Read why this bridge Bull refused to leave the animals without his friend Chihuahua!

We all know the level of loyalty that dogs are coming. If you ever have possessed a dog or two, you will know how much they tend to get. This story revolves around

We all know the level of loyalty that dogs are coming. If you ever have possessed a dog or two, you will know how much they tend to get. This story turns around a pair of dogs who refuse to leave aside. This pitbull and this Chihuahua have become so close as when the rescuers have tried to separate them, something wonderful has arrived ...

Back in October 2014, two dogs were kept at the Rocket Dog Rescue, which is an animal shelter located in San Francisco, California. They were a Pitbull Terrier woman named Merrill and a chihuahua male called Taco.The had a kind of mystery, the staff soon discovered something special about them. Since these two dogs would refuse to be separated, the volunteers hoped and prayed for a lifeguard who would adopt the two pookes together. It would be a pretty difficult task. Although they had spent so much time together, in the near future, Merrill and Taco could face separation.

Two peas in a lug

So, during the time when Rocket Dog Saver received Merrill Pitbull and Taco, Chihuahua, the workers were not informed of what their owners were like. There was something very clear about these two dogs. It was the fact that they were crying and moan if they were kept even for a minute. Volunteers would often post photos of these two on Facebook to show how much they have melted from each other. "We just could not bear the thought of between them being separated or wait for the shelter for months to find a house together to come to Rocket Dog Rescue !!!" was the legend.

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To stay together

Volunteers would often post photos of these two on Facebook to show how much they have melted from each other. "We just could not bear the thought of between them being separated or wait for the shelter for months to find a house together to come to Rocket Dog Rescue !!!" was the legend. Rocket Dog Physicians rescue discovered Merrill's health problems after showing signs of illness. There was an infected urinary tract that was to be rapidly medicated. They also noted that this dog was only 3 years old and that it should have been used for reproduction purposes. As she had a threatening infection of life, it was believed that Merrill was abandoned as it would mean that she needs expensive surgery. Since she could no longer reproduce, the owners have obviously found useless. The next thing that has occurred totally shocked from the entire installation.

Merrill and Taco Find a Home - Pit Bull Rescue Story

Merrill surgery

As the pit-bull has been dragged slowly for a surgical procedure, his boyfriend Chihuahua Taco could not stay motionless. He was now 8 years old. Merrill was kept away from Taco because of his surgery that made it completely agitated and anxious. It was clear how much he wanted to be with her. When Merrill was finally released from the theater of operations, the two dogs lamented one to the other. The doctors wanted her to stay alone for her careful to heal faster, but both of them absolutely refused to stay separately. As they resisted so much, the volunteers knew that something had to be done quickly.

Merrill Recovering from Surgery - Pit Bull Rescue Story

A surprise visitor

When the workers saw that the two of them were not going to stay until they were maintained together, they finally had an idea. They allowed Taco to stay in the wake-up room that Merrill was kept. Everyone present, there was totally blown by how much they care for each other. Taco did not do for a second, leaves the side of Merrill and showed his support for his support he could possibly. After seeing this, the volunteers were concerned that the Pit Bull and Chihuahua relationship could cause a problem later. They feared that their link can cause problems later. Rocket Dog Rescue had seen many adoption processes and is well paid with pets to adopt. The intense link of Merrill and Taco has been considered a possible problem later when they would find adopters. As it was rare for people to adopt two dogs at a time, they were worried.

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In addition, since Taco was an old-age dog, they knew it would be difficult to get people to adopt it too. The adorable images of the pair were retained on the site, but there was little interest in Taco. One day, something happened and he took everyone by surprise. Rocket Dog Rescue Now restored the two dogs like a pair. They even gave the legend, "these two love each other more than any pair linked the shelter has ever seen. They cry when they leave the side of the other. This dynamic duo lost his family, their home and we can not let them get lost! "Pull in the adopters interested. The message of Rocket Dog Rescue Facebook for a moment now. Finally, they found a family of San Jose who absolutely liked the pair of dogs. The family went to meet Merrill and Taco in the place of Jodi. They fell in love with them and now, dogs finally found a house forever.

Rocket Dog Rescue Find Merrill and Taco a Home - Pit Bull Rescue Story

Categories: Birth
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