A long Californian woman wishes to have a dog was refused when the shelter told the real reason behind her

Sometimes life puts you in a very difficult situation where everything seems to go in the wrong direction, but it depends on us to be the master of the SE

Sometimes life puts you in a very difficult situation where everything seems to go in the wrong direction, but it depends on us to be the master of the sea. We love all the pets, whether it's a dog or a cat or a cat or a cat or a cat Another animal, we have our individual choices. Later, in life, you get the opportunity where you could actually hold a nice little pet in your arms. You make this little creature part of your family and your life. You see that your pet loving grows in something more beautiful and the unconditional love they realize you is nothing to compare you. Even this woman was ready to have another member in her life, but things took a very strong turn and life became full of unexpected events. Let's see what happened when this woman asked for shelter to let her adopt a dog. But to his surprise, they simply say no. What was the reason they refused his request to adopt a dog? You will discover soon ...

Easy thought

The words that have just hit his eardrums and the vibration of the sound could be heard in his mind and his heart. They were tired of all the trips that made several hours long. Even in the car, they believed that it would be an easy process in which they would meet the inhabitants of the shelter followed by works of paper and they are finally back on the road with a dog on the back seat of the car. But it was that they did not think the shelter people. Something has happened.


When she met the shelter people, it was completely a different story. There was no reason why they refused his request to adopt the dog. The exhaustion, frustration and fatigue really made anger against the behavior of the people's people. While his anger was starting to get up, she was determined that she was not going to be empty her hands after having traveled for such a distance. But then she saw something that made her understand the reason why these inhabitants of the shelter stop.

A long wish

Jess Williams loved dogs and always wanted one in his life. But, unfortunately, she had to make her want to have a dog aside for a few years. Jess was leaving his house to complete his studies. She knew that the day she completes her degree, definitely she would certainly be a dog. But as we said earlier, sometimes things do not arrive as we want. She was right there to fill her wish to have a dog but that the shelter people tells her the reason she can not have this dog. Reason has changed everything for her.

Changes of life

Jess moved to the Brown University to complement her studies she knew how important, but in her heart, she knew that one day after graduating from order, the first thing she would do is Adopt a dog. She even thought she had a dog in her college days, but the college dormitory would not have allowed pets and she was back to the broken heart. She knew she had to wait a little longer. But, finally, the day came.

A degree

Jess finished his degree from a Brown University. Although she was sad because her college days were now over and she has to move on to the next stage of her life. His friends will not be there 24/7 to support or encourage him. Now, she must walk on the way to her life alone. On his day of graduation, she was sad but was happy too, because she could now adopt a dog and there will be no problem. But little she knew, there was another problem that broke her heart again. What was the reason the shelter people refused his request?

Does one for the other

After graduating, where she left her best friends, all she had with her was Jared Coutou, who she met in her college days. Soon, they started to date each other and they are slowly fallen for each other. The college was over but with time, their love became stronger than ever. Even Jared knew how much she loved dogs and even he was in dogs. They were made for each other. Then he decided something for them two.

Categories: Birth
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