Your guide on the anti-inflammatory regime

A diet rich in anti-inflammatory food and low inflammatory foods can help you lose weight, improve skin health and facilitate digestion.

Your body is equipped with its own internal protection mechanism: theimmune system. It fights against colds, bugging bites and major disease and strives to keep your body properly. One of the side effects of your kick-off immune system is an increase in inflammation. Although it is a completely natural process, the problem lies when your body is in a constant state of inflammation, called "chronic inflammation". And when your body fight against inflammation of any kind whatsoever, an anti-inflammatory diet can help relieve your symptoms and even reduce inflammation itself.

We talked to two dietitians to bring this anti-inflammatory explaner: a guide on how this plan can help you reduce chronic inflammation that is the root of weight gain, skin problems and digestive problems.

What is inflammation?

Inflammation can cause a variety of sources and is usually the result of a response from your body's immune system.

"The role our immune system plays in our health is to protect the body from foreign invaders called antigens. These invaders can take shape like pollen that triggers your allergies, bacteria in the nail you train what causes swelling and the pain, or the food you can be sensitive to it causes hives and itching, "saysKristin Kirkpatrick, Ms., RDN, registered dietary nutritionist and lead dietitian in wellness nutrition services in Cleveland Clinic Wellness & Preventive Medicine.

When your immune system responds to antigens, it attacks antigens to recover your body to normal.

"The immune system makes it by releasing cytokines, which induce inflammation and respond to infections. The swelling, for example, is the mechanism of your body to isolate an injury and other cells around him," said Kirkpatrick. . "If essentially, during the inflammation process, your body develops defense mechanisms. The injury is repaired and inflammation is finally resolved."

What happens when your body is in a state of chronic inflammation?

"When we fight inflammation on a chronic basis, inflammation becomes the enemy," saysAngel boards, MS, RDN, a registered dietary nutritionist based in Seattle andspokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Inflammation can present yourself in different ways of your body, fatigue to fatigue with abdominal pain. More particularly, many chronic diseases are linked to chronic inflammation:

  • Alzheimer's disease
  • arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Type II diabetes
  • Hypertension and cardiovascular disease
  • Obesity / overweight

"We can help manage some of this inflammation focusing on the content of our pantry," says Plamells. And that's where the anti-inflammatory diet in place.

What is the anti-inflammatory regime?

The diet can play a huge role in reducing inflammation throughout the body. An anti-inflammatory regime is high in foods that reduce inflammation levels, but perhaps more importantly, it avoids food that are common culprits of increasing inflammation. There are multiple studies that have shown a reduction in inflammatory factors with certain food approaches. For example, a2018 study showed evidence that anti-inflammatory schemes could help prevent early death, while a recent2019 study Shown that an anti-inflammatory regime could help prevent certain cancers.

What foods should you eat on an anti-inflammatory regime?

"We are looking for food with some protective factors," says Plamells. On a2015 studyMany foods that reduce inflammation are rich in antioxidant polyphenols. As such, an anti-inflammatory regime is high in colorful foods. The color represents "high phytonutrient / antioxidant levels," said Kirkpatrick. Thoseanti-inflammatory food understand:

  • tomatoes
  • olive oil
  • green leaves vegetables
  • Diversous nuts and seeds (almonds, pistachios)
  • Fatfish (tuna, salmon, mackerel)
  • variety of fruits and vegetables in a number of colors

"These foods contain beneficial antioxidants and body protectors," says Plamells. "Lycopene in cooked tomatoes is beneficial for the health of the prostate. Black and green vegetables contain beta-carotene, lutein and zéaxanthin, beneficial for age-related macular degeneration. We are able to absorb more than theseNutrients anti-inflammatory If a little fat is added, then sprinkle with olive oil on your greens. "

Inflammatory food to jump.

"On the most basic plan, all foods that provide minimal at no nutritional density should be avoided [on an anti-inflammatory diet]," said Kirkpatrick.

The food you should limit on an anti-inflammatory regime areinflammatory food, such as:

  • refined carbohydrates
  • Soda (and other sweet drinks)
  • Foods (fries and other fries foods)
  • Red and transformed meats

"Decrease the number of these foods and increase the number of beneficial foods if possible," says Plamells.

A one-day anti-inflammatory meal plan.

Here are two examples of an anti-inflammatory meal plan of a day you can follow.

Meal plan # 1

  • Breakfast: Steel cut oat with blueberries and removal almonds
  • One M. Puzzle: apple with peanut butter (which does not contain added sugar)
  • Breakfast: Green salads with carrots, tomatoes and radish with a wild grilled salmon side
  • P.M. Snack crust: sweet potato with pecanes
  • Having dinner: lens soup with cornice cabbage bread and whole grains
  • Dessert: Beet or mixed beet chips with goji berries

Meal plan n ° 2

  • Breakfast: Greek yogurt with nuts and blueberries
  • One M. Puzzle: Baby carrots with hummus
  • Breakfast: Kale Caesar salad with salmon
  • P.M. Snack crust: Chips with salsa
  • Having dinner: Kalbi (Korean flavor steak), Quinoa & Kimchi
  • Evening snack: Peanut butter with apple slices

Who should try an anti-inflammatory regime?

Good news: The anti-inflammatory regime is safe for anyone.

"If we eat a nutrient and dense diet, and combining this with the management of stress, an adequate sleep and good relations - we follow an anti-inflammatory way of life," said Kirkpatrick.

Add Plannells, "I think there is always a place of improvement for most of us. When we look at theDietary guidelines for Americans, the typical American consumes 1 portion of fruits and vegetables a day. The goal would be to improve our overall diet, which includes making intentional changes in the way we eat and the store, we are put in place to succeed. Because the anti-inflammatory regime focuses on the consumption of larger foods andAvoid processed foods This causes inflammation, this scheme is a good way for anyone to improve their health.

How to start an anti-inflammatory regime.

Trying an anti-inflammatory diet may seem intimidating, but it's about making small changes.

"I know that throughout my years of work with customers, a common thought is that the recommendations (ie 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables per day) feel so far from the scope of What people throw in the towel, "says Plamells. "The change of behavior does not occur overnight. If you only consume 1 portion of fruit a day, make a goal of trying to get 2 or 3 years and progressively from there."

While an anti-inflammatory regime may require morefood preparationThere are tons of resources to help you plan.

"Go watching YouTube videos or view a number of sites to help you with some ideas and do not be afraid to incorporate quick and easy corrections to help you get your nutrients, including canned (tomato sauce) and to frozen products. (ie, berries and various vegetables) to help with time and cost. These products are not inferior because they are picked with mature freshness and can help you quickly organize a Meal together. "

RELATED: YourAnti-inflammatory regime guide This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.

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