20 ways to beat the joke

Slim lower in minutes with these solutions saved by science to watch and feel flat all day.

Imagine remove your shirt by looking into the mirror and zero belly saw. Not a little belly. Not a little belly. Not a poach or a high muffin or a spare tire or intestine. Zero belly. A flat and corrugated stomach where softness was used. Most of us have long abandoned this ideal. We accepted belly fat as an inevitable albatross, a companion of life, a normal part of being a normal human being.

My book,Zero Yellow Diet, unlocks the secrets of foods that provide all the essential proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibers you need to lose weight and return your genetic triggers, while avoiding traditional diet errors that cause hunger, inflammation and gain. rebound weight. And this almost immediately reduces the bloated and digestive discomfort that makes you not only look and feel bigger but adds to the inflammation that causes a long-term weight gain. In this preview jet, you will discover my favorite ways to beat bloat, compliments of zero belly.


Balancing your bacteria

Have you ever noticed how some days wake up, look in the mirror and look at it and feel thinner? And some days, you go to the end of your pants and think: "What happened?" This could be in your head: maybe you do not feel in shape and have shot as you normally be. But maybe it's because you still weigh the same thing, but you actually appear to be bigger, thanks to the Blood belly - the side effect of an unbalanced intestine. According to the American clinical nutrition company, a healthy bug called L. plantarum, a bacterial strain found in plant-based foods, can reduce bloating, especially in people with irritable intestine. It is found in the highest concentrations in fermented plants such as sauerkraut and blinked olives, as well as many zero stomach foods.


Reduce your dairy products and gluten


Zero belly attacks inflammation throughout the body by triggering your natural health defense system of the digestive system, narrowing swelling, attenuating digestion and flatten your stomach with shocking speed. While zero belly is not strictly free of dairy or gluten-free products, it will considerably reduce your lactose intake (natural sugar in dairy), gluten (protein found in wheat) and saturated grease derived from animals, and it will eliminate inflammation-causing additives and conservatives. Meanwhile, it will fill your body with nutritional trigger foods that allow digestive cure.


Make your diet a lifestyle


Jenni Joshi, 38, lost 11 pounds and 2 inches from his waist on my plan because she did not add it as a prison sentence. "It's easy to stick and make sense. It's a lifestyle, not a diet. And the extra benefits: flawless skin, less bloated and more energy."


Eat a few times a day


If you want to look lighter and feel better, you need to keep your hot burning metabolism. And that means providing your system with good fuel - often. On the zero of the belly, you will eat up to five times a day, including three square meals, at least one zero stomach smoothie and an afternoon or an evening snack (if you are always hungry). There is science to support the fact that other meals are working on the custody of your roaring metabolism, but the reason for the plainspeak it works is that many regimes do not regime: this will allow you to reduce the probability of A diet - Destroying frenzy or too big meal that can let you swell and uncomfortable.


Mix a zero belly smoothie

Zero The belly was just the thing for Bryan, a 29-year-old accountant who was to lose weight. "The program allows you to eat good food. Almost immediately, I lost the blot" -result attributes Bryan to high protein belly smoothies without dairy products. "I love them. I'm a cross of the sweets, and it was a great alternative to the bowls and bowls of the ice that I would have had." Two minutes - it's all the time needed to meltZero Belly Smoothies-A unique mix of super nutrients that flatte your intestine, increases your metabolism, cure your digestive system and turn off your grease genes for good.


Leave cruciferous vegetables


On the zero belly, you will not eat vegetables of white roots such as potatoes, turnips and parsnies. They are low in phytonutrients and high starch, so they are not invited to the party. Not not included in this program are vegetable staples like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. Cruffer vegetables can cause bloating and flocking, especially when they are consumed raw. I do not say do not eat them if you want, but they should not be staples in your food game plan. Zero Belly Favorites: Crowress, Chinese cabbage, spinach, romaine, chute, chard, carrots, zucchini, red peppers, grape tomatoes, green mesclun, green grass (parsley, oregano, basil).


Peel a banana


A recent study revealed that women who ate a banana twice a day as a pre-meal snack for 60 days reduced their navel of 50%! Why? The fruit increases the beaten bacteria of Bluoring in the stomach. Bananas are an excellent source of potassium, which can help reduce the retention of fluids.


Sub to Tamari for soy sauce

Evgeny Karandaev / Shutterstock

If you have deprived of soy sauce because you can not disaggregate gluten, try this substitute, which is also made from soy but is gluten free. Sayonara balloon, hello flat belly. It has a richer and less salty taste than traditional soy sauce. Opt for a low sodium or Lite version, which can cut the sodium content of half.


Make zero belly Wasabi

Wasabi is this spicy paste that comes with your sushi, but it comes as a root vegetable that has properties against cancer. A study in the international newspaper of food microbiology suggests that Wasabi is effective against the Bad Gut H. pylori bacterium, which has been linked to ulcers. Kizami Wasabi is a sauce made of the chopped root and adding it to Asian dishes will help balance your good gut bugs, ban the inflator. Try this recipe: Kizami Wasabi mix Ingredients 3 oz extra blank olive oil 1 cup white omits, chopped 1 oz ginger fresh, chopped 1 cup Kizami wasabi 1 tablespoon of vinegar vinegar of olive vinegar in a saucepan . Add scalms and ginger. Transpire for 3-5 minutes until the onions are softened. Add Kizami Wasabi and Rice Vinegar. Stir and cool immediately.


Stop chewing sugar-free gum


Chewing gum may seem a harmless habit, but too many sticks can give a new meaning to the phrase "Bubble Butt". Sugar-free gums generally contain sorbitol, a sweet alcohol known to cause bloating and other gastrointestinal distress. The sorbitol takes a relatively long period to digest and undigested sorbitol in your small intestine serves as a greenhouse for fermentation of bacteria, causing bloating and flatulence.


Attention to soy protein


You probably do not think "beans" when you disconnect a protein bar, but many of them include isolated soy-derived proteins - something many people find just like musical gas. Like other beans, soy contains oligosaccharides, sugar molecules that the body can not fall completely decompose. With nowhere to go, these oligosaccharides are dragging in where they ferment, causing gas and bloating of the stomach.


Do not play with musical fruits


Nature candies, dried fruits can be an excellent source of nutrients and fiber. But this can also be a musical fruit for those who suffer from fructose malabsorption, which occurs when the body has difficulty absorbing natural sugar. Dried fruits are particularly high in fructose; The fruits of stone and citrus fruits and berries are safer options for people with sensitivity.

If you are still a dedicated dried fruit fan, make sure you read the label before you buy. Many dried fruits added sugar that makes them even more grams than a donut. Check out our list of 5 healthy food worse than a donut for exposing other slick sabotors.


Check your almond milk ingredients


Mooove on, cow's milk! Almond's milk is a better option for people with lactose sensitivity, but you save your goals if you buy a brand with the Thickening Carragenan agent. Derived algae, carrageenan has been linked to ulcers, inflammation and other gastrointestinal problems.


De-salt your soup

Good for the soul, but potentially bad for the stomach, the soup can hide high sodium numbers of the sky that can lead to water retention and a temporary weight gain. When you overload your system with salt, your kidneys can not follow; The salt that would otherwise be rinsed must sit in your bloodstream, where it attracts water, causing an increase in blood pressure and bloating.


Sprinkle cinnamon


Cinnamon contains powerful antioxidants called proven polyphenols to change body composition and improve insulin sensitivity. An animal study published in biochemistry and biophysics archives has shown that the addition of food cinnamon has reduced the accumulation of belly fat. And a series of studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that the addition of a cinnamon teaspoon to a starchy meal can help stabilize blood glucose and prepare insulin spikes. Sprinkle the cinnamon in your morning oats and your smoothies for a smaller size, less cravings and control of appetite.




Our intestinal bacteria play an important role in verifying our grease genes by unemployment on the fiber and creating short chain-chain fatty acids (SCFAS) such as butyrate, which help to tame our genetic propensity for weight gain. And diabetes. When we take antibiotics for each sniffing, we create a disorder in our intestinal bacteria and undermine their ability to create SCFAS that retain our grease genes.


Rinse your system


If you are serious about the loss of belly, I encourage you to cut alcohol, soda and any artificially sweet drink for the six-week plan. These drinks are loaded with sugars and artificial ingredients that can cause weight gain and bloating. The easiest way to enter your eight glasses is to have a drink as soon as you wake up, with each meal, zero Smoothie of the belly or snack, and before you go to bed.


Ditch the bottle protein shakes

After the release of the ABS regime, consumers have come to understand the link between protein and weight loss and how the protein has contributed to muscle building and burning fat. And shortly thereafter, the food industry jumped and found a way to market the idea. Today, each Bodega and every kiosk and pharmacy have shelves of "protein bars" and "muscle shakes". But I would prefer that we called what they are really: calorie bars and bloat shakes. They can have protein, yes, but most are also high in food additives, lactose and other compounds that can cause digestive problems and inflammation.



I can not confirm if Confucius had a six pack, but the legend has the Chinese philosopher eating ginger with each meal. And now, there is science to suggest that ginger can improve a number of gastrointestinal symptoms. In addition to cure Bellyache, a study published in the journal of gastroenterology and hepatology suggests that Ginger can have a unique ability to accelerate gastric emptying. To quote the first lady: "Moved!" The freshly grated ginger is delicious in marinades and salad dressings, or pick up a ginger tea box for soothing digestive.


Take control!


A director of fierce food and seven-year-old father, Bob McMicken knows stress. And at 229 pounds with a dangerously large size, he knew his health was a major concern. Sick to feel inflated and drained emotionally, Bob is committed to taking control of his health and registered in a zero belly. In a few days after the Easy menu, Bob's swelling seemed to disappear. And in less than six weeks, Bob had lost 6 pounds and a 6-inch height of his previously distended environment. "BeforeZero Yellow DietI felt swollen, fat and depressed, "he said." Now I feel better, I have more energy and I smile! I found my favorite shirt finally covered my belly! "

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Bloating
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