Abandoned lioncy of trouble going later gets the most unexpected carrier mother

Often treated as the "king of the jungle", the lions are majestic animals. Their ardor, strength, courage and power are what they are known for. their simple

Often treated as the "king of the jungle", the lions are majestic animals. Their ardor, strength, courage and power are what they are known for. Their simple view gives us the feeling of royalty. But never heard how different these species are with regard to their pride, territory and their young?

This story is a lion cub of a zoo in Poland. Until he was born, the lioness was a protector who loved and fed it. However, things have taken steep shift after only a few weeks of the birth of this little one. At an early age itself, what lionsses was in fact a member of the majestic family tasted the bitter reality of his existence. This story evokes strong emotions of sympathy and compassion for the small one. How does the Lion Cub survive in this cruel world?

Your Majesty

Lions are one of the wildest distinct and amazing animals. Although they belong to the family of cats, they are the ones of which roar can give you chills in the spine. They are great felines with a heavy gold mane. While Majorly they live in the meadows and savannahs, these exotic species are even reserved in some zoos and habitat centers.

A little different

Lions are ferocious creatures. These are wild beasts, who are hunters. And that's what makes them the kings of the jungle. A lion is a totally different beast with regard to their little ones. Although they are protecting themselves, not whenever they are. And unfortunately, the Poland Bear was the one that was not protected.

Kind of weird

When everyone believes that it is a human or an animal, all women have strong maternal instincts. But when the lion and lioness at the zoo do not show their love and interest in their small, it was a strange act to everyone, including zoo guardians.

Partial pride view

As for the lions, they are those who pride is everything. Be accepted as a pride member is what lions are thirsty for. The pride is often a group of lions where the main headbands the leader does change only when there is a birth or death of a lion. With the birth of this small animal in Poland, why not change things?


A baby bear was born to the Lion family in a Zoo of Poland. When all lioness was extremely protective of their little ones to a certain extent that if someone spent their newborns they would attack, the mother of this cub did not bother his own baby and with these things Flysed for the Lion baby.


While for a few days the lioness could be seen around his little one, just after a week, she has completely abandoned her. She does not take care of him, cajoled or provide him with the heat, but would simply pass before him. At the stage where the teddy was very young, life without mother getting challenged.

Categories: Birth
By: amy-seing
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