A maternity photo session at the beach leaves the couple speechless when a non-invited intruder bursts off the sea
People around the world can agree on one thing, the magic of pregnancy. The gift of life is indeed a nice trip that can be witness in the form of a

People around the world can agree on one thing, the magic of pregnancy. The gift of life is indeed a beautiful trip that can be witness in the form of a pregnant woman. Although there may be a number of complications, pregnancy is really a blessing from above. And it is a common practice for a woman and her husband heavily pregnant to set up a photo session, commemorating the trip and birth of their young. But when this lady was nonchalantly posing, something mysterious from the sea took all the attention ...
Something more?

So, like many other couples, this pregnant and strongly her husband benefited from their time at the beach. Her husband wanted to take some pictures of the pregnant woman. She was a full blooming mother who was indeed beautiful and glorious. It was therefore necessary for him to take these invaluable images. The two of them did not know the importance of this day would be ...
It's never a sullen day at the beach for everyone. You get to rejoice in the rays of the sun and the game in the sand. But when they installed click some pictures of the woman, something incredible took place just in front of their eyes. As they looked at the sea, the two of them were amazed, unable to say a word. What was right behind the mother was waiting for was the one who left the couple's voice.
Praxess Pictures of Maternity
The Father, whose name is Dan Mozer, has not been a stranger to photography, although he has not been a professional photographer. He was a very enthusiastic amateur photographer. Dan did not want to take some beautiful pictures of his enclosure, a woman named angeline. Just behind her, was the most an ideal setting for the beautiful woman to supervise. What could be more perfect than the location of the beach?
A little difficulty
It was not a very easy task for the husband to suck for one thing. Things were a bit difficult because Angeline was already in his third trimester. And we all know that being this speaker, at this stage means that Angeline would not be able to move so easily. It was something that both of them learn to be an obstacle to the photo session they had planned.
Thunder Adds problem

As they had chosen the beach to be the place where the maternity photo session would happen, they wanted to define a location first. Their first trial took place all the way to the Atlantic beach. Had heard of the beauty of the beach was there. But as they had not been there before, they did not know the meteorological models. When they arrived at the beach, a storm, unfortunately, welcomed the happy couple.
No idea about the future
And since we all know that good photography depends heavily on good lighting, a storm would definitely cause a major problem. After the storm did not clarify, Dan and Angeline decided to return to the house of the head. They did their minds and agreed to come back to the beach at another time. They did not know what they would meet in the future ...
Perfect Photoshoot

So, after being really excited to pull the maternity photos, because of the implacable storm, the couple was forced to go home. If she had not had the storm, Angeline would have had some beautiful maternity photos now, they had to learn a hard lesson in the way it's hard to get a nice picture. Angeline to be in his third trimester clearly approached the day of his work too.
What is below?
So that Dan has been to start research on the meteorological phenomena encircling the Atlantic beach, their ideal location. He discovered, after an in-depth online investigation that their filming would be perfect next week. But it was not all he managed to dig on the Atlantic Beach region. As it was a big body of water, there were so many unknown mysteries under water ...

Since the couple was not from Jacksonville, Angeline and Dan are not aware of what the beach was. But as they came soon to know, there were some observations of visible marine creatures in the recent past. There were two of them who greatly alarmed Dan. Atlantic Beach was a place where there were a number of sharks and rays.
Little complications
And that was not all. There were other instances that would actually do Dan and Angeline to be a little worried about the location of their photo shoot. There had been reports on the guards on the Atlantic beach coast surrounding in their boat by a big white! Dan, however, thought that this question was not a big deal to prevent them from going. But there were also bay sharks too.
The second trial

Dan was too determined to let the sea infested with sharks keep them from their photo session already planned. He already had a vision and he had to find a way to make life, to remember his wife in his glorious pregnant state. He wanted to finish the Motherhood SHOO before it's too late. So, he and his wife Angeline left a sunny Saturday afternoon to go to the beach once again.
A mistake?
When they reached the beach, surfing was essential and the waves of the sea were fully in effect. Angeline did not think about that and she entered the water without fear and any other riddle. When she really went inside the water from the pregnancy and was in a slow condition, she proved to be a huge mistake.
Frenetic beach somens

When she went to greet in the water, Angeline did not expect to have a meeting with anything. She was ready to ask for her merry husband who waited for it patiently, the camera in her hand. But soon, above the distance, a figure started appearing water. Some people from the beach have tried to look closer. Some others have really scared and headed for water.
In the middle
So the beach was in a chaotic state where there was a contrast of people intrigued by being disturbing, with a little terrified. The beach was divided into some enthusiastic checkers, while some ran for their lives. Dan was not sure of the attached party. But Angeline has unfortunately been captured in the midst of all this madness. She was pregnant and she could hardly make a movement even if she wanted it.
Almost escape

It was a lucky thing because Angeline was already on the shore just before the disaster struck at the beach ... But that did not mean that she could move freely in her condition because of the sand on the beach. We all know how a simple task like jogging becomes difficult on the beach. For a pregnant woman fully blown to try to escape in the sand Soggy Beach would be the whole task!
Always hidden
But even if it has discovered that it is extremely difficult to move away from seawater, Angeline has managed to escape before all that can happen to it. To see that his wife was distant from the trouble and in a safe place given a great sigh of relief to Dan. The couple was always allowed on the finish with their shoot because they had taken a lot of time. There was still something hiding in the sea ...
Always stirring water

Dan was now super excited to finally be able to draw his wife. It was in a "happy snapped" mood so that the photo session is always a chance. They had thought they could move on and so filming, but few knew the worst was not yet to come. He directed his wife to get closer to the flotation line once again since he wanted to draw her as he had already envisaged. Would this become a threat to the pregnant woman?
Even if the circumstances had a little delicate, the couple always went to their tour. Dan was not willing to let this chance move on because they had already failed the first time. Angeline went from the front and put for the camera, Dan was quick to click, but he found that it lacks something. So, they have both closer to the water, without index that something big was about to unfold.
The creature and pregnant woman
So, the couple who all wanted to have the perfect shot took advantage of the picturesque beauty of the beach. But when they got closer to the water to get more blows, Dan held his camera with his eye, amazed in disbelief. There was a great disturbing creature behind his wife and he did not know what to do. And just at that moment, the creature made a move to his beloved wife ...
Like a ball
The creature came at full speed to the shore where Angeline was standing. Dan was instantly recalled to all shark warnings he had decided to dodge before going to the beach for filming. The dark creature was like a bullet in the water. So, Dan looked at the creature as he is even closer to his pregnant wife. Then suddenly, he came out of the water.
what was that?
As Dan simply focused on getting a beautiful picture of her pregnant wife, her attention was immediately attracted to the creature of the sea that came obviously to his wife. Then, when he expected the least, the creature extinguished from the water to reveal what it was. Dan could hardly believe what his eyes saw! He then tried to show a blow of what has just come out of the water.
Finally show
The creature that had finally decided to emerge from the water was actually a dolphin! As we all know that the dolphins are quite agile and agile, which turned out to be a challenge to get it in the frame using his camera. Dan, however, did not want to lose hope. The photo was going to prove to be invaluable if he managed to click on a beautiful! The dolphin then disappeared, only to jump one last time.
Capture the moment

So when he lost all hopes to click on the Dauphin, Dan remembered a trick he could use. His camera had the "burst" option for moments like this one. He quickly changed the setting of his camera to this setting. This would help him capture three executors in fast succession with each click. This option helps a photographer to capture fleeting moments.
A sudden glow
So when he realized that his camera had this frame, Dan hurried to change a "burst" camera. And the only thing Dan could do now was to wait for the dolphin to make an appearance once again. The dolphin, if it is placed in the frame, would help make the shot perfect! But there was no dolphin sign when the setting was changed. Then a sudden shine followed ...
Once in a life of life

The dolphin made a burst suddenly in the air and using the "burst" option, Dan could immortalize the scene. Angeline ended up being a little slower to get a glimpse of the creature of the sea. She did not see the incredible diving ark that the dolphin presented at that time. It was one of the disadvantages that the final quarter of pregnancy is a woman.
Clicking on
Even if Angeline was not able to see that the dolphin turns around, it has not ended up losing a total loss. Why? The moment was captured on film by her loving husband by making an invaluable picture that could not be taken easily by any other photographer. Dan was eager to see what the functionality of "burst" captured. So when Dan opened the image on his camera, his heart was delighted to see what he had captured.
Inestimable photography

To say that the shot was absolutely perfect would be a euphemism! Dan could not see how the image he captured proved to look like. The last blow was one with the dolphin jumping in the middle of the air with his dear woman who pose perfectly on the side. His belly is confronted with the dolphin while the wind blows his hair in cascading to make a brilliant picture.
The photos are viral
And as it was such a breathtaking picture, it was clear that it would be welcomed by people who saw it too. When Dan posted online photos, people have really chick with happiness and fear of what the amateur photographer had taken. The incredible incident has been celebrated by so many people. The image went viral and became a favorite of many people in the world. And the baby ...?
The baby?

So all that happened to the baby as Angeline wearing? Well, in just a few months, a healthy baby has been greeted by the couple. Mozer's couple was now known as Trio Mozer. Little Courtland Thomas Mozer is born and he is a beautiful healthy baby with blue eyes. But even this baby had a surprising secret that no one expected to have.
An epic photobouche
And when Little Courtland was born, his mother and his father had a nickname ready for him. He was nicknamed "Aquaman". It was obviously a name given to the boy because of the photoshoot that took place when his mother carried it, in his third quarter. Why did the Dauphin decide to bless the mockers with this photo that no one knows. This has become one of the most discussed Photobombs ever!
Here are some ideas for waiting for moms seeking to try creative and meaningful maternity photo ideas ...
A bath of milk
If you want to calm and pure and pure artistic maternity, why do not you do a milk bath session? Briell O'Neil was 29 weeks pregnant when she shot this picture in her own house. She explains: "When the bath had about two-thirds, I entered the bath and my photographer started positioning the flowers around me. From there, everything was fun!" The great thing about milk baths is The ability to create something unique and personal. I was able to choose the colors and flowers I liked. The blue orchids were a personal touch for me because they were my wedding flowers. "
A fluid dress, a long track
A fluid dress that gives off a long trail is one fails when it comes to making a statement! If you make a pregnant woman, wear this, the beauty of photography is high. Annette Palmer was about 40 weeks pregnant when she shot at Melbourne. "I had wheat stems sting me in all kinds of places! But when I recovered these photos, I cried a lot. I felt beautiful, "she revealed:" Getting the flying dress, my sister threw the material and quickly released the way. There may have been a little photoshopping too! "
Belly paintings
Check this belly art that Corrina McLean did when she was 34 weeks pregnant. "I followed his work online for a moment and I knew it was something I've always wanted to do," she said. "For my first baby, we did not know sex but for my second baby, we did. Kerriann came with the designs each time. Each room took about four to six hours to complete and sitting during the process, with frequent breaks of course! Getting your belly painted is amazing, I even fell asleep a few times! "
A backdrop of country
If you want a picture of dream and majestic, always use a country background for maternity photos. Courtney Trotter used such a backdrop for its maternity photo session. "We just love the country's lifestyle and wanted our photos to reflect that. We aligned boots to represent each of our current family members and my husband and I stood in the background, "she confessed.
Reflections and high contrast
At a glance, it sounds like a reflection, but if you look closer, it's two gunshots together. We are pregnant kirsty while the other is one of her, carrying her child on her belly. "I had a pregnancy of 34 weeks with my second baby and the mirror image with my daughter on my belly was about 10 days," she added, "It was not a pose Difficult, just a little stimulating with her as she was awake at that moment in the shoot. I like how simple it's with the dark background, so I'm glad we were alleging as well. "

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