Security agents receive mysterious letters revealing something huge on the Bank of England

The security agents of the Bank of England were occupied in their daily work when a letter from a mysterious letter occurred. The letter was not an ordinary

The security agents of the Bank of England were occupied in their daily work when a letter from a mysterious letter occurred. The letter was not an ordinary business but something that made officers to become weak on his knees. The mysterious sender wanted to reveal a secret on the prestigious institution. He asked the officers to meet him inside the vault of gold. The very vault that was shielded high security. How was he going to reach inside the vault? The officers decided to meet him not to know a big surprise waiting for them.

Started with a defeat

The Bank of England was founded when the navy of the nation was defeated. There was a Beaching head battle that included dozens of warships taking place on July 10, 1690. It was during the nine-year war from France when France made France and their allies. English mordent dust. The French Navy sent numerous enemy ships to defeat without losing its own.

Stronger and better

It is after England focused on the creation of its navy strong enough to cope with a war. Clearly, they would make their new navy stronger than the previous one who made them lose the battle of Beachy's head. But there was a problem.

No funds

The plan was ready but they did not have any funds to invest in its execution. The government led by William III failed to borrow $ 1.2 million ($ 1.5 million). It is then the government proposed a big plan.

Silver finishes

Thus, in order to fight against the question of money, the government founded the Bank of England in 1694. The lenders could contribute to the money to the bank with money. They would obtain bank notes against state obligations. And in less than a few weeks, William III has managed to gather 1.2 million sterling books to make the marine of the country stronger.


The Bank of England has arrived at a big turning point of countries. He motivated citizens to finance the industries that would help strengthen their navy. The part of this initiative was to strengthen the growth of agriculture in the country and, as well as the implementation with Ferrons which gave equipment for the manufacture of vessels.

Historical union

The Kingdoms of England and Scotland United in 1707 and emerged as the Kingdom of Great Britain. Therefore, with a growing growing industry and helping the Bank, this newly constructed state has been very powerful.

The most powerful

William III did anything in his power to make the most powerful Great Britain marine that would eventually emerge as the main actor around the world scene around the 19th century.

Nationalized institution

In 1946, the Bank of England became a nationalized organization. Things have changed when in 1998, an independent public organization has been declared. The changes introduced recently involved that the Bank belonged to the Treasury of the Treasury lawyer. However, the bank had the right to make its own funding policies.

Gold stock

The Bank of England has still not lost its value even after all the changes made. And among all that has retained its value, the stock of gold bars at the top of the list. There is a vault of gold bars inside the bank. Thanks to a number of traders investing in gold when the market turns volatile.

To exceed the limits

Gold has many advantages of its own advantages. It can be exchanged between countries. It is also famous as a universal currency that its value does not deteriorate even after crossing the borders. The London Standard Good delivery of the bank gives way to the easiest way to the transaction of the gold bars, as now, they also have their identical gold bars.

Gold trading

The gold exchanges could have a difficult task, but in reality, it is the simplest way one can think. Did you know that bars never let go regardless of the change in their property? The bank keeps a trace of each bar by giving them a serial number. When a person continues to negotiate his ingots, the bars are officially designated as a possession of a new owner.

15th biggest guardian

The Bank of England provides 4,600 tons of gold that makes it the 15th largest in the world of gold reserves. Golden bars have a value of 156 billion pounds sterling. Interestingly, half of them are kept in a vault built under the lively city.

New address

It was in 1734, the Bank of England moved to Threadneedle London Street. And since then, there was there. At the moment, the metro station near the bank is counted as one of the busiest places in England. This definitely puts the vault in a risk. For obvious reasons, the financial institution needed a number of security measures to protect its assets.

An application

This vault is very popular in the city and that is why the Bank of England has proposed an application in 2013 that allowed users to undertake the Virtual Tour of Gold Vaults. The images of the application clearly showed many batteries of golden bars lying on the shelves. And it's because of that, the metal never dirty. There is no chance that it is oxidized.

The key

However, no matter how vulnerable shelves are, safety around the gold vault is the best possible. We can open its doors with a key. This might seem very normal but this is not the case. The length of the key is about 3 feet. For the key to turn, the verbal password must be used on voice recognition software for entering the person.

Inside the vault

It is a fascinating show inside the vaults. The vaults covered a massive range of square surface area. In order for it to be clear, it is bigger than Tower 42, the 13th highest building in London. This vast space is not going in waste, the London Bank needs all space.

A lot

If the bank retains all the bars of an area, there is a good chance that the bars would start falling on the floor. Which is obviously not sure.

8 feet thick

The Bank of England ensures that there is a difficult external protection layer as a final security measure. The vault walls are 8 feet thick. According to popular belief, its walls are bombing. As they were all refuge in the vaults at the time of the air raids of the Second World War. When the Germans started destroying the capital with bombs.

Take pride in

Obviously, the Bank of England has a sense of pride in its different safety layers. Their confidence on their safety measure can be evaluated by the fact that they have already withdrawn the entire brigade of the guard soldiers who used the institution at night. The institution has never been stolen since its founding in 1964. The organization claims it with a nuance of pride.

Clarification by the sender

Nevertheless, there is a rumor that makes the safety measures doubt. He started when the administrators of the organization received a letter in 1836. The letter was uncomfortable. The shipper asserted in the letter that they had discovered another way to enter the Bank's gold vault.

Contains recording

The Bank of England has never been stolen, not to mention the vault of gold. The vault of gold was already in high security. It was impossible for anyone to enter the premises without being unnoticed. What does the shipper talk about?

No given attention

However, the directors did not take it seriously. In fact, they laughed. They were sure that because of their safety measures, it was impossible for a non-employee to enter the vault. So clearly, they did not pay a lot of people to the letter. However, the real surprise came when the second note occurred their way. This particular note had a specific demand.

Date and time

The person asked the authorities to choose a particular moment to meet him in the vault of gold. The confidence of the directors on the security measures did not shake a little. They were always allowed that no one can break into the vault. But then they decided to confront the sender.

Curious officers

However, the letter had actually invoked curiosity in them. So, they gave this mysterious person and go to see them in the vault. They knew someone was mistaken but always, they wanted to see what is all that.

Not a dream

They always took it as a joke that someone had shot at them until a strange noise under the vault captured their attention. The officials still had to believe what they heard when a soil board started moving. They took a few steps and looked at each other only to confirm that they do not dream.

Mobile board

They all had their eyes glued to this moving board when they saw a man emerging from below. The officers were still in their doubts while the man without any effort has gone from the ground. Officers always have trouble accepting it.

Real deal

It was happening for real, the man was in fact standing between them inside the vault in the middle of these gold bars. Heavy security measures installed could not stop it. But the question was how did he manage to do that?

A sewer worker

The man was a sewer worker. How is it a sewer worker found the secret path inside the vault? Were their security measures so obsolete? This was the first time the officers really doubted their security measures. They wanted how he had managed to withdraw that.

Directed by an old drain

The man explained a bit by little. He told them that he replaced sewers on Threadneedle Street who see the institution. He inspected the underground plumbing when an old drain caught his attention. It was then the truth got up on him. The man was standing under the vault of the Bank of England. The vault that stored its precious gold.


He did not only find the vault but also believed that he could easily get inside. Not surprisingly, his discovery was revealed to be a big shot for the directors. They were more than those that their security system can never be violated.

Not enough

This discovery rocked the belief of the officers. It was then realized that the measures they had brought to secure the vault were not enough. They also wondered if the gold of the interior has never disappeared while the entrance to the vault was always accessible for the general public. The directors checked the gold bars to see if any of them was missing. Fortunately, all the pieces were there. None of them were missed.


The sewers could have steal some of the pieces but he did not do it. Instead, he decided to inform the officers of this big escape. He had many chances to do it and more than no one would have suspected. They checked the bars while the man guarded out there.

Honest man

The directors of the Bank of England have been taken from the honesty of man. A man with so many needs has decided to stay next right, even when he had the opportunity of abundance. They rewarded him with £ 800 ($ 1,000) equivalent to £ 90,000 ($ 115,000) in 2019. No need to say that the amount was immensely great for the worker.

Imagination or true

Nobody knows if this story is really true or just part of people's imagination. Despite this, it's very famous. The Bank of England does not have a record for giving it money. Nobody knows nothing about this honest man or his existence. So many people take it only as a story. The Bank of England handed over this story on their website, but there is no validation for that.

Kept in the darkness

Perhaps the Bank of England refrained from registering it as they feared that people did not take its security measures seriously. They have not wanted the world to know that they really had security loopholes in their system.

Support history "

However, it is a well-known fact that construction work has actually passed around the Bank of England at the same time when the incident took place. This fact inclines the scale for people who call it a real incident.

Sealed forever

People also assume that the Bank of England closed this hidden entry point for good. Now there is no other way or secret to enter the institution. You can only enter the building if you are a worker or if you are willing to make an exchange of an obsolete ticket bank from England. For visitors, they can learn a lot about the organization via the Bank of England.

Not the only case

People have managed to go inside the vaults several times. There are many examples of that. For example, in 2015, three older men took the world by surprise with their act. The three men were named Terry Perkins, Daniel Jones and John Collins. They would meet at the castle. A pub located in the Islington region of North London.

Not so innocent

The group of these elderly people could look very innocent from the outside but was knotted with a sneaky goal. Three years before meeting at the castle, Jones had made a lot of online research work on drilling techniques.


He had learned the drill tactic that can put a hole even in the wall that keeps a vault. And now he was ready to put his learning at work. Everything was established and he wanted his friends to help him in the heist.

Jewelry hub

Closely, Jones meetings with Collins and Perkins, thus started the strange event in the London Hatton Garden. This industrial place is renowned as the hub of capital jewelery.

Diamond industry

Not only that, but they are also emerging as the center of the diamond industry in the United Kingdom. To be accurate, there are more than 55 jewelry stores in this area. It is decorated with beautiful shops.

What is then

A particular incident occurred in 2015 when a jeweler started to feel uncomfortable at work. According to Lionel Wiffen, some people were sitting in a car parked somewhere in the area. What happened then was even more particular.

Under watch

As he worked, he felt that these people were constantly looking at him at 88-90 Hatton Garden. It was not the only case, a woman also crossed something unusual two months later.


A woman was waiting for the elevator for a long time. For some unknown reasons, the elevator was not going. Finally, the elevator fell and there was an old man inside the elevator. And the man gave a very strange vibration.


The man was laced with uniform work and different types of tools. The man flashed the smile because it was difficult for her to move in the elevator because he was already cluttered with tools of man.

Erase things

She could not understand at that time what was all about April 7 of the same year, everything was erased. There was a big blow waiting for security guards when they opened the security deposit at 88-90 Hatton Garden.


There was nothing inside. It was all empty. The guards tried to search for forced entry signs, but first, they could not find anything. It seemed to be a matter full of puzzles.

A hole

After a few investigations, the authorities concluded that the infiltrators had entered the premises by piercing a hole through 20-inch walls of the thickness of the vault. They did in the area through the building elevator tree. Do I have to say more?

It's viral

Fortunately, the police had a few closed-circuit television seedlings exhibiting the man who had dared to enter the security deposit without any authorization. The news went viral in no time. And everyone came to know about these three culprits.

A mystery

Nobody knew their true identity, then the public gave them nicknames. They started to be called Mr. Strong, Mr. Montana, the old man, the great man and the gent. It was to see if the world would know about their true identity or not.

The castle

As soon as the work has been done. Jones, Collins and Perkins resumed their daily meeting ritual at the castle. Now, the motif was not limited to drinking beers. They had serious things to discuss now.

Plan and execute

They had made their plans to steal the Hatton garden at the Islington Pub. And now, as they took place with their work, they had to understand the safest way to sell their well stolen well in the police eye.

Not aware

But as they say, each culprit still leaves some evidence. The officers had begun to follow them now. The officers kept close surveillance on them when they were talking about their business. Officers confiscated Collins and Perkins vehicles. They did not know that the police followed them closely.

Reach the end

The police hide behind the vehicle surrounded all that men said about burglary that happens to be the largest in England's history. Clearly, the case was closing.

A bag

One thing leads to another. Soon, the police had discovered all the culprits when they found Hugh Doyle, the fourth involved in the plot. They finally had a hand on a bag filled with stolen jewelry.


The officers then found a couple of bags filled with precious stones under stones on the graves of the family members of Jones's partners. No, there was not a single doubt shredding. They arrested Jones, Collins, Perkins, Doyle and five others immediately.

Pleaded guilty

The four old men who were mainly responsible for burglary pleaded guilty. The court gave them prison sentences. It was a single case alone. So, naturally caught Hollywood's interest.

A movie

Three films were made on burglary so far. The list includesKing of thieves Also who was released in 2018. The film had played Michael Caine. Maybe the story related to the 1836 Bank of England will turn into one image one day.

The man

We always wonder if history is a real or just manufacturing. If that's true, we should admire the honesty of the sewer agendar, even though it had many opportunities.

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