41 facts about the brain that you did not know!

The brain is a complex organ to understand. There are so many things about this organ that even scientists do not know. However, there was a new disk

The brain is a complex organ to understand. There are so many things about this organ that even scientists do not know. However, there have been new discoveries on this mysterious organ that has been done over the last 15 years. There have been myths on the brain that were lit and here ... facts about the brain that are a huish of mind!

Cerebral weight

A normal brain is 2% of all the weight of the body, about 3 pounds. But this 2% organ of the total weight consumes 20% of oxygen and total body energy. About 60% of the weight of the dry brain is a grease that makes it a most sewered organ.

What is it? Years-neurons and brain cells

Our brain is composed of 73% water. It is because of this reason that if the brain is dehydrated, even 2%, it affects our memory, our ability to pay attention and our cognitive skills. In addition, 90 minutes of physical training that causes a perspiration that temporarily reduce the brain as much as a year of aging can do. It was not determined with certainty but it is estimated that our brain has about 86 billion brain cells. A small brain tissue, the size of a sand grain has 100,000 neurons and each neuron is capable of transmitting 1,000 nerve impulses in a second! And the brain cells are not similar. There are up to 10,000 different types of neurons in the brain.

Oxygen requirements and size and maturity of the brain

We all know that oxygen is the most important gas required by the human body and the brain required a constant diet thereof. This might seem crazy, but the truth is that if the brain is deprived of oxygen, even for five minutes, it can lead to the death of some brain cells and cause serious brain damage. Baby leaders are big to keep the brain with rapid growth. The brain of a 2 year old is already 80% of the size of an adult brain. And even know that this organ becomes quickly, it is not completely formed even by adolescence. It is only at the age of 25 that the human brain reaches complete maturity.

Brain speed and electrical energy!

Have you ever wondered how your brain is able to treat so much information, emotion, etc.? Indeed, the transfer of information in the brain occurs at a weight rate of 268 miles on time! To give you an idea of ​​the speed with which race cars 1 Formula 1 have the maximum speed of 240 miles on time, so your brain is faster than that. Our body communicates with the brain via electrical pulses. Our brain can produce about 12-25 watts of electricity, which is enough power to illuminate LEDs in our refrigerators, about 25 watts.

The thoughts generator and size does not matter

You think of something a second and one thing entirely different from the other. There may also be several thought processes at the same time. An average brain generates about 50,000 thoughts a day and that is why it's called "Random Thought Generator". There are things with what size counts but not with the brain. Larger, better does not necessarily apply here. To give you an idea, get them after taking into account the biggest size of the men's body, it is discovered that their brain is greater than women by 10%, but the hippocampus the brain part associated with memory is usually larger in women.

Brain and other Einstein comparisons

Did you know that Albert Einstein's brain weighed 2.71 pounds (1,230 grams) of about 10% less than 3 pounds, which is the weight of the average human brain? The density of neuron in its brain, however, was above average. Another example of the fact that with a brain, size and weight does not matter. The brains of homo sapiens are 10% smaller than NEANDERTAL had. Even if the human brain is the most important proportional to the body weight of all other animals, it is not the largest. These are sperm whales with 17-pound brains that are a winner of this category.

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