The owner discovers the incredible reason behind the strange behavior of his dog around her

Dogs are considered as the most loyal friends of humans. Many researchers and dog owners believe that dogs have an extremely strong sense of protection for T

Dogs are considered as the most loyal friends of humans. Many researchers and owners of dogs believe that dogs have a considerable sense of protecting their owner. If you are not a big part of a dog lover, let us tell you that dogs do incredible things all the time. Do not believe us? Just ask any dog ​​owner how their POOCH does and they will start talking to you about the adventurous stories of their furry friends with so much enthusiasm.

But Keola, a Race dog Akita did the strangest thing to his pregnant wife. At first, no one could understand the reason behind the strange behavior of this dog, but when they did, it changed them as a person forever.

A family of three

A health assistant named Alhanna Butler lived with his fiancé Ricky in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England. After several years dating for several years, the couple finally decided to move together and start a family. The first member they added to their families, as well as their house, was a pretty akita puppy called Keola.Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola Dog

Keola, Akita Inu

Butler and Ricky shared similar ideas about this, according to them, a person who can not take care of a dog is not willing to assume the responsibility of a baby. Therefore, the couple adopted Keola, an Inu Akita in the hope that she will be the first step in expanding their families. As a puppy, the couple could not have enough her and when she grew up, Keola could not stay away from her hoombais.

One step after the other

Alhanna Butler Pregnant Woman Dog
Keola was just a few weeks when the brush initially brought him to the house. For the next eight months, they cared for all his needs, the couple finally understood that they were ready for another important step in their lives. The couple was positive to add another member to their families, unfortunately, it was not going to be an easy way for them. They tried to conceive several months but whenever the test showed negative results.


A beautiful day, Alhanna Butler took over the pregnancy test and he showed negative like the previous time. In an attempt to take his mind on the negative test, Alhanna threw the test and went outside with his beloved, Ricky. Meanwhile, Keola was not going to leave her Hes let's lose so easily.

Unusual behavior

Alhanna Butler Ricky Butler Keola Dog
That night, Alhanna and Ricky returned to the house completely messed up. The cushions were on the floor and the surprisingly Keola did not even touch his food. And it seemed like she was not ashamed of her actions, in fact, she was looking forward to her hoombans to go home and see what she did! It was completely in front of Keola's usual nature.

The discarded pregnancy test

Although Ricky started repairing the cushions, their pet ran to the bathroom and Alhanna followed her to look at what she was doing. Certainly, Keola had to find something exciting but as far as Alhannan can remember, she did not leave anything about her friend's interest outside. So what was it?

Categories: Birth
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