of milk protein diet. These researchers led to believe that the development of hypertension is not only on sodium consumption, but also on daily food choices.

"The animal protein has amplified the effects of salt"Dr. David L. Mattson, principal author of the study and a long-time hypertension researcher,noted in a report.

"Since the intestine microbiot has been involved in chronic diseases such as hypertension, we hypothesized that food alterations move the microbiota for mediate the development of hypertension and renal disease sensitive to salt. ", wrote the authors in the newspaperActa Physiologica.

In fact, the intestinal microbiome was totally different between the two groups of rats, but their genetic material was virtually identical. It is interesting to note that when the rats that have been fed grain-based diet received a transplant from the intestinal microbiota of the rats eating the milk protein regime, they have increased blood pressure.

When the opposite was performed, the rats that ate the milk protein diet affect no benefit from the microbiote from the other group. Indeed, the new microorganisms could not flourish against the diet of animal proteins, speculating researchers.

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When the two groups of rodents gave birth, those who were on the entire diet were protected frompreeclampsia, a condition in which a pregnant mother develops a high blood pressure that can lead to serious or even fatal complications for her and the baby. On the other hand, more than half of the rodents continued on the milk protein regime developed the condition.

"It means that if Mom pays attention to what she eats during pregnancy, she will help during pregnancy, but also with her long-term health and could provide protective effects for her children," Dr. John Henry Dasinger, Postdoc And one of the authors of the study reported in a statement.

The researchers noted that this conclusion strengthens the message that doctors and scientists have sent mothers to decades: the diet during pregnancy.

In the end: these animal studies suggest that the consumption of a diet before and during pregnancy can help reduce the chances of a mother of preeclampsia. However, keep in mind that these studies have been carried out on rats. Human tests would therefore be needed to confirm the validity of their conclusions.

Of course, anyone who can take advantage of integrating more plant-based foods into their diet, while also reducing salt and treated foods. For more, be sure to check the14 best canned soups with low sodium for cardiac health, approved by dietitians.

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