54 animal facts more saddest that will ruin and make your day at the same time

The animal world could be depressing when you stop looking at pleasant things for a moment and look here. Happiness is to know facts that we have n

The animal world could be depressing when you stop looking at pleasant things for a moment and look here. Happiness is to know facts that we have never known before. The pleasure is to know that it is a fact and yet, you can not believe it. Well, we brought 54 animals made more saddest that you will not forget the next time you see them. Whether our favorite hedgehogs, dogs, cats or wildlife like cheetahs, elephants or insects workers such as bees, ants or submarine calamins, sharks or birds. They are on this list. As humans have their secrets, animals have aspects of aspects of their lives that they can not help themselves. They live with that, but how many of these facts have you already noticed? Go ahead and find your answer!

Can not sleep alone

Sometimes we go to bed thinking how nice it would have been if a special person was here to hold. We all know this feeling. And if it was an obligation to sleep together or if you do not fall asleep? Well, the zebras can not sleep alone. It started when the animal learned to sleep standing to keep a watch on predators. Sleeping in a group decreases their anxiety and helps to sleep without tension.

Company> Food

Are you a cat person or a dog person? This is a famous question these days. Cats are interesting animals. They seemed to be lost in their own world without worrying about what's going on with their owner and their thing. They are not a lot of playful personalities and looking at their behavior, it is usually understood that their priorities are eating and sleeping, but that's not true. As studies tell a different different thing, which is the fact that cats prioritize the company above all the rest.

For all cat owners, studies have also proven that cats prefer not only your association, but they can also identify your face, your voice and your name that you usually call them. They know that simply choose not to show it.

Sleep anywhere and everywhere

Why can not we sleep in Metros? Why can not we sleep at work? Why can not we sleep on our comfortable mattress, even when we are asleep? Because we are humans, not giant pandas. Giant pandas can fall asleep anywhere and everywhere. At the top of the tree, next to the cold river or a play slide, they just do not care at all. Here is the fun part, they do not even care about the risk that it could involve, pure soft creatures simply do not seem to be worried about anything in the world with respect to their nap period.

Give me a partner or other I will die!

Who would like the reason for their death either loneliness? Nobody, right? Even female girls did not choose it for themselves. When they are in heat, high levels of estrogen are secreted in their blood. In this situation, if they can not be mocked, the hormone will increase the depression of the bone marrow, which causes an aplastic anemia. Possibly, they die.

I can feel your pain!

As humans, we are so accustomed to hiding our feelings as if we were born with this habit. Most of the times, we can not even have the slightest idea of ​​the idea that the other person suffers or perhaps stressed, that's how humans hide our emotions. Now, let's talk about mouse that can not help but feel the sadness, pain or the suffering of other mice. The researchers discovered that mice are able to feel complex emotions. They share sadness, when people feed living mice to their company serpents, the rest of the mice in captivity becomes also depressed.

Much more destroy than we

The seagulls are usually said to be the worst birds of the world. Irritating tourists are one of their favorite things of all time to do. Sometimes it looks like this habit is in their blood and they are required to tease humans anyway possible. A group of seagulls is known as a wreck and they probably wake up every day to prove it to the whole planet. They never leave their name low!

Lesson 1: life is unfair

For most of us, it takes a lot of lessons to learn this fact, while for some people, life always happens. Unlike us, the Giraffe calf learns his lesson even before opening his eyes for the first time. A baby giraffe falls six feet when the Giraffe mother gives birth. After all, the mother keeps the baby inside for 13 to 15 months. Indeed, life is unfair and if you have not learned it yet, the next time you see a giraffe admire it like a much more experienced creature than you!

Listen, crying and producing

Cows are chosen from music. Scientists can not explain it, but they proved it after years of research that cows give more milk while listening to music. The best-known song that works is "Everyone hurts." They produce not only more milk but also cry as long as they listen to music. Now, make the poor emotional creatures just to get more milk seems coarse, but that's how it's okay.

Although their history be brilliant, they love a song more and it does not make them cry, but help them handle unstoppable tears flowing; The "bridge over the troubled water" of Garfunkel brings them back on the right track.

More old

Yes, these are the nearest ancestors we have on disks, but who knew they live a similar life like most humans. The monkeys are known to live in groups. But studies indicate that, as they grow, they become less social and hang with selective friends. Poor primates face the exact mid-life crisis as we do. Even the gorillas get gray hair when they start growing up.

Everything I need is the sugar, Divine!

Just a stress eats with each one of us. The stressful life of a bee is far too much for her to manage. Bees too deform stress with the help of sugar. It's not just a source of energy for them, but also something that makes them look for another day. Soft life will be as depressing as well as working without being paid.

To be bored? Tried to destroy yourself?

What do you do when you are bored and has nothing to do? Strangely watching your phone? Could be anything, right? The conures show the same symptoms of boredom as most of us. The conures have a painful way to pay particular attention. Sometimes they just want attention and they do what is within their reach to get it. When they are not left with anything to do, they simply start charging their feathers one by one until someone does not notice them or get something good to distract you.

The one and only

The foxes chose their comrades during a life. It's a pleasant fact to many people, but the subsequent part will be depressing for anyone. While female foxes can find other partners when their partner dies, male foxes remain dedicated to their friends, even after their death. Males live alone after the death of females.

I do not like it

In the case of birds, self-confidence gets negative scores. They show their deli, beating themselves. The researchers stated that birds were hit in the windows because they are angry at themselves. Now, when you see a bird near the window, you will not feel sad not because it's hurt, but because it wanted to be hurt.

Transpire in an uncontrollable manner

Everyone has sweat problems but horses have just gained the game. In less than an hour, horses can pierce a bucket to a gallon. Why are they transpiring like a teenager who asks for his first crushing for a movie? Well, the answer is more scientific and we will leave it on the science of giving their explanation, but it's a lot of sweat anyway!

Just to spend time with Hoomans

People post videos of their dogs watching television with so much interest. What they do not know is that pooks do not really care about television, they are more amused by the attention their hoomanses watch television. They are sitting with you watch TV just to spend time with you! They are possessive and could bark when they see other dogs on television. This explains why why humans do not deserve dogs.

Shave me to save me

Very few people know about it that the shaving of sheep wool is saving their lives. Their wool grows up and pushes it never stops growing. In case a sheep wool is not shaved, it will not be able to support the weight after a certain extent and falling and finally dying because of the famine.


What will you do if your leg is captured in a trap? To wait for someone? Or die if no one is present? Well, if you learn wolves, they will give you a smart lesson; Chew your leg. The wolves do that. When they do not see any other way out, they chew it to survive.

I cry ... a lot

There is still a scientific reason behind her. Roadrunners Cry a lot and it's to get rid of excess sodium in their body. Even if it's part of their lives, it makes us sad that someone has to cry and cry just to keep alive.

Do not leave me alone!

When babies separated from their parents in a grocery store, they ask for help or start crying. But rhinoceros babies can not get help and need their mothers to find them. Baby rhineous wonk when they are lost because they are afraid alone. They moan an acute tone for their mothers to find them.

I'm not exhausted

Meerkat's face is a smile, but their eyes have dark circles. They are said to be depressed but they are not. It is only because the fur around their eyes is black in color. They look like an exhausted student who had not slept all night to prepare the upcoming exams. They need to take a cold pill.

Long distance relationships

For bats, distance relationships are a way of life. They enter not only in long distance relations, but they also manage to maintain it. If it's not sad enough, you must also know a fact of more on bats, most of them can not walk because their leg bones are quite minus and lowercase.

Lovers of dry shampoo

The desert piers are adorable and sweet little creatures. Their ears are so unique that we can continue looking at them. Why do they like dry shampoo? No, it's not that all food in the world has been removed from them. But then we all have strange tastes and disgusts, right?

The clowns of the sea

People with fun names will certainly understand what we are talking about. Maffins are known as the clowns of the sea and they go with their names. They are overloaded with kindness and can never be taken seriously.

No guacamole please!

Many people do not know about lawyers as its expensive and hamsters must do it anyway. Okay, it's not really a sad fact, but the fact that the lawyer is toxic to hamsters. Many animals can not eat guacamole because it is so sweet. They will die! Therefore, tortilla chips are all they should love.

I have back problems!

The hamsters live indeed a sad life because it is the second time on this list. This time, they went to the list for a serious problem. Most of them face spoil problems because of the wheels of hamster that are too tiny for them who lead to arthritis.

Can not jump

The elephants are playful, but their weight will not let them jump. Although they do not really need to jump but it would not be incredible to see these huge creatures jump. Elephants can weigh more than 13,000 pounds. Most animals jump like they need it to save predators. But elephants have other tips to stay safe.

Never forget a face

And if you can not forget your face's face? Did you know that crows can never forget a face! Researchers say experiences have shown that crows recognize human faces. They can not forget even if they wanted it. Maybe some or the other characteristic of our faces stored in their minds

Let's look and relax

We all want to take rest and simply cool for a moment. However, Japanese snow monkeys should be seen playing around, but what they like the most is to take hot springs baths and stay in warm waters as long as they can. They know how to worry about themselves and life outside these water pools can be truly sad for them.

Lonely lifestyle

Thinking of bees, the only thing that strikes in our mind is so many bees in the honeycomb, bringing honey and living happy. This is not true, the film "Bee Film" was a great lie. The truth is that on the 267 species of bees, more than 90% are antisocial and do not live in colonies.

Terrible memories

The reason the squirrels save nature by planting seeds are that they forget where most of their nuts are. They hide the nuts and forget where they hid it. Such disappointment has always been ceasing to work. After all, we all know how much they love nuts after watching "the age of ice".

A box of ice for a heart

Arctic foxes remain in the coldest region of this planet and they are not cold. They can not shudder! Even if the temperature is as high as -70 degrees Celsius, they can face it. How good is it? Or is it just sad? Can we have one of these things to cuddle with a cold night?

The life of a solitary

Female cheetahs need anyone to support them or be with them. Female cheetahs live alone live their lives as they grow up to be strong and can easily hunt for themselves thanks to their speed that no one can beat. Now, humans can also understand it as a decision to stay alone.

The truth to the teeth

If you have already seen a squirrel, you may have noticed that the tiny animal continues to do something with his mouth. Have you ever wondered why? The reason behind is that their teeth never stop growing and preventing them from growing, they must continue to chew all the time.

In the battle of the uterus

For the Tiger Sand shark, the cruel world begins to impact the uterus itself. Babies are fighting in the belly of their mother to survive. The baby finally coming out of his mother, the belly arrived after killing his brother and his eaten. An early age to fight.

Chances are stacked

If you own rabbit, make your heart strong before reading this. The fluffy creatures are very lucky to become an adult. In fact, only one in seven rabbit is able to live the life of an adult.

Mark the territory with tears

Tears are valuable but not to everyone. Dik-dik The little creature, a close relative of deer, mark his territory with tears. Thinking of them thinking of heartbreaking things to bring out tears is what we simply can not handle. This is how their parents did and so they keep the tradition in progress.

Can fly but can not walk

We know all the birds that can not fly; Penguins and ostriches. But did you know about the sad fact of hummingbirds? The fastest bird on the planet can not walk! It's a less known fact, but they continue to fly and fly, how sad it could be?

Mord of love

Okay, love bites are part of the process we will not discuss here, but imagine shark bites! Scares someone's hell. Blue sharks mordent when they are in love. With them, things become a little sharp and they do it just to show that they care about each other. Well, you must now agree that love is really bad.

Without fear forever

A Pudu Deer is the smallest of deer species on the planet. They are mellow and magnets, but the world is cruel to them. They are small that even the big owl with horns hunt. And being more subject to dangers because of their size, pudu prefers to run instead of being afraid.

Someone can be my mother

The reason why ducklings can easily be friendly with humans, it is that they will take anyone as their parents they look for the first time. Whether it's a dog or a human, they will be their mothers. It's cute until you realize that they never know their true mother.


Calling someone chicken will really be a big deal after that. Chickens can be scared easily. They can easily be frightened to death. You do not have to kill him to eat it. Frame will have half of your work. But is not it too sad to manage?

Cruel world

Greyhounds are one of the pooks recommended for the elderly and can also work as the therapy dogs when trained. But unfortunately, every year, thousands of these species of superb animals are killed because they do not seem to be good enough with regard to the "race potential".

Living or die, my choice!

In the 1960s, the dolphin who played the part of "Flipper" finished his life in "refusing to breathe longer". Unlike humans, dThe olfins are involuntary air-respirators, which means they decide on each breath they take!


Bears showed this similar habit several times in the past. If they are kept in captivity, there is more chances for them to deny food in order to die. Smart yourself to death needs a lot of guts and supports to have it in them.

I'm hungry, I eatMyself

It's about mice again. They will die eating to die. If left without food and they stay hungry for a long time, a mouse will eat at death. Can you think how it will be?

Disorder view?

Moose have a very bad view. Pretty poor as there are regular cases of moose trying to have sex with a car. Okay, we understand that their eyes are not good but what happens to their noses? Can not they feel gasoline or diesel? Now we also doubt their sense feel.


The jellyfish are as dangerous as beautiful. In the worst cases, their sting can bring a person to death. These dangerous marine creatures are powerless in front of the sunlight. If left under the sun, a jellyfish will evaporate.


It is said that bulls become aggressive to see the red color. Like most cattle, bulls are as blind of color. There is no way that red color irritates it. This is probably the way the fabric movements that angle the bull that its color.


What are we without our brain? AMM Starfish? Maybe yes. Starfish does not have a brain. So what do they exist? How do they know where their food is? Where to go? When are they sleeping? How does it work without brain? Are they still counted like animals or just a moving plant?

Where is your language?

Crocodiles have languages ​​but you will not see it. First of all, do not go so close to them as we will tell you why can not see the language. A crocodile language is attached to the roof of the mouth. They have it, but they really do not need it and they are one of the best hunters without using it.

Too mad?

As we have already told you, what is one of the major reasons for birds on the windows, there is another more obvious reason, which is that they can not see the window. More than 10,000 birds die each year because of this reason.

Swimming is a necessity

Have you ever wondered what it would be like swimming in all life? Well, it will be like the life of a tuna fish. Tuna can not stop swimming. They must swim anyway. To think why? They will suffocate and die if they stop swimming.

Can not lay alone eggs

A female pigeon can never lay eggs when he needs someone with her. What is the reason? There is no explanation yet for that. But that's what research has shown over the years.


The ants, when they die, diffuse an odor a few days later, which calls other Friends of the Formrière who become pallontres. They take the dead comrade to the place where they can bury it; at his ant cemetery.

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