Proven ways to reduce your blood pressure now, tell doctors
Some simple modifications could save your life, especially during the pandemic.

Of all the shocking statistics of 2020, it is distinguished, silently but persistently: the deaths attributed to the toparterial pressure This year is 11% above normal, more than pneumonia and influenza, more than coronary heart disease, more than a stroke, according to oneNew York TimesAnalysis of the estimates of theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention. "Many of them are most likely linked indirectly related to the virus and caused by pandemic disturbances, including strains on health systems, insufficient access to supplies such as fans or people avoiding hospitals for fear Exposure to coronaviruses, "reports the document. Since the high blood pressure makes you more vulnerable to Covid-19, read for simple ways to drop it and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSigns that your illness is actually coronavirus in disguise.
Have a good night

"One of the most important things that people can do to reduce their blood pressure during the day consists of sleeping well at night," saysSheldon Zablew, MD. "Many studies have shown that there is a correlation between mediocre sleep and hypertension. An extreme example that most people are aware of it is that people with sleep apnea almost always have blood pressure high. "
RX: "Improving sleep hygiene and lower blood pressure by reducing exposure to end of the evening light, significantly reduce the temperature of the room and set a standard bed time of seven days-one week," explains Dr. Zablew.
Do not forget to pause

"Certainly" tea time "has great advantages by offering a break during the day," saysRobert Greenfield, MD, Medical director of non-invasive cardiology and cardiac rehabilitation at Memorialcare Heart & Vascular Institute at Orange Coast Medical Center. "This stress reducer alone can help with BP control."
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Lower your sodium consumption

"The sodium restriction is not greater than 2.3 grams daily," says Dr. Greenfield. "When the average American consumes somewhere nearly 8 to 10 grams daily, their BP will not be well controlled, no matter how much chocolate they eat or are they they drink."
Be aware of any medicine you could take

"If you take an over-the-counter pain medication, please stop interacting with your prescription drug," saysDr. Jen Caudle. "Tylenol will not increase your blood pressure and does not interfere with some hydraulic blood pressure medications, how the other out-of-counter-counter medications can sometimes."
Get physically active once

"Since the beginning of the pandemic, many of my patients have become more sedentary," saysLisa Ravindra, MD, FACP. "Without their displacements to work and walk around the office, people can easily spend 12 hours a day, sitting in front of their computers."
RX: "Dynamic aerobic exercise, such as fast walking, swimming and cycling has been studied most widely and has been shown toreduce systolic blood pressureAs much as 7 mmhg, "says Dr. Raindra." The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes per week of aerobic activity of moderate intensity. "
Limit your alcohol consumption

"Alcohol consumption has increased since the beginning of the pandemic," says Dr. Raindra. "Multiple studies have shown excessive alcohol consumption is associated with the development of chronic arduous hypertension."
RX: "The guidelines do not recommend more than one drink a day for women and 2 drinks a day for men," says Dr. Raindra. "It's not equivalent to a man by drinking 7 drinks every night for 2 nights."
Cut on caffeine

"Reduction of caffeine is a way to reduce your blood pressure," saysDr. Sean Paul, MD. "Caffeine, found in coffee, tea and other drinks like soda, can cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rate."
Stop smoking

"Quit smoking, which includes both vapor and cigarette," says Dr. Jessica Lubahn, urologist MD and founder toUndike. "Nicotine increases your blood pressure and heart rate for several minutes after the inhale."
Do not forget your supplements

"Increases essential fatty acids omega 3 through diet or supplementation because they are very anti-inflammatory body and blood vessels and decomposition plates," saysShae Leonard, PA. "CoQ10 works on the mitochondria or the energy powers of the cells to produce vital energy for muscle cells in the heart."
Be aware of your weight

"Searches systematically show how to reduce your weight (target 19 - 24.9) and your size (men under 40 inches and women under 35 inches) can have a significant impact on your blood pressure," saysDr. Sheneen Lalani, an internal medicine certified by a council.
What else to keep in mind

"Hypertension is nothing to ignore. Not controlled, this can lead to heart attacks, heart failure, features and death, says Dr. Greenfield." People should follow established guidelines and consult their doctors and focus on how they live their lives. "So do it and follow the fundamental principles of public health, no matter where you live:facial mask, the social distance, avoid big crowds, do not go inside with people that you do not go with (especially in the bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others , and do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.