A mysterious island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean holds an interesting story with a dangerous future

A sandy beach is a place where people like to visit, click on images and spend quality time. Think you are sent to a sandy land, covered with ocean giving yo

A sandy beach is a place where people like to visit, click on images and spend quality time. Think you are sent to a sandy land, covered by the ocean offering you a holiday atmosphere. But unlike the beaches, this land has no connection with the continent, has no vegetation or the people, in fact, the earth has a lot of history that is always a mystery. An island named Sable Island is what we were talking about. Let's discover the true mystery of this island.

Paradise or haunted?

The island of sand is a small sandy land in the middle of the sea that is embraced by waves of the sea and has no connection with humans. To some people, it may seem paradise, but for some, it is no less a haunted place. The segmented traces of the land in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean have a beautiful story to tell.


The island evokes a feeling of curiosity in the sailors because it does not have much loves sailors. The island tends to keep its secrets intact in limiting an extraterrestrial invasion that makes this island a mysterious place.

In the extent

The island of sand is a sparkle of sand extended nearly 110 miles from the coast of Nova Scotia in the Atlantic Ocean. It is 28 miles long that is shaped half-moon. Although the appearance looks tempting, the location of this island has a particular story that is very disturbing and leave readers to fear.


This earthly land tends to change shape, so it takes a lot of time to assume the task of mapping an island of sand. This fact was recorded in 2014 when the CBC report noted that the sand had begun to disappear from the west end of the island and accumulating instead of its east side.

No consistency

The reason why this malice occurs is because of the ocean that can easily erode and move dunes, so that the topography of the earthly masses never remains coherent. The sand island is known to be "Shape-shifter" and its center moves through the Atlantic and this nature has been deadly for many ships and sailors.


All ships that browse this island should not deal with such atrocities. Some lucky people have successfully crossed the seas and amass to the island of sand without incident. Although there is nothing to explore as such, seawens find this place to be a jackpot because they had to see a land of land in the middle of an ocean.


By the year 1520, a Portuguese explorer named João Álvares Fagundes would have made landing in the island of sand. After its North American exploration, some Portuguese maps commissioned the identification of an island of Nova Scotia as Fagunda, which is the old name of the island of sand.

The sinister land

This land has a sinful story that involves historical numbers. In 1578, the Marquis de la Roche became governor of New France and its territory extends from Newfoundland to the Bay of Hudson and the Gulf of Mexico. This politician has decided to use a sand island for unpleasant purposes.


The Marquis de la Roche brought convicted with him to settle in New France but they refused to settle there and the group revolted against their leaders. Marquis then designed a plan that he sent convicts to Serren Island Sand without trees. The convicts did not happen from there began to use mud and sinking wood to build housing and succeed in living there.


Even after renting the island of convicts, the sand brought another facet. Many other sailors have suffered a lot by reaching the location. It is thought that a total of 350 ships would have flowed into the silence of the ocean that surrounds the island of sand.


The geography of Sable Island makes these fatal incidents more likely to occur. Shape-shifting island has a plethora of sand surrounding the one that creates an offshore bar or a sand bar. The waves play a major role because the waves advance from the coast carrying sand with them.

Deceptive lands

The sand bars cause to be devastated to ships as they are generally hiding below the surface of the waves and sailors the error for water. The ship would not necessarily slow down or avoiding an Ensconce sand bar that turns out to be deadly so that the sailors navigate on the vessel.


The island of sand is in the midst of two different water flows that make the disease itself to make traitor conditions for sailors. While the Labrador mail escorts cold water in the region, the Gulf flow envelops a warm stream to the island. Because of this reason, the fog can quickly appear in the region.

Air flow

The vessels leading to the island of sand must conquer with its surrounding gyres to reach the destination. These dangerous currents create a vortex that can draw vessels towards the ground mass which is a more dangerous territory than the current of the air itself.

Far from the truth?

In 2015, during an interview with BBC, Jonathan Sheppard, which is the manager of the Island Sable Park said that "I have read the chronicles of old sailors at the idea of ​​being sucked into the island. This n. is not so far from the truth. "

First shipwreck

The surrounding waters of the island of sand are supposed to stifled about 350 shipwrecks. In 1583, an English ship named "Delight" knew the first sinking and ran at a depth of 10 meters taking 85 men. Only 17 men have been saved since their arrival on the rescue bar at the right time.

Second wrecking

After 200 years later, after the first sinking, a ship traveling to Prince Edward Island crashed in the island of sand. The lucky crew members who managed to survive the marooner of the island of the frozen winter season.


The island of sand, after two great shipwrecks, equipped with a pair of lighthouses that have helped reduce the number of shipwrecks due to the air stream and hidden sand bars. The placement of the lighthouse has invited the confidence of the sailors and that encouraged them to navigate this land uncomfortable.


Even after the presence of the lighthouse, a great shipwreck is revented again. Manhassst was the last big ship destroyed on the island of sand. The incident took place in 1947 and 12 members of the crew landed in some way in the ship's lifebar, of which only have endeavored to survive.

No trees

The sandy landscape is as ruthless as the water around it. No variety of trees can naturally push on this sandy ground mass. An effort by the Canadian government in 1901 turned out to become futile.

An effort

In 1901, the Canadian government proposed an idea including artificial planting. The government has launched a huge tree planting effort, each of the 80,000 saplings has failed, which has made the environmentalist a little worried about the future of the inhabitants of the sand island.


The unique Scottish PIN planted in the 1960s survives today. He has a few feet tall with the root and is the only shrinkle specimen found in this sandy land. Parallel to that, the earth is covered with marrram grass that appears only when the dunes have triggered to survive there.


After many shipwrecks, changing and stranded the vegetation, the proximity of the life of the maintenance of life is zero. But, in one way or another, there is a presence of cherishing fauna there without any human invasion. Only a few animals could adapt to the burning conditions of this island, possibly succumbed in the attempt to survive.


The fauna managed to survive and around the banks of the island of sand constantly moving. Initially, 18 species of sharks were swimming in the water surrounding the outcrop. This outcrop is used as a habitat for two different varieties of joints namely port seal and gray seal. It is often considered the "breeding ground" for most species surrounding the island.


According to an estimate between 2003 and 2004, about 50,000 seal puppies were born on the island during the breeding season. This indicates that seals are much more likely on the island of sand that the walrus that lived there.


An intervention could raise a condition or make it more dilapidated. The second option has proven to be true in the case of a sand island. The number of mammals has seen a disappearance when exposed to human intervention. The hunters hit many walrus that caused the Walrus population of the region.

Wild Horse

Wild Horse is the only species that managed to successfully survive the earth that changes shape. These equine creatures are the representative of life on the island because they are relatively high in number. The horses are the symbol of freedom and the island itself adheres to the properties of being free.

Fall of numbers

A pure drop in number of horses may be seen. According to a 2016 report, for example, there were more than 550 horses traveled the island. However, this number has fallen since 500 - at least according to a study that began in 2017 and ended in 2018.

Wildlife history

The wild horses were initially brought to this sandy land in the 19th century. To be precise, the wild horses were first left behind by French settlers, the Acadian people. People living out there were forced to leave the island because of the British forces and numerous natives have fled without their animals.

Not for everybody

Thomas Hancock who is the uncle of one of the authors of the American Constitution, John Hancock, gathered the horses and transferred them to the island of sand. His basic idea was to keep his animals alive until he could sell them, but, before his sales process, the animals could not remember a lot and were dead because the conditions were not appropriate for most of the Creatures.

At work

In the 1800s, the men stationing on the island used the animals to patrol the area or to pull rescue boats. This happened almost for a century after which these equidae were carried away and sold for use in Canadian coal mines. Fortunately, in 1960, the government took the matter in their hands preventing the new kidnapping of horses.


Although the government tried to prevent the number of horses from descending, experts noticed a strange dive in the population of these wild horses. And after a more in-depth investigation, she has been transpired that horses had begun to disappear for a multitude of unpleasant reasons.

Shauffer pages

Scientists have managed to collect data on their declining numbers. The last time the veterinary experts observed that the animals were so-called in the 1970s, which served as a basis for the additional research. Shauffer former files and research documents, new reasons have been given regarding the descending number of wildlife.


On the basis of previous research, Emily Jenkins who is a veterinarian and a parasitologist on the last research team said that this lack of knowledge left it and the others with only a lean basis to base their research.


Jenkins, in an interview, told CBC in March 2019: "There were very little things we knew why the horses would die on the island." She highlighted the "Red Ribbon" government program, protecting animals as it was difficult for Jenkins and other researchers to gather samples for an analysis.


The research team composed of experts from the University of Saskatchewan and Parks Canada. The team has proposed a solution that they braved the dangerous sand trip island and sought after horses deceased instead. The group returned to the mainland to make necropsia on a horse and examined the bones and organ organs.


In 2017, Jenkins reached the island sand and hoped that she would find at least some horses carcasses. Depending on their expectations, the research team had a lot of samples to collect. Jenkins told the star of Starphoenix that they found 30 series of viable vestiges and left behind as they could not use it or access them safely.

In danger?

The team found that nearly 50 carcasses showed that the population of sands of sand sand was under significant pressure. In this regard, Jenkins told CBC: "The year following his first visit, they only found five equine carcasses on the island. The 50 dead horses spotted in 2017 accounted for 10% of the total population of the island of wild animals. "


After analyzing the 30 sets of stays, Jenkins and the rest of the research team attracted a handful of conclusions on why so many sand island horses were dead. Jenkins, in an interview withThe Starphoenix,Revealed: "The main finding was emaciation or famine and hypothermia - especially for young horses."


Jenkins added, "All the young horses we examined were essentially reserves. They had left nothing; They were emaciated. "It meant yearlings were not able to put enough body fat to pass it through the winter that finally led them to taste death. Under his observation, the foals were nurses so as to have a better Chance of survival because they received crucial additional nutrition.


Jenkins also explained that adult horses were more important in the social hierarchy of the species. If a fully cultivated horse had died, it would generally seem to be in better form than the younger animals that had also died. Therefore, famine was generally not the only cause of death for mature horses.


The island of sand tends to be covered with green greenery during the summers and remains generally free of vegetation during winters. After seeing pictures of lush herbs covering the area in July and August, Jenkins was perplexed. She then recalled: "I'm like", did you have Photoshop guys? "Because it's green, totally green. And when I go out, it's brown. There is no vegetation scrap."

Shaded sandy land

In 2017, researchers realized that malnutrition was not just the only reason for death. The surrounding beach was also responsible to a large extent damage to the bodies of creatures. The tiny sand grains constantly carried the teeth of the animals, for example, as they ingested with the herbs of the island.


With the absence of strong teeth, the horses of the island of sand could not chew their food, which is grass, properly. It finally prevented them from getting enough nutrients from the vegetation which, which eating sand, proved a threat to the health of the horses in another way and can cause blockages in the intestines of animals.

Detailed report

Jenkins in theStarphoenix, describes the damaged organs in more detail. She said, "In several horses we have examined, there was a lot of sand. We pick up the intestines and the stomach and saying, "They weighed a ton" because there were, in many cases, more sand than the contents of the plant. "


The small horses of the island of sand have tended to have extremely high amounts of parasitic worms. There were apparently about 1,500 eggs contained in one gram of their fecal matter. Jenkins said, "I'm pretty much fallen because we call a high number of fecal eggs in a domestic horse 500 eggs per gram."

The comparison

Jenkins told CBC that a normal equine creature could probably not survive so many parasites and added: "I think if our domestic horses had fecal eggs as much as sand horses, they would become dead," accordingly The sand The horses of the island could potentially help veterinarians who continue to combat the resistance of domestic horses with anti-parasite medicines.

Slowly and regularly

The researchers could not establish the only reason for the deaths of the 50 horses of the island of the sand found in 2017. Indeed, it seemed that most had suffered from more than a fatal difficulty. But by 2018, the mortality rate had gone from 10% of the population to 1%.

Ruthless earth

Jenkins told CBC: "I just could not overcome the fact that they eliminated this existence on a sand bar in the middle of the Atlantic. I just respected how difficult they are. "She feels the pity on the resilient creatures she had studied on the island of sand and designate the island as a non-welcoming and ruthless land.

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