40 strange facts about Russia that will surely give up your jaw!

Russia in recent decades has been closed from the rest of the world without any information available on this. At the moment when the Soviet Union fell, the country was on

Russia in recent decades has been closed from the rest of the world without any information available on this. At the moment when the Soviet Union fell, the country was again open to the rest of the world. Even after the barriers have been withdrawn and Russia is no longer isolated, there is still a cloud of mystery that surrounds Russia. Here is a list of things that will certainly surprise you on the mysterious land of Russia.

The most polluted place on the earth


In Russia Lake Karachay is placed near the largest nuclear plant in the country. This is considered the most polluted site across the planet. There are loads of nuclear leaks and melted each year. They then flow into the Techa River that finally ends in Karachay Lake. In addition, the lake had been filled with concrete to hope that nuclear leaks do not touch the shores.

Shamanism in Siberia


There is a common notion that shamanism does not really exist today. In fact, on an island of Siberia, there are still many who practice it. The island of Olkhon is probably one of the only places where shamanism still exists. There is also a shaman rock on the west coast of the island. If you ever visit Russia, be sure to go to this island and explore this astonishment.

The first McDonald of Russia


January 31, 1990, would certainly decline as one of the most important days in Russia's history. The first McDonald was opened that day, warming up Russian hearts everywhere. It is located in Moscow, just in Pushkin Square. As it was undoubtedly a completely new thing for the Soviet Union then called the Soviet Union, you can imagine the amount of crowd it attracted. Thousands of people came to enjoy the newly open fast food articulation.

Bear addicts


If you look around the Kronotsky Nature Reserve in South Kamchatka, you will notice that bears have a small problem. These brown bears have actually obtained the barrels of kerosene and gas made for the fuel of aviation and generators and helicopters. People saw bears hide around these helicopters to get a puff of kerosene that they fall on the floor of the forest while they take off.

Cats at the Ermitage Museum


Hermitage is certainly a special museum compared to others in Russia and the world. The Saint Petersburg Museum has more than 70 cats living. They serve as protectors of all artifacts of rodents that come inside the museum. It is actually a long-standing tradition that goes back to the 1700s during the time of Empress Elizabeth, the daughter of Peter, the Great, the founder of St. Petersburg.

Cathedral of Saint Basil


In Europe, you can see the most beautiful cathedrals that can not be compared to any other in the world. Even since an image, you can see how amazing St. Basil's Cathedral. Postnik Yakovovlev had built this fascinating architecture in 1561. There were rumors of Ivan, terrible and blinding after being made. His reason was that he did not want someone else to reproduce the beauty of this structure.

Fight the low population


To fight against the low populations in Russia, in 2003, the government has published holidays to design new babies so that their population is growing. These holidays are rightly called design day and occur every year on September 12th. These holidays ended up lifting the birth rates of June. Women who give birth in June would even receive cars, money and household appliances.

The longest railway in the world


You should not be too shocked to learn that the world's largest railway is in the largest country in the world. This is the trans-Siberian railway. He travels throughout the country and goes from the European side of Russia to the Asian Pacific coast of the country. The total ride is about 152 hours and 27 minutes.

Beer = non-alcoholic

There is another shocking fact about Russia that will blow you. In past beer has not been classified as an alcoholic drink at all in Russia. This was changed after the year 2011. So, by the year 2011, President Dmitry Medvedev officially signed the law that beer would now be considered an alcoholic beverage. This law then had regular restrictions on where it could be sold.

The truth behind the red square


Red Square is one of the most crowded areas on the part of Russia because of all tourists. Its beauty and size are something that attracts millions of tourists every year to visit. If you have never went to the country, you probably associate the name with the past to checkered Russia. But this is not associated with the Soviet Union. The name of this site is native to the word Krasnyi which meant a beautiful time.

Women dominate Russia


Although Russian men are considered macho and virile, they are the women who really lead things. You would be surprised to learn that about 11 million more women are there in Russia compared to men. Life expectancy is 75 for women as well as for men, it is considerably lower. We know that Russian women enjoy more freedom than others from around the world.

Subbotnik: the day everyone cleans


Just think about how the clean and wonderful world would be if each member of a community agrees to participate in a mass clean cleaning activity. This idea is actually executed in Russia. Subbotnik is a day in Russia when the inhabitants of a location join the city. It was something that is from the Russian revolution and is always continued until the date.

Fallen monument park


Between 1922 and 1991, Russia remained under the rule of the Soviet Union. There were several statues of Soviet heroes like Lenin and Stalin standing on all other places. When the Soviet Union fell, where these statues have passed? Most of them have been destroyed but some have been kept in the park fell from Monument to Moscow. Tell what you are going, but they are really fascinating to watch.

The amber room


Catherine Palace of Tsarskoye Selo is located near Saint Petersburg and has already been called home by the beloved amber room. This room was ridiculously luxurious with amber panels, gold leaves and gold mirrors. During the Second World War, this room was captured by the Nazis and placed in Königsberg to be rebuilt. These are the latest information given on this part. Wondering what happened? Same!

Love of the cloakroom


There is something about locker rooms that Russians can not have enough. Most large companies will always have a cloakroom. You would certainly not be in Waltz in a bar, a restaurant, a museum or a gallery if you do not let your coats in these locker rooms. The Masterminds who thought of this idea were baboushkas. These older women certainly do their work effectively.



The island of Yittygran in Russia is indeed a spectacular place. On the north shore of this island, you will see that there are a lot of whale bones, enough for all the place to be called Whale Bone Alley. The abundance of these bones has been used, organizing them attractively and significantly, creating an effect similar to the tunnel. There have been many speculations, but most agree that they are whale bones that captured and fed, kept on the island as souvenirs.

The most beautiful metro in the world


The Moscow Metro System has gained popularity because it is probably the most decadent metros of the world. The ceilings are decorated with amazing works of art and floors are always clean and could give any museum in the world a race to its money. A mystery is metro-2 which is linked to a number of secret military bunkers. It has never been proven but in Russia, you never know.

Russian ice swimming craze


For more than a century, the Prussians plunge and swim under 22 degrees. There is an argument that it is to mark the beginning of winter while others claim that it rejuvenates health. JITKA TAUFEROVA 76-year-old revealed that icy swimming has changed all its life. "The last time I grupled was 25 years ago and that my back pain has disappeared. A better blood circulation improves the healing of broken bones and my heart is like a hammer. I feel good."

The frightening underwater creatures of Russia


Roman Fedortsov, a Russian deep sea fisherman who lives in northwestern Russia has become a popular Twitter personality because it has the most frightening catches it has ever witnessed. These creatures have the measure that you can see are able to send chills in the spine to people around the world. He discovered a new species of sharks, fish with shave teeth and even sea spiders.

Fishing Culture in Russia


Russia is a country in charge of lakes, rivers and seas. The fish is obviously a very integrated part of the Russian regime. The technique of ice fishing is a popular among the Russians. An icy saw, a carrier or chisel is used to cut ice where the fish are then seduced in the stems using grease heads, waxworms and make-ups. Unlike the United States, women in Russia like to go fishing as much as men.

Rabbit populations


Cross the bridge in St. Petersburg to go to Fortress Peter and Paul, a number of Rabbit statues will welcome you. These rabbit statues were created to commemorate the abundance of rabbits in this region in the 18th and 19th century. The island would undergo frequent heavy floods leaving rabbits to fend for their lives during this period. Today, the number of rabbits has decreased, but these statues can be found everywhere.

Avoid ice cubes


When we look at ice cubes, we could see them as something very beautiful. However, no Russian citizen would even have seen walking under them. In Russia, ice cubes are formed in bulk sizes that end up seriously or seriously injuring citizens. Therefore, all these misfortunes have resulted in the government blocking the sidewalks of any danger posed by ice cubes.

Beat the circulation of Moscow


Due to the bad weather that constantly invades Russia, large cities like Moscow are perpetually haunted by intense traffic. Some cars must stop and wait for hours to move while some had not to fear being stuck in traffic. The rich in Moscow are known to call an ambulance just to do it by traffic without problems. It's, by all means, unfair but money can do anything.

Laika the space dog


If you explore Moscow, you can see two statues of dogs. A dog statue is made of bronze having a brilliant nose. It is located in the Ploshchad Revoltsii metro station and touching that its nose brings you good luck. The other is Laika, the space dog that was sent in space in 1957. Laika will remember forever in Russian society, even if she did not survive her expedition 61 years ago.

Complications of flowers


If you ever catch yourself in the spell of someone in Russia and you want to offer you flowers, you must always keep in mind something. The flowers you would allow them should always be an odd number. It is a tradition that has been transmitted by the former Soviet country. Even for funerals, the odd number of flowers is always used.

No door hand shakes


If you meet a Russian for the first time, you will obviously shake hands. This is something that most people all over the world practice. But make sure you never give a hand handle to a Russian under a door. There is a superstition in Russia who shake hands under a door leads to an enmity between the two parties and is a bad omen. So, avoid this in Russia.

The lungs of Europe


The forest of Russia has often been compared to that of the Tropical Forest of South America. There is a reason for that. Since these two forests absorb huge amounts of carbon dioxide, they are often placed together. Because of this important function of theirs, they have been named the lungs of Europe. So, in case something comes to the forest here, Europe would certainly be big problem.

New years


The new years in Russia are definitely the biggest holidays of all time. Unlike some countries around the world, you will never find anyone who works on a new year in Russia because the whole country celebrates. There is a week of the week that takes place in Russia coming from Christmas until January 7th. Most of the days are destined for the party, the exchange of gifts and the restoration, but Christmas is usually spent strictly with the family.

Fellowship market of Russia


The source of wealth in Russia is not tiny. There are 78 billionaires living in Moscow. The country has more than billionaires than around the world. That said, the entire market market of Russia is even less than that of Apple. While the entire Russian stock market is about $ 513 billion, Apple alone is worth about $ 652 billion.

The founders of Tetris


What comes to your mind when we say the word 'Tetris'? This will surely teleport you to the 80s and the considerable impact during its exit of the Nintendo entertainment system. You would be shocked to know that Tetris is not a Japanese creation, but is in fact the first Soviet entertainment software of the Soviet Union to go to the United States. The creator is Alexey Pajitnov, a Russian scientist and a game developer.

Japanese origin of Matryoshka dolls


Even if we immediately think about Russia when we meet these dolls, their origin has a heavy Japanese link. The creator of the famous Matryoshka doll, Sergey Malyutin found a Japanese doll Daruma on his hands. He found several other Daruma dolls inside who intrigued him a lot. He was inspired by this and ended up producing the first Matryoshka doll in 1890.

Oyyakon: the coldest town of the planet


If you have already went to the Yakutia region in Siberia, you will discover Oyyakon Aka the coldest town of the entire earth. This place is full of strong people that you could already imagine. The average winter falls at a temperature of about -58 ° F. The coldest winter ever recorded in 1938 where temperatures were incredible -108 ° F. How did anyone have he survived?

Petergof: the most luxurious city in the world


During the 18th century, Peter, the grand wanted to create a city that would reduce Versailles to a place like a slum. So what did he do? He decided to make Petergof. The city has more than four huge waterfalls with 173 fantastic fountains. Have you ever met something beautiful like a Bolshoy waterfall? The waterfall has about 64 fountains where 225 bronze statues are placed.

Golf helicopter


Russia is still in the competition. So, while America plays golf with their own arms and a golf trolley, the Russians play sports using helicopters. The players would play with a three-legged ball on a snowy road of the helicopter with a giant mallet which is attached to the helicopter. The player leads the helicopter to the course. Incredible, right?

Russians and their superstitions


Russia is full of superstitions. Back in antiquity, Russian would first leave a cat exploring a newly built house before everyone that there was a notion that the first person to enter a house becomes the first to lose his life. A cat has nine lives, so they found no problem with that. If the cat refused, it would mean that they had to rebuild any zero.

City with the most bridges


When we talk about waterways and bridges, the city that appears in our imagination is usually from Venice, Italy. But it's because you've never heard of St. Petersburg. This city has actually three times the number of bridges that Venice has. Often called "Northern Venice", many people have the impression that this city is more romantic than Venice, Italy.

Russian families are very close


You must know that if you are involved romantic and serious with a woman or a Russian man, you will probably be treated as part of the family. There is a permanent tradition so that the Russians support their nearest and their most expensive. The story told us that the Russians are known to be very faithful to their loved ones and relatives. So, if you meet a Russian, you will be treated immediately like a son or a girl.

Russia vs Pluto


The fact that Russia is the largest country around the world is not something new. We are all aware that land takes only one part of landscapes and cities. So there are several secrets about Russia to discover. You would be very surprised to know that the entire country is almost equal to the size of Pluto. Russia measures 17 million m² and Pluto is 17.6 million m².

Too close to being enemies


Russia and the United States for many years have been competing with each other. During the Cold War, the two nations were strongly massively of the head. The two countries are in profound contrast to the other, but are very close to the proximity. For example, there is a distance of 2 miles between the Big Diomede Island of Russia and Little Diomede Island of America.

The fight is real


Even though Russia is rich and large, there are many people who do not discover the joy of living in such a wonderful country. Recent reports have been recent that prove that more than 17 million people live below the poverty line in Russia. This is fundamentally that 12% of the total population is less than $ 220 a month. You can also see several beggars in the streets of Moscow.

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