Strong bursts from the sky have led to a panic and confusion in from Denver followed by a global debate

Have you ever wondered what would happen when the world ends? Have you ever experienced an incident that seemed that the earth was about to tremble and autumn APA

Have you ever wondered what would happen when the world ends? Have you ever experienced an incident that seemed that the earth was about to tremble and fall into pieces? We must all have our own variations and ideas of how this land in which we live would end. There are several films that gave us an explicit idea of ​​how the world would end. Overall, it would certainly be an frightening experience of destruction and chaos everywhere. So in the town of Denver, something similar to this situation took place, so what happened?

Strange sounds of "booms"

There comes a moment when the world seems to be able to give up and stop going further. We need to have all the experienced epic thunderstorms and rag of thunder sounds that can really become weird. And also, in recent years that have passed, people around the world have claimed to be exposed to odd sounds "similar to the hump" originating in heaven.

In the city of Denver

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These types of strong sounds come a lot from the sky lately. And even though some people were able to give a fairly reasonable explanation, there is so much mystery that no one can understand. Could it have been caused by extraterrestrials or perhaps angels? Could he be the final judgment? In Denver, Colorado, the inhabitants would soon discover ...

Hantain sound

There had been various places that spoke of the strange sounds that came from the sky. It had taken place around the world. And so from 21:00, on a Monday night, something had happened in Denver, Colorado. What happened next? Well, there was an extremely strange and traumatic sound that awakened every living being in the city.

Shaken with fear

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For a sound so strong to unfold in the silence of the night, this obviously has made many relevant premises. It was not just clear in a particular street, the sound could be heard everywhere in the city. And it was not like no sound they had never heard. This noisy phenomenon resembling a boom was heard by the whole city. What was the source of this sound that left so many people arranged awaited for fear?

All around the world

This sound was something that terrify anyone with perfectly working ears. The sound was so strong, clear and strange that it is allowed so much to scratch the heads. And that did not only affect this particular area. It has been heard from the United States and even in Australia. And there were reports of about 64 incidents where this strange "booming" took place on earth.

No clear explanation

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As it was such a strange incident, there were so many people who desperately wanted to arrive at the bottom of it. Many people wanted to know what woke up and with such an explosion. And soon, theories about the source of strange sounds have started coming to come. But no one has had a clear explanation of what it was. So, what was the reason?

The beginning

So where does this weird sound begin in the first place? Well, strange gusts were reported for the first time on January 3, 2017. And where was originally recorded? These sounds are first developed in Connecticut. And since this incident took place, there were several places that reported the same mysterious noise that awakens the inhabitants.

Scientists also confused

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And as these noises do not look like anyone who has ever heard, he even left very perplexed experts. And it has also been reported that sounds have also confused most scientists and meteorologists. It was because they could not easily find a reason or cause for them. Could this happen because of a meteor shower? What was to blame?

The theory of the shower weather

The mysterious sounds have attracted the attention of so many people. And among the experts who have decided to crack the reason for it was the CBS meteorologist, Chris Spears. He had enough logical explanation for the handsome sounds. He proposed a theory involving a meteor shower Leonid who must have had some in the creation of strong sounds.

His explanation

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His explanation was one of the most sensitive who did not seem extremely extracted. In his theory, he claims that the Meteor shower has occurred when the earth passes through the Tutle Comet temple debris trail. But where had been the actual cause of sounds? Could there be a possibility that, as debris entered the earthly atmosphere, boom-shaped sounds arrived?

Discredited theory

There was another theory that most could agree with. After spending time doing in depth research and in collaboration with the astronomy expert, Ron Hranac, he had been finally proven that these Meteors de Leonid could not have made the strong sounds due to the fact that most of them. 'between them were only the size of a pea. Very tiny in fact ...

No clarity

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And also, since the majority of these debris burned in the earthly atmosphere, there would no longer have to be able to have an important impact on the whole earth. All these theories had now been discredited and again, there was only one explanation of strange gusts. What could the inhabitants of Denver, Colorado wake up in fear that night then?

The Colorado incident

Although many incidents had been similar, the Colorado incident was a more recent event. Even though many of them had taken place, there was always so much to hide behind these mysterious arms. Since he had taken place everywhere, it did not take long before more people get involved in the follow-up of the source. He took place on November 21, 2017 at 21:00 in Denver.

Shaken and torn

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So, how did these strong sounds look like? Well, from what the inhabitants had explained, the sounds were similar to those of a super-sonic boom that can be missed throughout the city. He found himself with shaken windows and sliced ​​walls too. As he had agitated all the inhabitants and their homes, he resulted in a majority of people who panic frantically.


For some, these sounds had left a vibration so strong that she almost physically thrown them from their beds. A Denver room was interviewed at which she recalled the hearing of the many booms that almost threw her from her own. The strength from the sound was that this powerful. So you can not really blame them to panic a little.

detailed description

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This room has been left shaken and frightened because it was different from everything she had ever experienced. She had never felt a force like this nor a sound like II ever in her life. "The sounds were strong and powerful. I could feel each pulse inside my chest. It was terrifying! "She described, speaking of the way the terrifying had to have crossed the experience.

Broken windows

There were so many people who had been awake with force by the pure force of sounds. Many people have revealed their account on the shivering evening that left so many shocked and frightened. There was another resident who revealed to the media that his family had been awakened by the sound of their broken windows.

Broken glasses everywhere

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All their house had been shaken by the sounds of the sky. It was like something all right of a movie. This obviously left them afraid and looking for an answer. There was so much power in each arrow that he left the glass on the broken and cried windows. Sounds left a pile of broken glass over the entire house. It was a complete disorder ...

The unfortunate news

By attracted so much attention, there were still many who were not satisfied to simply be confused. They wanted to know exactly why these sounds had occurred and their reason to always happen in the first place. There was so much a mystery about Denver booms. But soon, new evidence has been presented by leaving the residents a very unfortunate news.

Not what they were waiting

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People living in Denver had not been able to work and go to their usual routines since the mystery of the strong sounds had still not been solved. They had looked everywhere on any index to clarify their doubt. But soon, there was a possible explanation. However, it was different from all they had hoped. In fact, it could have occurred because of a small industrial accident.


There was new proof that could hope to open a little more inhabitants and more clarification. The representatives of the Colorado Petroleum and Gas Conservation Committee gave a report that the incident evening, there was an empty storage tank that suffered due to malfunction. The pressure in the tank grew more and more at night. So it happened ...

A colossal error

And so, as the night continued, the pressure inside the tank proved too much. He then resulted in the tank cover blowing completely. It was probably the sound, the strong arrows that the people remaining in Denver heard this terrifying party. It was not all, there was another explanation that gave a total meaning to this particular theory.

The compromised tank

So what were the additional information that did this explanation more sense? Well, it was revealed later that the oil and tanks were the owners of the reservoir filed a report that spoke of the covers of the tank being compromised. So, that made it a very credible reasoning behind what people had heard that night. But a key factor was always a huge mystery ...

Various occurrences

So there was another big question. Sounds that would have come from the tank covers would have made a solid "boom" or two. But that night, it was not what happened. Residents confirmed that strange sounds have arrived at different times, that it was not just a point. And over time, other theories started to get up too ...

Military jets maybe?

Another plausible explanation came out soon. This other theory that tried to explain where the sounds that the Colorado evening come. The sounds were caused by military jets that had broken the sound barrier. This theory was quite logical because the jets tend to break the sound barrier, creating shock waves similar to the explosions. Could this be true?

The base of the Air Force Buckley

It was another theory that was demystified. The nearest area where sounds could come from the base of the Buckley Air Force, but the base gave a reason to refute the theory. They confirmed that none of their jets were released after 8:00 pm that night. There was no way these powerful bombs could have come from there. Was it possible that these arrows were caused by various different reasons?

Other cases of booms

There was another reasoning that had a meaning. It was these sounds were caused by supersonic flight. An incident occurred in the center of Florida, resulting from a NASA mission that returns to the Kennedy Space Center. This is another explanation of what happened tonight in Colorado. Something this nature must have happened that night.

What about the earthquake?

Chris Spears was not made with his own research on mysterious sounds in Denver. He was still looking for answers. He then questioned whether an earthquake could have been the culprit of the night. But unfortunately, the US geological survey rejected this theory right away because the only sound from the arsenal of the Rocky Mountain has arrived by a train.

A ball of fire sky

The inhabitants of Denver were still uncertain of what did the sounds that night. But as the days spent, they started collecting additional information. A person claimed to have seen a fireball in the sky at night the strong sounds came from the sky. However, it could not have been the reason as timing when he spotted the fireball arrived two and a half hours after having reports on mysterious sounds.


There were various reasons that seemed significant but were finally refunded. Although the reservoir theory seemed likely to have caused the sounds to Denver, there is no chance that other incidents around the world could have been caused because of the tank explosions. Well, these events may not be linked at all. Or could he have happened because of a reason other than ...

Happens in Alabama

This is called the "Bama Boom", where strange sounds rocked the inhabitants of the state of the night in 2017. The sound was so haunted that it leads to the whole community to panic. The National Meteorological Service in Birmingham also reported that there was no one sign of fire or smoke, nor a earthquake was detected. The reason for sounds remains a mystery.

Incident in the outback

In the previous year, there was an incident in South Australia that made everyone wake up on a starry night sky. This booming sound took place for a few minutes, but the strength was sufficient to break the windows and leave the houses trembling. And of course, the national meteorological service that has shown that there was no indication that an earthquake took place.

Echoes in the Middle East

In addition, all the way of 2016, strange noises had been recorded which would have come from Iran's Middle East skies to Egypt. Several people have managed to record these sounds on their phones. These videos are actually quite shiny. However, there was a chance that the reason for them can not be born from logic and reason?

The final judgment of God?

There is yet another explanation regarding the sounds that burst that night in Denver. It is a religious attempt to explain what happened and refers to the book of revelation. Some are those who believe it was a sign that the world ends that Jesus soon delight Christians to heaven and reign the hell on the earth. We hope it does not happen yet as it would be too sick.

The mystery does not stop

There is a chance we can ever get to know the real reason why these strange sounds were blowing this night in Colorado. Even if someone has the answer, they keep their mouth closed on all this situation. This also applies to other booms around the world. All these theories could have a problem because it could simply have to be extraterrestrials screaming throughout ...

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