This mother has created a world record by giving birth to an embryo just a year younger than her

More than one feeling special it is a very big feeling for a woman to be a mother. From the beginning of pregnancy, every moment has its own vibrations.

More than a special feeling

It's a great feeling for a woman to be a mother. From the beginning of pregnancy, every moment has its own vibrations. But for this mother of Tennessee, it's something more than special because his child is only a younger year than she.

The couple's decision to have a baby

Tina and Benjamin Gibson reside in the eastern part of Tennessee. They got married in Tennessee only. They savored every moment of their company. After a while, the couple decided to have a baby.


"My husband has cystic fibrosis, so infertility is common," said Tina CNN. Cystic fibrosis is a disease that mainly affects the lungs. However, this disease will act as a barrier to their goal of having a baby.

In peace with Benjamin's condition

However, the couple did not allow Benjamin's condition to take tolls on themselves, they had actually planned something different "we had decided that we were more than probably adopted and we were going well."

Foster children

In the meantime, they helped other children. They decided to promote few children before landing on their final decision. The couple planned a long week vacation. But the conversation of Tina with his father arrested them before being able to engage during their holidays.

Moment of life

Before starting their trip for the holidays, the couple decided to drop his dog at Tina's Dad Place. However, the father of Tina told them something, which turned out to be a moment of evolution of life for both. "I saw something about the news today. This is called embryo adoption, and they would involve an embryo in you and you could wear a baby, "he was excited to his daughter.

Not very excited

But the couple did not seem to be too interested in what Tina's dad told them. "I was like", that's good, it's nice, dad, but we are not interested. We are in depth in host care right now, "Tina reminded with a smiling smile," I'm a little blown. I did not interested. "

Decided to seek on the adoption of the embryo

Tina thinks that his father told him, on their journey of eight hours to their holiday destination. "It played in my mind again and again and again," she says. Benjamin asked her "What are you thinking about?", "The adoption of the embryo," she replied. Later, Benjamin and Tina decided to do some research on this.

The research

Tina immediately released the laptop and typed "adoption of the embryo" on Google. She started looking for the subject. Tina continued to share the ballots on the subject of Benjamin. She told him that the donation center was located in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Tina decided on the spirit

It did not take it long to decide. "Last August, I just got home one day; I looked at Benjamin and said, "I think we need to submit an application for embryos". "And they started the procedure.

Consideration of the uterus

After the initial procedure, Tina had to undergo a series of tests, just to examine his uterus, if it were appropriate or not for the process. Tina has had to expand a small polyp and after that, it was time for a home study.

Home study

The home study is a procedure similar to the one that is followed when someone wants to adopt a child. The examiner examines the place to make sure it is a pleasant environment for the growth of a child.

Projection of the profiles of the donor

In March, the couple had spent all the tests they followed and were now waiting for the embryo implementation process to start. In fact, it was not at all confronted with this direction. There was another step that they had to go through and it was to choose an embryo. The couple literally had to cross the profile of donor, which had all the information on this subject, including genetic information. "We literally had two weeks to go through 300 profiles."

The couple was confused

Tina was confused. The list was so long, that she did not know at zero on a donor. Everyone wants a healthy baby, but they also consider other factors. So they decided to make their choice by focusing on a factor, that is to say their stature.

The selection procedure

At first, they recorded these profiles similar to their body structures. Then they moved on other important factors. "Then we started looking at some of the biggest things, like medical history. Long short story, we chose our profile. "

Northern Northern Pregnancy

The first choice they did does not seem possible for them. Therefore, they decided to opt for the second profile on the restricted list. They are not aware that Tina's pregnancy was going to beat a world record. He was also going to take the internet by the storm.

Implementation method

Tina told the doctor: "I did not signed it for that," jokingly. According to medical books, there is on the survival rate of 75% when frozen embryos are melted, but this case was a little different. In this case, all three embryos survived, taking all doctors by surprise. The implementation process was almost over. Now he was on the couple to have patience

A baby for the couple

Finally, an embryo has been successfully implanted. He was really miraculous for Tina and Benjamin. Tina gave birth to a cute and a healthy little girl. During the interview, Tina said, "So just fell in place. He is our new normal; He is crazy to think ".

Progress in IVF technology

You, people have to wonder how Tina has that an embryo just a younger year than she. Progress of IVF technology has made this possible. The success rates of IVF are higher, resulting in the creation of fewer embryos. Nowadays, people give the remaining embryos.

could adopt

Whenever someone asks that if it is interested in having more children? Tina said she was quite interested in giving Emma brothers and sisters with the remaining embryos. She also emphasized the idea of ​​adoption. "We wanted to adopt, and I do not know who will not be in our future. We can still adopt. This right ended up being the road we took. I think we would have been equally filled with joy if they could adopt. "

Categories: / Offbeat / Science & Tech
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