Discover Archaeologists Lost City of Villa Epecuén

It is often said that humans have not yet discovered the endless secrets that are under marine life. There are old scriptures in different mythologies that claim

It is often said that humans have not yet discovered the endless secrets that are under marine life. There are old scriptures in different mythologies that the demands of cities that once existed on this planet, but they disappeared in these bodies of water over time. Even today, there are places like the famous triangle of Bermuda and the mystery behind the strange phenomenon is still unknown. Although there are still myths and speculation, there is a city that, once underwater and drowned now looks like a ghost town. It is not a myth or a history invented. It all started in the 20th century and whose traces are still visible and they were captured and documented. Today, we bring you the history of a city that has disappeared from the world for nearly decades after faces a flood. Read until the end that all the small details of this story sends chills in the back.

Drowned Cities

The tales of various mythologies involves stories about the cities that are hidden from the world as they had apparently drowned or submerged under water. Many theorists believe that these cities hide invaluable objects and invaluable treasures in dating back at the time when the Maya civilization reigned over the earth. But today, we will shed light on a story that is not a myth, it's for real!

Mother Nature

When the mother nature decides to strike and unleashes his anger on us, there is not much that we can do about it. Thousands of people around the world lose their lives after being victims of different kinds of natural disasters. Take the 2004 tsunami, for example, who touched various regions of South Asia, near destroying cities, he had struck. But can you imagine something of the magnitude that can drown a whole city and let out again and disappear from the map?

As true as possible

As fiction it may seem, what happened an incident for everyone real and left that has witnessed this horrible phenomenon in shock and despair. We are not anything and manufacturing have got the proof as well in the face of various photographs that had been documented. We will reveal some pictures that are a living proof of what is flooding can do for an existing city. So get ready for this incredible but real story that will certainly leave you mouth.

The Living Proof

Today, we bring you the story with some incredible images of a city that was once almost up to 5,000 people. These images are proof that terrifying cruelty and nature can get and why should not even dare or just think of playing with it. Read on to find out how, when and where this amazing still horrible phenomenon took place. Spoiler: It's somewhere on the South American continent.

JAW-Dropping History

Are you a fan of Indiana Jones or simply looked at the movie or similar movies in the tastes where the story turns around the protagonist hunt for a loss or hidden city? Even if you have you can not guess everything that is about to come like this story is of its kind. Curious a lot? We will not lose a minute not to go anywhere that things are about to take a very fast pace.


Villa Epecuén is located along the shore of a lake named Lago Epecuén. Salt Lake is similar to any other mountain lake, but there is a significant difference that makes it extraordinary. The body of the water is just second at the Dead Sea with regard to salt levels. It has also been found that Lago Epecuén salt levels are ten times the salt levels of all oceans. Although there is an interesting story behind the highest levels of salt present in the lake that we are about to discuss.

A myth

There are many stories related to famous historic sites and this lake is no exception. It is said that the lake was created from the tears of a great Indian chef after he started crying. The reason why the chief throw away tears and form a lake as great was that he had suffered the pain of losing his beloved. Love can do wonders! While history is nothing but a myth, which are the therapeutic powers of this lake. It is said that a bath in the lake is useful in the treatment of depression, anemia and a variety of other evils.

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