Why each diet needs antioxidants

Antioxidants are free radical combat compounds that can slow signs of aging. Learn how to find them and use them properly to reap their health benefits.

Antioxidants have a moment in the world of health and nutrition. To be nicknamedanti-aging to be a remedy for fertility, it's not surprising thatFoods rich in antioxidants are labeled assuperaliments on the package. But what are antioxidants really in the body? And these are antioxidants anyway?

We will start with a review of how antioxidants work, their health benefits, foods rich in antioxidants, and if it is worth taking antioxidant supplements.

What are the free radicals?

To understand what an antioxidant is, you must first know what a free radical is. Free radicals are molecules that can attack important cells in the body, resulting in damage, or oxidative stress. The damage caused by oxidative stress may possiblyresult under conditions such as:

  • certain cancers
  • emphysema
  • asthma
  • hypertension
  • atherosclerosis
  • arthritis
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • cirrhosis
  • cataract
  • macular degeneration

The data also suggest that too much oxidative stress can lead tofertility challenges in men and women.

Free radicals can come from external sources such as smoking, fried food consumption or be exposed to pollutants found in places such as air or water. They can also occur naturally during normal corporal processes such as exercise. A little oxidative stress is natural and necessary for certain bodily processes. The key is not to have too much oxidative stress, and a way to do it is to consume enough antioxidants.

What are the antioxidants and how do they work?

Antioxidants are molecules and vitamins that cells protect damage caused by these free radicals. They do it by reaction with free radicals, which prevents free radicals from reacting with other beneficial molecules and cells.

Examples of antioxidants include:

  • anthocyan
  • astaxanthine
  • beta carotene
  • catechins
  • Eellagic acid
  • polyphenols
  • québec
  • selenium
  • vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • zinc

What are the health benefits of antioxidants?

Antioxidants can combat the effects of oxidative stress, and therefore the risk of developing the conditions mentioned above.

Large-scale studies have shown that antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, selenium and zinc can significantly influence rates of certain serious diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers.

There are many antioxidants in existence, and some antioxidants play a specific role in the body. In addition, many antioxidants naturally found in food work together to have an effect in the body. For example, vitamin E and selenium work together to eliminate highly toxic components in the body. They depend on sufficient quantities of the other to accomplish this task.

Fortunately, a balanced diet will provide your body with various types and amounts of antioxidants.Studies have found that the consumption of antioxidants obtained from foods have a protective effect in most cases.

What foods contain antioxidants?

Antioxidants are naturally present in many foods, Like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts. Surprisingly, some are in seafood, too!

Here are some foods that pack a punch in antioxidant content:

1. Blueberries

Antioxidants called anthocyanas are responsible for blueberries have this beautiful blue color. These colorful bays are one of the best sources of antioxidants out there and pack a punch in nutrition.

Anthocyan can helpPrevent many diseases and conditions, Including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and inflammation.

2. Seafood

Are you wondering what makes some seafood have this beautiful pink color? These submarine treasures are sources of antioxidantastaxanthin Who is responsible for this pink shadow. The accumulationEvidence suggests That astaxanthin could have a protective effect against atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

Although some types of marine algae are the richest source of this powerful antioxidant, it is also in lobster, shrimp, salmon and rainbow trout.

3. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are the main source of selenium nutrients antioxidants in the fruit and vegetable department. Antioxidants such as selenium body cells protect against damage that could lead to chronic diseases.Selenium plays many roles In the human body, including protection against the negative effects of heavy metals, the management of the proper functioning of the immune system of, and to reduce the risk of developing certain cancers.

A portion of white mushrooms (button) is a good source of selenium, and a portion of Cremini or Portabella is an excellent source of the antioxidant.

4. Pulse

The pulses are a group of food comprising dry peas, lenses, chickpeas and beans. They are high in antioxidants and offer a range of healthy qualities, including herbal proteins, fibers, folate and potassium.

One of the richest sources of antioxidants is the red red bean, which provides more antioxidants per serving whencompared to many other foods. Red kidney beans, as well as all impulses, can be considered as a protein and a vegetable due to their nutritional composition.

5. Nuts

Nuts have theThe highest amount of free and total antioxidant polyphenols between nuts. Animalresearch showed that the compounds found in nuts can be protective of the brain signaling function and offer the advantages of the engine and cognitive.

Nutrients and bioactive compounds found in nuts such as omega-3s, antioxidants such as sealagic acid or amino acids such as tryptophanplay a protective effect on the inflammation of the colon caused by digestive disorders.

6. pears

The pears are a good source of vitamin C, one of the most famous antioxidants. Each average pear contains about 7 milligrams, 10% of the daily value. The pears also naturally contain phytonutrients and other antioxidants, of which a variety are in the vibrating skin of different varieties of pear. Choose a color mixture for an added benefit.

7. Canada's pure maple syrup

Antioxidants may not be the top of your mind when you think about maple syrup, but they should!Scientific Have identified more than 67 different types of antioxidants called polyphenols in pure maple syrup and nine of these nine are unique for only pure maple syrup. One of these polyphenols, namedQuébécois, naturally forms when the sap is boiled to produce maple syrup. Québécoishas been shown to helpreduce inflammation in the body.

If you care to take antioxidant supplements?

Studies have been conducted to determine if antioxidant supplements could help prevent certain diseases. Unlike the data suggesting a positive relationship between the food antioxidant intake and the reduction of the risks of certain conditions, the same relationship does not apply to antioxidants as a supplement.

Well-designed clinical trials focused on antioxidant intake and the risk of developing certain diseases, including somecancer,heart disease, andcataracts. The majority of data suggest that antioxidants of the supplement form offer no risk reduction advantage as their food counterpart.

An issue concerning the note is that data from certain studies really suggest that some additional antioxidants if they are taken in the long run (over two years) can actually increase its risk of developing certain diseases. In one case, when beta-carotene has been completed in smokers, theRisk of lung cancer has really increased. In other men-oriented clinical trials, vitamin E supplementation was associated with increased risk ofHaemorrhagic stroke andProstate cancer.

It is important to note that some data suggest a positive relationship between the antioxidant intake in the supplement form and health outcomes, but data are not as convincing as data that focus on antioxidants in the form of food. .


Antioxidants from food sources have been linked to a series of benefits for human health, but the same effect is not always seen when using the counterparty of the supplement. By focusing on foods rich in antioxidants such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains will provide you with not only antioxidants, but you will also benefit from many other healthy features such as fiber, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients in combination with natural antioxidants can be the ticket for your overall health, not only on a pill.

If you are considering antioxidant supplements, make sure that a pill will never substitute for a healthy and balanced diet. Your supplement should bethird-party certifiedAnd your doctor should be aware of all the overether pills that you put in your body.

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