This lady had a news of her doctor, which following next was completely amazing!

Modern science has increased jumps and limits, with amazing progress that occurs each year. Thanks to that, we can now live longer and life healthier Tha

Modern science has increased jumps and limits, with amazing progress that occurs each year. Thanks to this, we can now live a longer and healthier life than ever possible before. We unreservedly rely on our doctors and nurses to help us achieve our best possible health condition. But that does not mean that health professionals are perfect - even the most qualified doctors and nurses can do badly diagnose a condition. And in this scenario, the consequences can be fatal.

Young and lively, Susannah Cahalan

Young and optimistic at 24, Susannah Cahalan had all his life in front of her. And with a long-time love partner at his side, she was ready to take the world. But no one could have seen him coming when she was hospitalized for madness. But the condition of Susannah was very different from what his doctors thought they were. It was about to be the battle of his life.

The beginning of everything

It all started from the moment Susannah started experimenting with indescribable sensations throughout his body. It was a disconcerting sensation, where she felt as if something crawled throughout her body, something she could not see with her naked eye. She supposed it's a case of bed bugs.

Bed bugs were not the cause of his problems

With a clear guilty established in his mind, she immediately decided to establish things in her appropriate order - and finally get rid of uncomfortable sensations. With a towing exterminator, they sought every inch of his apartment to search for said bed bugs. However, this was quickly excluded; The exterminator did not find anything.

It started climbing something worse ...

This does not get worse than that point. In addition to the creeping sensations, Susannah began experiencing paranoia, hallucinations and serious convulsions that he started interfering with his work. She became very lethargic and was in severe agony.

The hospital did not bring any comfort to it

Susannah thought it is better to look for professional medical help. She sought refuge within the boundaries of the institution, but even it brought her sustainment. His condition is becoming more and more worse, instead of better. It was not long before it became violent with the staff.

His aggression extended to his family and friends now

And as a terrible incessant nightmare, his suffering was endless. His aggression was not limited to the staff of the hospital, but continued to manifest themselves towards the people who came to visit him. He even extended to his friends and family. The health of Susannah, both physical and mental, decreased a serious road.

It has been admitted to a psychiatric installation

With only its more and more worse condition and no healing in sight, Susannah's assistance doctors feared that she was on the point of mental degradation. They suggested admitting it to a psychiatric installation, where she could have obtained better treatment.

Intervention of Dr. Souhel Najjar

Susannah had a road demolue in front of her, with his condition only get worse and worse every time. His friends and family thought they were sentenced to spend the rest of his life locked up in the school. The current Susannah was a moulting shadow of her once healthy and happy. It was when Dr. Souhel Najjar decided to take another look at Susannah's condition.

He knew something was absent

Dr. Najjar turned out to be the grace of Susannah. He was not going to spend the same judgment as doctors before him and make an uninformed diagnosis. He knew that his behavior was inexplicable, but it was not the time to give up Susannah. He asked her to perform a simple task. And this task was going to be the determining factor in his life.

He asked her to perform a simple task

When Dr. Najjar had his first look at Susannah, he knew in his heart that there was more to the tortured soul that was Susannah Cahalan. With its full-growing doctoral instinct, it tasks to determine the exact affliction of Susannah. Dr. Souhel Najjar asked Susannah to draw a clock. And with this simple task, its suspicions have been confirmed.


This simple task has proven to be the saved grace of Susannah. His apparent "madness" was not a real madness, but rather something else entirely. His condition was an indisposition of the body rather than the brain. The condition of Susannah had been misdiagnosed all that time.

What is really wrong with Susannah?

Dr. Souhel Najjar had asked Susannah to draw a simple clock. Draw a round figure and write numbers along the edge was a fairly simple task. But what was clean about the representation of a clock of Susannah was that his clock showed all the numbers on the right side of his face. It was a clear indicator of brain damage.

A single affliction

Mr. Najjar's diagnosis has finally proven to be the right thing for the Self that ends with Susannah. It diagnosed it with an anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, a condition that causes the immune system antibodies to attack the brain.

He saved her at the time

The case of Susannah was a whole completely different from what it had been diagnosed. It was a shocking revelation to all people involved. If Dr. Najjar did not follow his instincts and intervened, Susannah could have become seriously ill. If it is not processed untreated, it could have been dead.

On the road to recovery

And just at the time, she received appropriate treatment. And almost as if it were magic, she started getting better. She was on a successful road of the recovery and she was good and unloaded from the hospital in just one month.

She wrote a book about her experience

Finally, recovered, Susannah was once back to his normal healthy car at least a month later, because she started getting good treatment for her condition. Susannah then wrote a book detailing his experience. It aims to help others cope with similar conditions through its book.

Speak to the public about it

After being healed, Susannah started talking to groups of his experience with the disease. Its openness on the subject could save the lives of others suffering from other untreated brain trauma.

She was really lucky

Susannah realizes that she really was lucky enough to receive her diagnosis and treatment in time. It is not part of the frightening statistics of 15% that will recover but undergo serious cognitive deficits or even 20% that suffer from light.

An experience that changes life

Experience has had an inexplicable change in it. "When I look at the photographs of me" post- "compared to the photos of me" before ", there is something modified, something lost - or won, I can not say - when I look in my eyes "She explains.

Happy to be alive and healthy

She is lucky not to spend the rest of her life in an institution, damaged cerebral, even worse, dead. She is one of the "lucky" - who has been on the dark side of the brain and survived. Fortunately, she is back to her former self once again, everything because a doctor refused to give up her!

Categories: Emotional / / Mental Health / News / Offbeat
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