These foods will put you in a bad mood

These supermarket cookies and extra-cheese cheese pizzas make much more damage than just developing your turn.

Although there is nothing wrong with to indulge in somecheese macaronis you used to eat like a child or snack on a little chocolate every now and then, it's also important to keep in mind thatWhat you eat really a direct correlation with your mood. Not only is there a link between what you consume and your physical health, but there is a direct line to your mental and emotional health.

It is important to remember, however, that it is a two-way street: foods influence directly on our brain chemistry (even temporarily), but the mood also influence on choices that food is why understanding what Different foods are for you is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. We asked for health experts to weigh, so that we can know which foods lead to free fall moods, anxiety and troubled sleep.


A soda

Brown soda in a clear glass against a white background

If you have spent more than a few minutes on, you will know how to anti-soda we are. Since the toxic drink also puts you in a bad mood, it is a little sad people sacrificing so much for such a short term. "Soda drinks contain simple sugars that are quickly absorbed in the blood," says Celebrity Nutritionist and Health Consultant Mikaela Reuben. "This causes a rapid increase in energy, then an accident, which affects the control of sugar in the blood, energy levels, and mood. Gaseous Diet Zero Calorie Drinks are particularly harmful, not only because of the link to Aspartame Cancer. A number of studies have shown that people who drink at least two diesel drinks per day are likely to end up with a "belly of sodium", which exceeds as a belly of beer. No thanks!

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High sugar content and cocktail mixers juice

sugary mixers

You could confuse your own drinks at home, but cocktail fruit juices tend to be loaded with sugar. "They are a bit like drinks of Soda with regard to their sugar content," says Reuben. "The effect of their high sugar content is the same, the sugars will be released in the bloodstream, which allows a renewed energy to take place, but finally ends at a low point, leaving one to feel tired , irritable and depressed. »



Plain bagels

Another culpritive doping sugar doping in the blood and cause planting, simple carbohydrates of bagels will make you feel everywhere. Bagels are made from white grains, which have no nutritional value (namely empty calories) and the tip of blood sugar will be particularly strong if the bagel is not consumed with proteins (such as peanut butter). If you want a carbohydrate solution, carbohydrates to reach "good" asSweet potatoes andoatmeal steel cut To maintain your stable blood glucose; they are the two options rich in nutrients that areRich in satiated fiber.

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Nectar of agave

Agave nectar

"This ingredient contains an excess of fructose. This increases the risk of metabolic syndrome, which you prime numbers for the narrowing of the brain and the instability of mood, "says Kelly Founder Boyer and Chief Executive Officer in Paleta. "Although all sugars should be consumed in moderation, try using 100 percent of maple syrup or local honey instead of agave, these healthier options contain keyplant minerals and antioxidants that promote the health. »


Vegetable fat

bowl of lard

Boyer stays away from vegetable shortening because it is made with inflammation promotion of industrial fats and high levels of omega-6 fatty acids that can falsify mood and healthy insulin levels by blocking construction Brain, improving the mood of omega-3 fatty acids. It recommends choosing the olive oil or grazing butter of grass-fed cows because they contain anti-cancer properties and have been shown to reduce belly fat and lower risk of heart attacks.



Processed deli meat cold cuts

Packed meats like ham, mortadelle, hot dogs, and turkey, may contain high levels of energy suction, psychotropic nitrates, food conservation agents, dyes and additives that cause jumps. of mood, retention of water andbloating, and headaches. Boyer recommend roasted your own turkey or chicken breasts and cut yourself for a healthier (and cheaper!).


Packaged, transformed seeds

Sunflower seeds

"Even if a large choice when they are consumed raw or roast versions, the treaties are often covered with a preservative called potassium bromate, which blocks iodine to be absorbed by the thyroid," says Boyer. "When your thyroid can not work properly, you may not be able to possibly. Psychiatrists often check the thyroid levels of their patients when dealing with depression. They are also often loaded with sodium and dubious food additives. »


salted peanuts

Honey roasted peanuts

Reuben advises that salty peanuts are nixed by most regimes. "Most of the peanuts you buy in the store contain high amounts of sodium and often a food additive called MSG, which is an artificial aroma that leaves a depressed, low, fatigue and often in a bad mood or with headaches. . " Boyer accepts, adding that she recommends doing your own mixture of raw nuts, almonds and walnuts in Brazil. "Some new research seek rosemary as a potential grass protecting the brain, so throw your raw walnuts with a rosemary and a pinch of sea salt, then roast at home."



blueberry muffins

Traditional cooking trees such as cookies, muffins, cakes and pies all contain high amounts of refined sugars and saturated oils - all lead to a person who feels heavy, lethargic, depressed and constant fluctuation of mood. While sweets should always be considered indulgence, he is surprisingly tasty andExtremely healthier alternatives according to the nutrient ingredients.



Margarine stick

"Margarine contains large amounts of transformed saturated fats, which are very different from fat in healthy options such as olive oil, walnuts or lawyer," says Ruben. "Margarine consumption can cause imbalance in blood glucose, resulting in fast mood swings and weight gain."



French fries

Unless the restaurant you buy from fucking their fries, which is not often, you will probably consume a handful of these delicious fries full of refined carbohydrates, saturated greases and large amounts of salt. This can cause ravages about your mood. "The aforementioned refined carbohydrates, saturated fats and the salt you find in traditional fries cause a peak of energy to take place, where you feel good and alert, but ends with a drop, leaving a slow, irritable feeling , tired and foggy, tired "explains Ruben.


Canned foods

open canned corn carrots peas green beans

Sodium levels are not the only thing you should look at when scanning the canned food driveway. "When buying canned foods, I always recommend that you ensure that the label of the states that this chemical additive is linked to a number of chronic mood disorders, such as depression And anxiety, "says Ruben.


Processed foods

Toaster pastries

We already know that the processed foods affect our size, because most contain high amounts of refined sugars, saturated fats, preservatives and many additives to keep them stable and tasted good people for a long time. "These foods completely disrupt our mental and emotional functions, throughout the process leaving a depressed feeling, exhausted, anxious, tired, not motivated and non-inspiratory", reset Ruben.




The coffee is a double-edged sword: with moderation, it can be fantastic; In case of overconsumption, he can wreak havoc. "Coffee can have an immense effect on its mood, depending on the amount of consumption and how it is used," says Ruben. "When we take coffee, our bodies produce cortisol, the main stress hormone. We get an energy peak, which has resulted in our sense of physical and mental functioning. When this tip is blocked, we feel Often exhausted, with low energy both mentally and physically, and this can lead to more chronic disorders such as adrenal fatigue, mood swings, depression, anxiety and so on. "Learn more. with those27 health experts think of coffee.



Cereal flakes in a bowl

Most cereals purchased at the store contain processed ingredients and are high in refined carbohydrates (due to refining their grain wheat, corn or oats of origin). "Eating refined carbohydrates can send your blood glucose on a Rusante mountain, causing mood swings and it has been shown that this causes an increased risk of depression," says Kerri Axelrod Health Coach Kerri Axelrod. "Instead, opt for a breakfast filled with complex proteins and carbohydrates, which will stabilize your blood sugar and keep you fed and better prepared to tackle yourself."



Whole wheat bread

For many people, wheat can make them feel in a bad mood, even if they think their titumies can handle it. "Gluten is the main guilty of the quality of the quality of the wheat atmosphere," says Nutritionist and Author Cassy Joy Garcia. "In addition to the damage to the intestine, gluten exposure (especially substantial quantities) has been documented to cause mental mists, among other adverse reactions related to inflammation."


Dried fruit

Dried fruit

The problem with dried fruits is that they lose their water content in the dehydration process, so it is very easy to eat too much, which means that you also consume sugar (and often additives and conservatives also). Garcia also notes that, while the fiber of dried fruits helps to mitigate a tip of sugar in the blood, it can cause a disturbance of the intestine if you eat too much. "Staying awareness of the portions is ideal for the atmosphere, but you can often start the positivity." If keeping your portions in check is a challenge for you, try them18 ways easy to control your portions.




What rises must go down - and alcohol is a depressant, after all. "Although alcohol can cause a temporary feeling of happiness, the crash can often bring a mood quickly," says Garcia, who recommends completing with plenty of water, protein, sleep and understand that moderation is the Key can help fight the BOOZY blues.


Potato chips

Ridge potato chips in bag

The majority of companies use a vegetable oil to fry their potato chips known to contain a high dose of saturated fats and omega-6 fatty acids. According to Reuben, these fats work against omega-3 fatty acids (those we want!), Affecting mood by provoking inflammation throughout the body and leading to various mental and emotional instabilities. Worried about inflammation? Fight with these30 best anti-inflammatory food!

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