This guy posted a photo with his new dog and the police instantly came to his door

Dan Cuthery dog ​​background lives with his Girlfriend Megan at Waterford Township, Michigan. Dan is an ambitious guy with a long list of wishes. The first has

Background of dogs

Dan Cuthery lives with his girlfriend Megan at Waterford Township, Michigan. Dan is an ambitious guy with a long list of wishes. The first among them is to have a house of his own place where he could live with his beautiful girlfriend and a dog. He was in love with dogs and always wanted a dog to his side, but unfortunately, the owner of the apartment he lived, had forbidden the stay of dogs. He really wanted a house of himself!

Dan wanted so much home that he had spent hours in the music studio also made lateral business to win and save enough money to buy a house. His girlfriend too was difficult to finally have his own home. After having accumulated enough money and his girlfriend finally bought their own home in June 2016 and when they entered their home the first thing they decided was to bring a dog. But what happened after bringing this package of joy at home is surprising.

Dan Tillery adopts viral Diggy the Dog posts selfie on Facebook cops ticket

No way out

It was after a month while talking to the Oakland press he said, "[My girlfriend and me] wanted a dog forever, but the place we would rent would not allow dogs. We recently Purchased our first house. All ours. And dogs are allowed. "After the couple decided to bring a dog to their home, the next major problem was to agree on the type of dog to bring. It was a chance that during his search for a dog, Dan saw an American bulldog named Sir Wiggleton in a shelter where the dog took refuge for 100 days.

It was a first-view love for Dan! When he saw the photo of Sir Wiggleton, he instantly felt the connection. He knew only seeing the giant GOOFY face of the Pooch he can become a perfect companion. He could not wait to click on many images with the cute dog they had just adopted so that they immediately brought the dog home immediately. So, Dan brought the dog to his house, it seemed that the dog also liked the company of Dan as they both placed for a photo with the puppy posing fun with his tongue hanging from his mouth and head. army. Until then, everything seemed pretty wonderful for the couple, Dan named the Dog Diggy.

Dan Tillery adopts viral Diggy the Dog posts selfie on Facebook cops ticket

Someone was provoked

The most striking characteristic of the dog was his big mouth smile. So Dan, a musician of the profession began taking selfies with the dog to capture the incredible moment. His GOOFY smile captured the heart of each of each of his pretty photos. For Dan, he could not help taking selfies with his pet and poster them online. In no time, Diggy has become a feeling of social media while Dan would publish all his images on social networking sites. His smile had won at the hearts of people. Surprisingly, one of the images that Dan took the dog caused someone to call the police. Dan had no idea of ​​that.

In a first aspect, the photo seemed to have nothing unacceptable. It was only a photo of an extremely happy owner with his dog. On the photo too, the most distinctive feature was the characteristic smile of the dog. Dan felt very lucky and even sent the Detroit dog rescue photo as a thank you token for helping his dog at the time of necessity.

Dan Tillery adopts viral Diggy the Dog posts selfie on Facebook cops ticket

Very happy

The legend of La Poste has read "We know that this photo will break the internet and we apologize, but we had to share. After almost 100 days in the shelter, Sir Wiggleton has just been adopted. Sir Wiggleton and his new father Celebrate the adoption day with enormous smiles around! "

Dan was a fun loving person and he had now found his partner in the crime. The duet did a lot of stupid and fun things together. But when, after a few days of the photo, the police department of Watford came to the house of Dan, he was left confused and had a natural question in his mind, "why?"

Dan Tillery adopts viral Diggy the Dog posts selfie on Facebook cops ticket

Commit a crime

He was illegal to keep Pitbull and Pit Bull mixtures as a pet in Watford, the police informed Dan. According to the law, they were considered "dangerous dogs". As it was a crime to be found in possession of one, the only possible option of Dan was to return it to the Detroit dog rescue or other pay the consequences. Dan was left confused. Dan was hopeful that the police would leave the question by giving Dan a warning as he knew that his dog was not dangerous. He said, "When they went to the door [to] to see him indeed, he licked himself on his face, was very nice," said Dan at the subwar. "They said, we are dog lovers, it's cool, it seems to be a good boy. Taken pictures of him."

Although the dog was an American bulldog, he looked like a striking likeness with Pit Bull. At first glance, everyone would confirm for a pit-bull. Many people had done it before and that's what happened with the person who filed the complaint and now the police officers had the same confusion.

Dan Tillery adopts viral Diggy the Dog posts selfie on Facebook cops ticket

A bad dream

Unfortunately, civil servants did not bother to listen to Dan. The police told Detroit news in June: "It looks like a pit for me, I would write a ticket." Dan was helpless to achieve only three days to stay with his new companion despite the fact that his adoption documents declared him as an American bulldog.Event Detroit's dog rescue argued that He had taken care of everything necessary procedure before adoption. The organization also highlighted all the documents that clearly indicated that Diggy was a Bulldog not a pit-bull. Before giving the dog, the group had taken the approval of the canton.

Naturally, Dan was outraged! He wanted his boyfriend at all costs and recover it, he decided to use the same tool that had taken his pet. Once again, he turned to Facebook. In addition to letting the fan of Diggy knows development, he also sought for the help of animal rights activists.

Dan Tillery adopts viral Diggy the Dog posts selfie on Facebook cops ticket

Came to support

Everyone with animal rights defenders came to support Dan, but it seemed to be in vain while the officers were firm in their decision. From our point of view, it is a fairly clear case of a prescription that specifies what is allowed and what is not. Our job is to enforce the order, "said Waterford Police Scott underwood at the Oakland press. People were full of mood to counter-attack the decision of the authorities. Contrary to the fact, Dan was preparing for a hearing before the Court. The fans organized an online petition to eliminate the ban on the city, to allow the meeting of Dan and its pitbull.

Fortunately, all the efforts made by the people and the pure affection of Dan to his dog are practical. In a hearing in the 51st district court, all the charges were finally abandoned. "People had really invested their emotions in this story and it is beautiful to see so many people care about life dogs," said Kristina Rinaldi, director of the Detroit Dog help.

Dan Tillery adopts viral Diggy the Dog posts selfie on Facebook cops ticket

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