15 signs that your partner is the wedding equipment

Entrust us: it is not necessary to worry about momentary uncertainty.

Sometimes you simply feel it in your bones:It's the person for me. And when this happens, you will appear the question and lock it, no reservation. But more often than no, this is not the case. You like your partner dearly, of course, but do not know ifForever and forever amen is the right thing for you. Well, fear no. This uncertainty is a completely normal feeling. To this end, we contacted marriage experts and relationship counselors to hammer a safe guide to eliminate any skepticism once and for all and determine if your partner is really the one. And if it turns out to be the case (lucky you!) Make sure you know exactlyHow to nail your proposal.

They are emotionally available

Marriage, couple

This may seem obvious, but these are many people shine, according to Mark E. Sharp, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist and author ofNot alone at the top: a relation guide for the courageous and successful single who did not find the love they want. "For someone to be the wedding material, they must be able to open and share what happens emotionally for them," he explains. This is because sharing your feelings is part of what is close to you as a couple. Many people assume that the marriage itself will get a person to share more by default, but it is not always the case indicating Sharp. "A good rule is that if you expect something different after the wedding that will make you satisfied with the wedding, but it is not present now, you will not be satisfied after the marriage either." Now you should make sure thatyou are beautiful ready to be married too before pieceping the question.

They have a sense of decent humor

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It may seem like a "nice to have" rather than a requirement, but hear us. "I'm not talking about the type of partner who constantly mocks you and others," saysDr. Gary Brown, a licensed marriage advisor to Los Angeles who works with singles and couples. "I'm talking about something different: they have the ability to make fun of themselves than anyone," he explains. Rather than making jokes to the expenses of others, "their ability to make fun of themselves shows a very desirable degree of humility in a life partner." And guys, it'sgood if you can laugh at you too.

Their history is civilian

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Do they speak positively (but shortly) about their exètes? It's an excellent sign "if they have historically had good relations (especially recently)," explainsLaurel Steinberg, Ph.D., a clinical sexologist based in New York, a relationship therapist and psychology teacher from Columbia University ", otherwise you are likely to be in a series of failures," she says. Although if they had bad relations, all hope is not lost. "Ask questions and think about answers and consider if that person has grown up with youth ways," she recommends. "If so, then you're probably good to go!" In addition, we have even more advice onHow to say she's here here here.

They can handle a reasonably conflict

Marriage, couple

"Pay attention to the way they are fighting with you and other people," suggests Sarah E. Clark, an authorized therapist, a relationship and founder expertIdealization. If they hit under the belt when the conflict arises, it is not a good sign. "The weddings will inevitably have conflicts and ensure that you and your partner are ready to fight the fair is essential to the success of the relationship," she says. And we haveEven more pointers for planning your proposal When you decide that you are ready to settle.

They are self-sufficient

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An independent partner is a happy partner. "A good relationship requires a mutuality and ability to return and ask for support," Sharp said. "It's important for someone to take care of themselves emotionally and physically. If they can not, they will never be able to provide the support they need to provide when it is called."

They make you make you want to be better

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"When your partner inspires you to be the best version of yourself, that is to say a key factor to know that they are marriage material," says Rori Sassoon, Expert and CEO of RORI and co-founder ofWorst platinum. "To be in a relationship engaged with someone who grows and leads you to your aspirations and goals solidifies that they want what suits you best," she explains. You may not think consciously: "I want to be better", but if you find your partner encouraging you to do things that enrich your career, your life at home or your health are very likely of wedding equipment . AndGet started push you to change even more for the better (most of the time).

They treat others

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And not just their peers. "Pay attention to how your treaty treaty treats in a restaurant or other service item," Brown suggests. "These people are a captive audience so that they must put in place with all those who enters their business. Let's hope your partner knows and treat them well. Brown also emphasizes that the treatment of other benevolent people shows that they are compassion, which improves the chances they treat you well for the coming years.

You are sexually compatible

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"If you have a good sexual chemistry and even level of desire for physical contact, it's a good indicator of a wedding material being a partner," says Steinberg. Of course, they must have other good qualities, too, but it's easier on the road if sex is not a point to stick in your relationship. "sex skills can be learned And chemistry can be built, but if they are already there, it's a less obstacle to overcome, "she adds.


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When your partner says they will do something, they actually do it. "If they can not, you have nothing because they can not engage you either," explainsmatchmaker Susan Trombetti. The indicators of this quality can be as small as if they appear for the dates of time, to fulfill their work obligations, or to keep plans more often with their friends than no. If so, then you know they are able to fully commit your relationship. Otherwise, it could be a warning sign.

They come to you when they need help

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When your S.O. has a bad day, who they talk to? "Make sure your partner tricks toward you in times of crisis or crisis," says Clark. If they do, it means they will be better equipped for weather storms with you in the wedding. "People are turning to either between them or turn away when they are upset. You should both develop a relationship support model of the relationship and the other, "she says.

You have a majority of similar values

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"Anyone considering marriage should have a set of values ​​that are in the heart for them and a must in a partner," Notes Sharp. This does not necessarily mean that you agree on absolutely everything, but your most important principles must be aligned. "These are values ​​on how to treat people, the resources prioritize in life, etc., and not just the values ​​of this kind of entertainment is better. So, make sure you have aLong talk about your values ​​before skipping the issue.

They agree with change

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Things change; It is inevitable. Yet, "so many couples get married with the hope that if things are good in their relationship, that they will remain so," says Brown. Unfortunately, it's far from reality. "Relationships are not static. They change over time, and it's a very good sign if your potential partner and you understand that, "he says. Better yet, if you have already crossed up and down and already seen in action. "Have this way to raise awareness that your partner is mature enough to fit new situations and challenges that will have an impact, even the best weddings over time," he adds.

They do what they can to make your life easier

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If your partner goes ahead and make your coffee because they get up earlier, resumes the grocery store on their way home, or run a race they know you intend to go forever , They really show you how much they care. "Have this as a good auspicious personality trait for a happy life and romantic relationship," says Steinberg. "Things are going slower when this factor is present. »

They like your friends

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This may seem unimportant, but it is important in the long run. "Many people are forced to choose between friends and their partner and this spirals quickly a relationship down," says Sassoon. "When you see your partner, taking an interest in people who have helped shape your life, it is a certain indicator that they care about your happiness as a whole. Of course, they might not get alongeach of your friendsBut it is the general trend that matters here.

They can keep their blood cold in a crisis

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"If you are not gone through a major trauma of life with your partner, you do not really know," saysROSALIND SEDACCA, an author coach and dating and relationship. After all, you never know what could happen during your life. "How does your partner lead to the challenges and crisis reflect their personality on a deep level. Do they attack you or blame or other? Do they panic and lose their sense of balance or responsibility Do they stay composed and make sensitive choices? Do not get married before having a clear understanding of reacting to your partner and how it affects your own life, "she recommends.

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