A major effect of drinking the celery juice, says science

It has both moisturizing advantages and particularly useful health during these hot summer months.

Maybe you heard this digestioncelery burns more calories than in factin a rod. It's an intriguing theory, but today a report suggests that downing more celery could not only start yourmetabolismBut it could really keep you safe in the heat. With parts of North America, given extreme heat this summer - and with theNational Meteorological Service citing heat like the leading cause of bad weather deaths - drinking just celery juicemay Help you avoid the dangers of heat depletion or even heat.

Read on to learn the very fast effect of drinking celery juice and sign up forEat this, not that! newsletter For the news of the health and nutrition you need. In addition, talking about celery, check the surprising side effects that come fromnot Eating his most famous companion:Peanut Butter.

Eating celeryIs Burn calories.

Stalks of celery

First, according to a dietitian and nutritionist registered forEat this, not that!This is true: the process of our body to digest the celery actually uses more calories than the veggie itself. To learn more about fascinating science behind that, readWhat happens to your body when you eat celery, say experts.

However, this effect does not apply to celery juice.


Juice juice, likeAmla juice, has been shown to help your body burn fat. However,Beet Explain that while some high-level lifestyle and nutrition figures have argued that celery juice pours on the same advantage, scientific studies have not demonstrated that the celery juice fires metabolism.

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Celery juiceIs seem to deliver an essential health benefit.

celery stalks and celery juice
Tatacks / iStock

WhileBeet reports that other benefits of celery juice have been debated between scientists and personalities of pop culture, what researchTo Shown is that celery juice seems to deliver hydration in general. This is because the celery is composed almost entirely of water,and It contains the electrolytic potassium, which helps balancing the fluid in the body. As a result, celery juice can help hydration.

RELATED:6 best ways to stay hydrated without drinking tons of water

In addition, celery juice offers other enormous benefits.


Although it is not shown to be a huge boost to fuel combustion, celery juice provides other benefits that could really bother to be incorporated into your diet. Learn more about this by readingWhy do you see the celery juice everywhere?.

Related:A major effect of drinking apple juice, a new study says

The key to stay healthy in heat:


Dehydration is in chief among the mainCauses of heat line. An important tip in extreme temperatures is to make sure that you sip to stay hydrated. Also, do not miss11 foods that help prevent heat stroke.

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