Here's everything you need to know about ovulation!

Beware of girls! This is the strong moment you know more about your very complicated body. No need to say that the body of a human being is the most complicated of a dwelling ear

Beware of girls! This is the strong moment you know more about your very complicated body. No need to say that the body of a human is the most complicated housing of the planet and, in this case, the body of women is even more complicated. There are so many things inside us. I mean you know everything about your menstrual cycle, but what about the process that leads it? What about ovulation! Never heard about that? Maybe yes maybe no! Even if you have heard about it, there are many things about it that you do not know. Here in this article, you are about to know some of the extremely interesting facts about ovulation.


Ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle of a woman. It begins with the release of an egg of its ovary. However, the fertilization of the egg depends on sperm. If the egg is fertilized, it makes a trip to the uterus and settles there to develop in a pregnancy. On the other hand, if the egg is not done fertilized, it breaks down and flowed like a uterine lining during the periods.

Understand ovulation

Having an ovulation knowledge is as important as to know its menstrual cycle. If a woman is aware of her ovulation, she can easily prevent or reach pregnancy. This also helps you a lot to follow several diseases related to your menstrual cycle.

When does that happen?

If a woman has a 28-day menstrual cycle, her ovulation would probably occur near the day that is in the middle of the duration. One point to note is that women have a different duration for the menstrual cycle ranging from 28 days to 30 days and that is why the timing of ovulation may differ from women to women. To be precise, ovulation occurs or four days before or four days after the middle of the cycle.


Ovulation begins with the process of the stimulating hormone synthesis body of the follicle. The hormone is released between 6 and 14 days of its menstrual cycle. The egg that is already inside its ovary is matured with the help of this hormone that frees it later. Subsequently, the body releases a lentinating hormone (LH) the release of the propulsion of the egg. Ovulation occurs after 28 to 36 hours of release.

Egg size

Well, here is an interesting fact that you need to know. A human egg size is considered one of the largest cells a woman of a woman. The size of the egg is a grain of sand and unlike other cells, the eggs can be perceived even with naked eyes. To clarify further, the size of a skin cell is four times smaller compared to an egg. On the other hand, an egg is 26 times larger compared to a red globule and yeah 16 times greater than a sperm.


How to understand when you have imminent ovulation. Usually, in imminent ovulation, the vaginal discharge is more than usual. The discharge of this phase is clear and extensible sharing similarity with crusted egg whites. Once ovulation is performed, the discharge falls in volume and seems cloudy or thicker. With them, there are many other symptoms that ovulation causes. Check next slides to find out!

Light bleeding or spots

Although it is not a common phenomenon, this symptom has been found in some women. You can have light bleeding or spots during the ovulation period. Because of his scarcity, women are usually not aware of this thing, often as a disease.

Breast sensitivity

Pain can be experienced in the chest during this phase. Although this does not happen with each woman, we consider as one of the most noticed symptoms. A woman can feel pain by touching their breasts.

Increased sexual player

Ovulation is mainly phase when eggs are ready to be fertilized. And for that, everything they need is sperm. That's why, at that time, the desire for sex woman increases considerably. We can easily know if a woman is ovulated or not by looking at her simply. We enlisted the signs to spot an ovulant woman.


Mittelschmerz is a medical term used for pain in the basin. The pain occurs on one side of the lower abdomen. Many women undergo this pain during ovulation. This may interest you to know that there are about 10 million cases of Mittelschmerz a year.

Abdominal bloating

The bloating of the abdomen is one of the most common symptoms identified during ovulation. Women usually feel swelling in their lower abdomen. However, the intensity of the sensation of blot differs from the woman to the woman. A woman should take it as a positive sign because it highlights the higher chances of a design.

The senses become stronger

During ovulation, the sense of smell, a vision or a taste of a woman increases in a broad way. They tend to become more aware of these things. You may have noticed many women getting the most indistinguishing thing easily spotted. You mean it does not always mean that it is good at that, it can also say that it may be ovulated.

Mood swings

A woman undergoes mood swings at the time of ovulation. She could look happy for a moment and suddenly becomes red with anger in another. However, women usually in this period remain happy.

Vomiting and headaches

Yes, the reason behind your sudden nausea and your headache could be an ovulation. These signs are often overlooked because it does not happen with every woman. But if you feel PUKISH or suffers from a headache, reason could be an ovulation.

Ovulation and menstruation!

The menstrual cycle restarts the day, the menstrual flow starts. It marks the beginning of the follicular phase. Egg matures in this phase that comes out later during ovulation. This phase extends to imminent ovulation and ends with ovulation. Subsequently comes the luteal phase. This is the very important duration in terms of pregnancy. If one conceives in this phase, the hormone prevents loss loss during the menstrual period. Otherwise, there will be another stream yield to the next cycle.

Ovulation laws

Did you know that some women can actually ovulate more than once in a cycle! This is what a study launched in 2003 suggests. Depending on the search, some people can continue to ovulate twice or three times in a menstrual cycle. The principal investigator revealed this fact by stating that the 10% of the subjects produced two eggs in a month.

Several eggs

There are many eggs in an ovulation. This could be natural or with the help of reproductive aid. If both are fertilized, it leads to fraternal multiples such as twins.

Pregnancy and ovulation

It is a misconception that one can not fall pregnant only during ovulation. There is no doubt that chances are at its peak during this phase, but that does not mean that we can not get pregnant after that. It is true that the egg can only be fertilized after 12 to 24 hours of its release, but the sperm can remain active in the breeding pipe up to 5 days. This clearly means that we can get pregnant if we have sex near the ovulation phase or during the time of ovulation.

Fertile window

There is another fertile term window that describes six days near ovulation and ovulation day itself. The chances of getting pregnant increase if we have sex in the "fertile window". Sperm can live several days in the reproductive tract of women all set to fertilize the egg immediately after release. As the egg moves in Fallopian tubes, there are 24 hours left
Once the egg is in the fallopian tubes, it lives about 24 hours before not being fertilized, thus ending the fertile window.

Chances of conceiving

Do you know that the torque above 30 years has only 15% chance of becoming pregnant every month if you lead unprotected sex? A more surprising fact that came to light is that about 104 times for a couple to have sex to get pregnant.

Monitoring ovulation

We can easily follow their ovulation period. It can be checked by having ultrasound or hormonal blood tests. If you are too lazy to go to the doctor to know your ovulation, you can try these options at home.

Basal body temperature

There are some, you have to keep the recording of its temperature every day. Save your temperature every morning with a basal thermometer during your cycle. You can observe that your body temperature remains the same except three days that confirms your ovulation. During these three days, the body temperature increases from the baseline base.

Predictor Kit of Ovulation

We can go for predictor kits of ovulation too! It can be found on the counter in medical stores. They check the LH in the urine. If the line of results becomes darker than the habit, it means that ovulation will happen after a few days. Another OTC option is fertility monitors. However, they are quite expensive some of them costing up to $ 100. In this case, two hormones are followed, namely LH and estrogen that contribute to recognizing six days from the fertile window.

Which method works better?

It's hard to say what method works the best. With regard to BBT, there may be a number of reasons affecting its temperature, that is, use or alcohol disease. In addition, only 17 of the 77 cases detected by BBT have actually gone from ovulation.

Sex to conceive

It can easily become pregnant by having sex once in the fertile window. Couples who want to have a baby should go for sex once or every day during the fertile window. The highest odds of becoming pregnant are the largest of a woman's wife for two days before ovulation or the day of ovulation.

Cervix as a door!

Interestingly, the cervix is ​​supposed to be the door of the uterus. It remains closed most of the time which means that spermatozoa can not enter the uterus. But at the time of ovulation or the approach that approaches it, the pass of the fan opens the spermatozoa.


On the other hand, if you are not willing to have a baby, use contraceptives while physically requiring intimate during the fertile window. You can go for condoms if you have nothing in hand, but if you can afford other contraception methods, choose them. You can use your doctor or health care provider by choosing your option.

Egg fertilization

If the egg is fertilized, the cells started dividing it into two cells. It continues to divide until it turns into a blastocyst of 100 cells. One point to keep in mind is that it should be implemented correctly in the uterus for pregnancy to succeed more. Subsequently, estrogen and progesterone, these two hormones begin to thicken the uterine lining. In addition, these hormones transmit signals to the brain so as not to throw the lining. It is made to let the embryo grow in a fetus.

Nonertilized egg

In any case, if the spermatozoa do not manage to fertilize eggs, they fail. Again, the hormones send the signal to the body to release the uterine liner. The lining comes out in a menstrual period that extends up to two and seven days.

Shocking egg

All we have said that it is the spermatozoa that must have trouble entering the egg, but did you know that this fluid can not go inside without the consent of the egg. Yeah, the egg plays an equally important part. This is what decides which sperm would come inside, that's what a recent study. And how do they choose? Well, eggs give preferences to uninterrupted spermatozoa.

Irregular ovulation

Ovulation detection methods let you know if you ovulate regularly or not at all. If you suspect that you do not affect correctly, consult the doctor. There may be a number of medical conditions that one might face, but the primary of them is polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome

This disease is also called amenorrhea. In this, the ovulation process is irregular or stops completely. This can lead to hormonal imbalances which involve excessive body or facial hair, infertility and acne.

Types of ovulation

You know maybe not that ovulation has two types, namely oligovulation and anovulation. In oligoovulation describes an irregular ovulation in a woman means having it in 4-8 cycles annually. The cancellation occurs when the expected ovulation does not occur, resulting in bleeding, cessation of periods and irregular period.

Consult the health care provider

If you plan to design the near future, make sure to take a preconception appointment with a doctor. They can help you better understand your ovulation and can also help with monitoring.

Why not ovulate

When breastfeeding, you can not ovulate. However, it is not necessary because few cases in which women were ovulated, even during breastfeeding. So do not rely on breastfeeding as a birth control option. Usually, ovulation restarts after getting the baby on other foods. But as mentioned earlier, this is not always the case.

Eggs seamless

Women are born with a certain number of eggs they can have in their lives. About 1 to 2 million immature eggs are there in her ovaries at the time of his birth. By the time she reached adolescence, half her eggs are soaked in her ovaries. Finally, about 300 to 500 eggs are left to develop into mature eggs.

Gets the conscious air

There are many interesting facts about ovulation you might not know before. Did you know that it is very easy to know if a woman has ovulated or not? In ovulation, women tend to put more effort into its search only to seem more attractive. At that time, it is easily attracted to the opposite sex.

Law of Attraction

Usually women at the time of ovulation are attracted to the healthiest male and female. The logic behind is that during these days, the body of a woman tends to attract to men who think they are sufficiently capable of reproducing healthy babies. Women are never so women as they are when they are ovulating. Greg Bryant saidDiscovery News"Women have" anything that has to do with femininity ".

High-pitched voice

Other signs include having a step higher. Women in a few days when they are most fertile tend to talk about his earlier tone. Bryant explains further "evidence of improvement of femininity linked to fertility consistent with other research documenting changes related to the attractiveness associated with ovulation."

Turn Red

The cheek of a woman turns pink during ovulation. It was considered an unfounded myth until a search Cambridge University indicated that a woman tends to become red during ovulation. However, the redness goes unnoticed by human eyes.

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