This cat would only accept food in plastic bags and when the volunteers have discovered, they were submerged with tears
Even animal lovers discriminate animals. Some prefer dogs on cats because of the compassionate nature of the old but mainly because of the I-gift of the latter

Even animal lovers discriminate animals. Some prefer dogs on cats because of the compassionate nature of the old, but mainly because of the I-N-giving birth of the latter. Cats can really be wicked and indifferent sometimes, it's a universally recognized fact. But there are cats that do not match the description "Catty" or expected attitude of them. Believe it or not, some cats are known to like to snuggle with their owners and even respond to their attention. But this particular act acted too strange, even for a cat.
Benign korean woman
This Korean woman, who is a voluntary help in a local animal shelter made sure to distribute high quality cat food to any wild cat she found in her neighborhood. She was a familiar face among the cats and they quickly lost their shyness or fear of her and waited for the time of the day she would come with their meal. However, there was a tabby cat that stood out for a particular reason.
Chatty friend
This woman was voluntary with a local shelter, she decided to take custody of all cats streets, not officially. She just released at special moments of the day and offered food to these cats and once these kittens have learned to know this woman offering food they all crowded around her, they even have Aimé be caressed by her who is rare for street cats. They do not trust humans easily. The woman was, however, attached to this act that started to act strangely.
Thank you, woman
The neighborhood did not seem to disturb this woman feeding cats. They were actually secretly relieved because now, the kitchens would not be invaded by these non-wild guests who sneaked to look for food. It was a winning victory for everyone. But there was a tabby cat that started acting strangely. He had just taken meals, like other cats but something changed.
Dongsook (pronounced Dungsuk), like all other cats, turned during the fixed meal period. The woman loved him and Dongsook let the woman caress her. She has eaten the natural dried cat food of the bowl like other cats, but something changes after a while. The Tabby cat started turning away from the woman's food bowl gave her. It started perplexed the woman and she started worrying about Dongsook's health.
Try different stuff
Now preoccupied that Dongsook did not receive the nutrients required for her survival, the woman thought of trying something different. She brought dry and dry cat food for her and tried to offer it but it was in vain. Every day, Dongsook turned the head of the cat's bowl, no matter the type of dry cat food. The confusion of the Korean woman has intensified only.
An idea
Really worried now on one of his favorite cats, the woman tried to do what she never did before. She thought of having the healthiest wet cat food for Dongsook. She kept Dongsook separated from all the other cats and when they left, she told Dongsook to take a bite of wet cat food bowl but she just watched the woman and bruised. So something weird happened.
On the one hand, it directed Dongsook on the healthiest wet cat food and, on the other side, the Korean woman held the plastic bag in which was kept dry cat food for other cats. What Dongsook surprised and confounded the woman even more. Instead of eating wet food, she hit the dry cat's healthy bag of the woman's hand, held her in her mouth and clung.
New routine
Now that the woman knew how much Dongsook wanted her healthy wet food, she made sure to prepare a separate cat food bag every day. All cats used to eat in a bowl of food but as soon as Dongsook had his bag of food, she escaped without eating bites. The woman had thought that this behavior would stop one day but that's not the case, so she decided to play a detective.

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