The family discovers a 160 year old skull in an English pub with a hidden note inside
What would you do if you find a skull in a pub that has been in your family for generations? Obviously, you will keep it with you because of the fact that the

What would you do if you find a skull in a pub that has been in your family for generations? Obviously, you will keep it with you because of so many feelings attached to it. This family who owned a pub in England was taken Abaque when they found something inside the skull. It was something really confusing because they never drew special attention to that, but when they did, things did not stay the same for the family. How was this family discovered? You will discover soon.
A particular email
One morning, a strange email was sent to a Danish speaker on a mysterious skull. The skull was found in a South English pub and this scholar was really surprised. Intrigued by the mail he was ready to make the depth of this mystery. Who could have imagined that this email would change his life to always leave him in a state of astonishment? Soon, he discovered that a note that was hidden inside the skull for centuries. What did the note look like?
Queen Mary University
It was Dr. Kim Wagner who was a lead speaker at Queen Mary University of London received an anonymous email on the unknown human skull who had something hidden inside. E-mail has not revealed any additional information than the location of the pub. Dr. Wagner loved British imperial history and it was more than happy to make this new adventure of his life. He knew it could all be a kind of joke but always, he remained optimistic about this new company.
The strange email
Dr. Wagner was on his way to teach the classroom. Before leaving for the class, he stopped for a second to see an email notification that just jump on his screen. As he opened the mail that was nothing like an ordinary letter we obtained but was once something else. It was a mail from a family that stated in the mail they discovered a skull in the pub store. They also said they inherited the skull of their parents when they left the pub to their hands. They were not sure what to do with this skull, they informed Dr. Wagner about this discovery.
The family who discovered this skull in the bandroom of the pub under a stack of junk food was taken abaccate by the discovery. It's not every day that we find a skull in our house unless you do not carefully keep it, which would be strange and scary. The pub, Lord Clyde passed under the name of this family in 1963, located in the seaside town of Walmer. Dr. Wagner was already intrigued just by the name of the skull and he was excited to see the skull in person. What happened when he noticed a hidden message inside the skull?
Learn more about this
Dr. Wagner was not a child and he also received several emails like this before. And there were times when they proved to be nothing. But then, he felt the severity of this situation and in his mind he knew he had heard of this skull before, but where he could not remember. He was looking for more clues on the skull, but unfortunately, there was none. Dr. Wagner spoke to the family and asked if he could know more about it or if there were any other information they could provide?
Fixing a meeting
Dr. Wagner called the family and told them about the email they sent about the skull they discovered in the pub that they owned now. The family was surprised to hear it from Dr. Wagner in such a short period. He asked if they could tell him more about the skull or if they can organize a meeting as soon as possible in order to reach any conclusion on the skull. The main question that turned around the skull was if it was even worth something.
Reach the destination
The next day, Dr. Wagner was ready to meet the family and skull who was already in his head 24/7 now. The family praised the scholar and asked him to sit before leaving with the discovery for which the scholar was waiting for a child who was ready to receive the gift for the first time. The family was very high and told him in a very good way. After finishing with the introduction, they released the discovery in front of Dr. Wagner and he could not control his excitement. His hands were shaking as he held the skull. He needed to investigate the skull before he could say nothing for sure.
Bad condition
The skull was not in very good condition because of obvious reason. First of all, he was unknown to the family and they only found it when they were cleaning the pub. Secondly, the skull was really old and because of his attentive poor, he was yellowed with age. The skull also lacked his bone of the jaw and several teeth. But always, there was something that was still intact in the skull. What did Dr. Wagner found during his investigation?
So, what was it?
The family was sitting discreetly in the living room, while Dr. Wagner was moving away from other details of the skull. It seemed pretty much lost in the skull. The family called his name but there was no answer on his side because it was only in the skull. The family was waiting for Dr. Wagner to tell him something or anything on the skull, but they had to wait a little longer because all he told the family was he needed to come back to this skull In the laboratory.
Investigation Supplement
The skull was now placed on a cloth under a better illumination and instruments and Dr. Wagner was busy seizing his tiny details that are faded over time. Dr. Wagner knew he needed more expertise in this investigation because there were links that were missing from the skull. He called little of his colleagues, told them the discovery that made them very curious because Dr. Wagner, they were also aware of this old skull but now when he did not remember a thing about that. Who was the skull? And what were this information hidden in the skull? They discovered everything ...
Clipped colleagues
Mr. Wagner's colleagues watched this skull in his head as if it was a kind of magic that was lost in time. Dr. Wagner told them about email and family and the pub where he was found, but there were no answers that could still say about it on the skull. Everyone was looking forward to starting work and solving this mystery of the skull for once and all. They had to leave zero.
Be a student
Dr. Wagner proposed an idea to his colleagues. He asked them to think like a student rather than a scholar who spent half of his life reading about the history of the world and what is not. A student has a very curious mind that gives them the leverage to think of the box. It was their luck that brought them with this skull and because of this artifact, they again had a chance to be a student for a moment. Things become just interesting.
History of discovery
Before proceeding with the investigation, they divided the team into two parts. Team A received a job to gather some sort of information about this skull from the past and discover who it actually belonged. Team B received the work to use advanced technology to discover its age and details that are not visible to a human eye. The two teams had a job to do and, in no time, they were able to collect information on the skull that answered each question they had in mind.
Equip a
The team was responsible for gathering the information on the history of the skull that was very necessary because there was no detail on this subject anywhere. But always, the team was doing their best to find out anything about it. So what is the best way to find information about something that is related to the past? The team went to the local library to look for old newspapers. But it was not an easy task to do because they had no specific year to start.
Team B studied the skull in the laboratory and we are insured that they collect every detail on the artifact. Even this task was not easy because the skull was really old who did the very slow process. Nevertheless, the team did their best to study the skull and gather information as they could. The team was disconcerted with the hidden information in the skull that left everyone abasoudi. Who could have thought that this skull wore such an incredible message? What was the message?
A sensational find
The skull was discovered for the first time in 1963 which made a lot of noise in local paper. The new advertisements of the pub have even been photographed with the price, standing proudly in front of the world that holds the invaluable artifact. However, children were not happy about it because they thought it was useless and disgusting to keep it in the family. Little that this piece of disgusting history would change their lives forever in the near future.
A piece of history
So what were the hidden information they were able to discover in the skull? This skull was not an ordinary skull. It was a well-documented and valuable part of the story that held a "document" in one of his eyes. Anyone who has hidden that, we are insured to stay hidden for a very long time. Surprisingly, the document was only 170 words. So, what has been written about this note?
Extremely intrigued
It is this particular note that caught Mr. Wagner's interest and especially because this note was related to the academic field he has spent studying and teaching. He could not wait any longer and he decided to read the letter that showed a little light on the history of the world.
A cryptic opening
The text on the note is read, "Havildar's skull" Alum Bheg, "46th reg- Bengal N. Infantry, who was stunned with a firearm, among several others from his regist. He was a leader of the Mutiny of 1857 and a most ruffian disposition. "It meant that there was more to this story and Dr. Wagner was ready to dive into the past that brought as many new information on the period of 1857.
Indian uprising
According to Dr. Wagner, the opening line of the note was a direct connection to the 1857 mutin that took place between Indian soldiers and British leaders in India. This revolution is a well-documented part of history in India and England. But Dr. Wagner had to check the document before he could say nothing for sure.
Audit necessary
Although the note seemed a kind of real and original, it was the skull that was to check for Dr. Wagner to talk about the connection between the skull and the note. It would be such a waste if there would be no connection between the skull and the note. But why will someone keep a part of history as precious in a skull? And why only inside a skull?
Confirming connections
"The first thing I had to do was confirm that the skull himself corresponded to the story. If, for example, it turned out to be that of a 90-year-old woman, so it would have been the end of this one ... "said Dr. Wagner. As we have already told you that the skull was under the observation and there were many experienced eyes that did their best to find something on the skull and fortunately they did it.
Analyze the skull
After the family happily gave the skull to Dr. Wagner, he brought her to the Natural Museum of History in London. He knew that the museum would be able to detect the age of the skull with the help of carbon meetings and a thorough review that the team would be able to confirm the history of the skull and to whom it belonged to Actually.
The results are in
It was Dr. Heather Bonneney who helped Dr. Wagner in this investigation where they confirmed that this skull belonged to a man from the mid-nineteenth century to have been in his 30 years. They also discovered that the person was an Asian descent. However, there was no sign of violence that could say that this person died of a violent death.
The logistics of the end
Dr. Wagner now had all the information he was looking for on the skull. It has been proven that the person to whom this skull once belonged not to die of violent death. So he had to be dead during the battle that took place between the Indian soldier and the British army. But who wrote the note and why he was hidden inside the skull?
Indian mutiny
The Indian mutine of 1857 is also known as the "First War of Independence". This battle almost shake the East India Company and it was an early shot to all the difficulties of struggling and oppression that people suffer under the British rule. Unfortunately, Indian soldiers were not a match at the British army and they still lost the battle, this battle was written in golden words in the book of history.
The conflict of 1857
According to Dr. Wagner, the mutiny was one of the biggest events in the heart of India that changed everything from the future of India and England. England led India through the British society of Eastern India. They ruled India with more than 300,000 Indian troops called Sepoys that controlled India. And one day, Indian troops decided to act against the British and the uprising began in May 1857 and ended in June 1858.
The Revolt of Sepoy
According to history, the revolt that started because the Sepoys were not happy under the rule of British spread throughout India that later involved the general population. Everyone was ready to fight for the freedom of their country. At the time, more than 50,000 British troops spread throughout India. Including mutiny, there were several other major battles and other smaller massacres.
A sad defeat
Unfortunately, Indian troops were not a correspondence to the British army that resulted in the defeat of the Indians. It was Sir Colin Campbell who directed the British army. It was he who did later Baron Clyde, where the Skull of Alum Bheg was found and inside which the document on the history of the world was discovered.
Alum bheg
According to Wagner, Alum Bheg was a revolutionary soldier and the note found inside the skull told the story of this man and the way he killed Dr. Graeme and a reverend hunter, as well as all their families that understood their women and their daughters. In the note, Alum Begh is described as a 5-foot and 7-inch height and about 32 years old when he died. It was executed and it was Captain Costello who attended the execution of Alum Begh and brought the skull to England.
So, now we know that's all and how the skull arrived in a bar and what was this note.

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