The strange behavior of the cat alerts its elderly owner on the dangerous situation outside their home

What is your pet to you? Is your best friend? Your baby? Yours? Your way of escaping this loneliness? Well, in moments of help, they can also be your

What is your pet to you? Is your best friend? Your baby? Yours? Your way of escaping this loneliness? Well, in moments of help, they can also be your saviors. Many times in the past, domestic animals behaved strangely, which led their owners to strange achievements or discoveries. Has your pet already behaved strangely? Was it just another swinging mood or was it? Have you ever wondered the reason behind her?

After experiencing the history of this old woman, you will certainly take your strange behavior of your furry friends seriously.

Bandit, the cat

Bandit had two sides, a playful, other, asleep. These were the two moods of the life of this tabby. However, on a fateful day, he was everything but normal. Nobody has ever thought that the action of this cat forced his owner to call 911. The owner of the cat was afraid if it were too late, was that?

Feline companionShocking Discovery

Fran Swayze is an original of the elderly community of Buena Vista, Cleburne, Texas. Franc could no longer be more grateful than Bandit, the cat was at his side of this day-change of life. So far, Fran did not know one of the most important qualities of Bandit. In a way, Fran was more than lucky to have a companion as a bandit and she was about to realize it soon.

A wandering cat

The bandit was found like a chaton wandering on the roads. His mother was nowhere close to him. The people who saved him could not find a house forever for him. Later, he was dropped in a shelter without killing the house where he spent the first year of his life. It was a beautiful day that Bandit attracted the eyes of the good person that everything changed for Tomcat Tabby.

The one for herThe One For Her

Bandit was a blessed cat like all the other cats in the shelter without killing, he was the only one to go to a house forever with Fran. However, French needed a company of an animal to encourage her she did not know if he was the right choice for her. Although she has a doubt so bandit can adapt to a new environment, it was worth taking a risk. So even when she was uncertain, fran quickly signed adoption papers and took her home.

Feel the houseNatural Instincts

When Fran has taken Bandit Home, he did not do it more than an hour to get comfortable in the new place. Franc was now sure that's where Bandit belonged. But there was a more important issue for them that anything else and it was a very small place where French lived, especially when bandit was a hyperactive cat.

Natural instinctsFeline Companion

FRAN quickly understood that Bandit will not live in these four walls. He was more interested in the outside world and neighborhood kittens than staying in the small room. The adoption of a cat is more difficult than one can imagine. Even happened when Bandit started living with Fran. Bandit used to purr for midnight due to his natural hunting instinct.

Other cat friendsChaperoned Walks

There were other cats in the area and bandard were laughing most of the time because he could feel their smell. Franc could not just leave him out like that. French knew the risks associated with allowing Bandit to follow his natural instincts. So, the pair had to compromise somewhere or the other.

Chaperback WalksStrange Behavior

Fran started taking his bandit to daily walks. In this way, Bandit could satisfy his curious nature and make it more comfortable with the surroundings. After evening walks, the bandit was so tired that he jumps on the bed and will be there until the next morning. But one night, he started behaving differently.

Publish the strange walk

Like every day, French took the bandit for his daily walks and quickly went home while the daughter of France was waiting for him. Bandit, as always, tired, placed on the bed and I did not wake up for a while. Fran was busy talking to her daughter when suddenly bandit woke up and went to the main door and starting to curse.

Strange behaviour

Fran and his daughter were in the living room. Bandit meat me strong and fran tried to ignore him for a moment, but Bandit was not ready to give up. Fran was surprised to see this obstinate cat. Bandit never behaved like that before. So, French thought of distracting it with something better but it will work?

A bit of distraction

Fran Jeta some bandit toys in his direction thinking that the cat will be distracted. But Bandit did not even deserve attention to his favorite toys. If it would be any other day, the bandit would spend all his day playing with these toys, however, this day was different.

Pay attention

When nothing seemed to work Franc closer to bandit and said strictly, "No!" She thought it will be enough to calm the cat but it was not true. The tabby was sitting in his place and looked right in the eyes of Fran and continued to look at her. Fran asked his daughter to look at the cat and the way he looked at her.

Too late?

It's 21 hours and too cold to go out. Fran said his daughter how she just took bandits for her daily walk. She thought it was just a bad habit and she should not allow Bandit to go out outside at that time. His daughter had a different point of view about it.

Out The Door

The daughter of French had a different perspective and she suggested to leave bandit out. According to her, cats can feel things that humans can not. After listening to the suggestion of his daughter and the sound of the cat's ongoing meeting, French cried, "Okay, okay!" And opened the door.


As soon as Fran has opened the door, the bandit ran out to the corridor. Bandit behaved in such a way that he knew where he was supposed to be. The cat seemed to execute in prepaired directions. Fran ran behind him but he became difficult to follow the young Tomcat.

Chasing BanditGetting Her Attention

Franc shouted, "Bandit?"! " But Bandit is not even returned to look at her. Fran became curious when she noticed that her cat finally stopped running. He was sitting at the balustrade looking at the garden. What was it who attracted the cat's attention?

Peering in the darkChasing Bandit

Bandit watched and did not move at all. French caught his cat and took a breath of relief. The moment of FRAN's eyes attracted the view of what Bandit examined it has been taken by total shock. Bandit did not behave like that just to have fun, but there was something that made him behave so weird. She called her strong daughter and ran down.

Lifeless body
Lifeless Body

French saw one of his neighbors lying on the ground. She was an unconscious old old lady. So many questions were in his mind. Fran did not know what happened to her and if someone was behind this condition of her. The elderly woman was not alone in the garden.

Sugar, teckel

His teckel was also there, he sniffed it and moaned. At that time, Fran not only understood the nature of his bandit alert, but also the pain of the dachshund who was not ready to leave his hooid alone in this garden. Fran fran was surprised but his daughter took charge of the situation immediately.

Low Blood Sugar

The name of the lady who was lying on the floor was Mary Baker. She took her dog for a walk that night. Mary who suffered from diabetes named her dog sugar. That day, his concentrations of sugar fell to a dangerous number and Mary did not even see that coming. Usually, she used her sugar tested daily, but it was a sudden drop she did not expect.

Too weak
Too Weak

Before Mary can understand that she was not good, it was too late. Mary falls into the garden and even if she woke up, it is almost impossible to move because of her weakness. It's when French has reached time.

In his wordsRecovery

"When I came, I could see my little dog in the grass over there coming to me. The next thing I know [Bandit, Swayze and Gravelle] is there and I say, "Help me, help me, help me!" And my dog ​​did not choose the cat, and the cat did not choose the dog, "Mary remembered.

RecoveryNo Injuries

The ambulance affected by Mary's time and life was saved. Although Mary is afraid of the worst to happen, she has denied having emergency treatments. Fran and his daughter helped him up and took him to their place. Frann offered him a glass of water and a juice later to help him find the weakness.

No injuriesClose Friends

"How could he hear it, I do not know," said Fran in an interview with CBS. "But everyone, especially Mary, is extremely grateful to do it! God works mysteriously," said Mary in an interview. The Timings of Fran were accurate and Mary was lucky not to have any injuries from the fall.

Close friendsPeering Into Darkness

Fran and Mary both have an emotional thought of the fateful day. They became the best friends and share a lot of time together. Mary said about her new bestie: "I'm blessed that I have good friends. They are my enlarged family." Mary has made a difficult decision after this incident; Give Sugar another house forever.

Let the sugar go

It's hard for us to let our pets disappear, but for pets, it can be devastating and for the same reason, Mary has decided to be very particularly particular on the right house for sugar. While she was looking for a new home for sugar that has become a good partner for giving you.

Sir bandit
Sir Bandit

The story of Bandit has made everyone emotional. It has become a sensation of connection overnight. People just liked it a lot. Many of his fans called him, "best friend of man". Fran says with humor ", we may have to call him Sir Bandit, but I do not want to give him a big head."

Hero of Buena Vista
Hero of Buena Vista

Fran again: "Dogs seem to get all the credit". Yes, dogs are the heroes of most good stories but cats are not a way back. Cats and dogs proved them several times that they can feel it if there is a danger around them. Many owners of dogs and cats even believe that their behavior of domestic animals against the unknowns is a lot about humans. Nowadays, people call the bandit "The hero of Buena Vista".

Dogs against catsDogs Versus Cats

A person mentioned in a comment: "Not a cat lover, but this one is a hero, ladies I hope you live a very long and happy life and stay friends forever, XX in Bandit XX." While Another person has continued to say, "I am a big dog person, but Sir Bandit is a very special cat that I must say!"

New friends for life
New Friends For Life

Thanks to Bandit, Mary survived that night. Fran and Mary give all the credits of their friendship to Bandit. The two ladies treat the bandit as a prince and bandit open well especially accept all the love and affection he gets.

Categories: an animal / / inspirational
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